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Everything posted by cwagner2401

  1. I just upgraded a 994i ZW (300 series zwave) to 5.3.4 and then read that doing so will ruin the system (face slap). Is this a recoverable situation? I can still access the ISY so, I downgraded to 5.0.16C and it seems to be ok however I haven't tried to configure and test any devices yet. Thanks.
  2. Problem solved - I didn't realize there was an updated UDM app version put on the app store last week - downloaded and the status is back.
  3. I'm having the same issue. It started immediately after the oAuth issue was solved. I'm on what I believe is the latest ISY994 version 5.3.4
  4. Thanks, Javi.
  5. Question: Subsequent to a spurious restart event in my 994 (see below), the UDM remote access issue presented itself. Is there anything in the problem you found that could have restarted my 994? The log time is Eastern US time. @Javi INSTEON Device Control Value Time User Log Type 0 null Mon 2024/04/29 11:32:22 PM System Start
  6. Remote and Local now working just as before - all good here. Thank you!
  7. Same here - remotely, device icons are grey and I get the 404 error
  8. FYI - I can go to the UD ISY Portal and select "ISY Web Access" - there I can see and control devices. So it appears to me that the portal can see my ISYs but UD Mobile is having a problem with the portal.
  9. I can only work on the ISY in house #1 (the other is a 4 hour drive). So, in house #1, I followed the instructions and now local is working (can see and control devices) but, I still can't access remotely.
  10. Both ISYs produce the same result
  11. Also UD Mobile fails both local and remote.
  12. Just a note for clarity: both my systems are ISY994i/IR Pro 5.3.4 and UD Mobile app is latest from Apple app store
  13. No. I can control all devices with both the admin console and eK Pro both local and remote
  14. I'm having the same issue with two separate ISYs in two different US states. I have two ISY 994i/IR pro systems in two different houses that are showing the 404 oAuth error for the past two days. I can sync successfully with both ISYs but ,when I attempt to look at devices, the icons are grey and the 404 error occurs. I can access both systems and control devices with eKeypad Pro. Both ISYs show that the UD portal integration is online & registered. Also showing the correct active services and that they are registered.
  15. Thanks again. Good news is (so far) the two houses I have that are on 994s have not missed any notifications (that I'm aware of). I'll keep a sharper eye out.
  16. Thanks Geddy. Do appreciate your reply. Just another thing I learned... AT&T SMS doesn't seem to forward back-to-back (within the same minute) messages. I found that putting a 2 minute delay in between messages that I know might be back-to-back (failure/restored msgs primarily), solves that limitation.
  17. Problem Solved! The customization content I'm adding that have IDs over 42 just so happen to have no body - just subject. I added body text and is working now.
  18. More info... I looked at the error log and for the IDs over 42 I get mail server error. Mon 2024/03/18 11:03:34 AM System -50001 -19 This makes no sense to me because the IDs 42 and under are working fine. Same mail server. Hoping I'm missing something simple. Thanks again.
  19. Content IDs 42 and under send fine Test always works Running ver 5.3.4 Any insights appreciated! Thanks.
  20. They aren't scenes. They are scene controllers but they are not scenes.
  21. Update: 1.1.36 is failing in the same manner
  22. both are iPhones - one iPhone 14 on iOS 16.6.1 the other iPhone 11 pro max on iOS 16.6.1 updated the iPhone 14 first and 2 problems exist 1) the favorites icons are no longer formatted on the screen propery 2) when turning a device on - the device goes on but the app doesn't show that it's on so you can't turn it off. If you go back one screen and then return to the screen with the device you just turned on, it shows on and can be turned off. INTERESTING TO NOTE: the iphone 11 wasn't updated and was fine and showed the light status properly. However once updated, the iPhone 11 exhibits the same bad behaviors Can I go back to the previous UD Mobiule version? Thanks.
  23. yeah, I can do that but, would be easier to do it in one place. That said I do understand the support issue. Thanks, Javi.
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