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  1. I see. Thanks for the input. I have about the same number of Insteon devices as you have ZW. I am seeing about the same failure rate as you. I guess I should have just continued replacing Insteon devices as necessary instead of complicating my setup by adding Z-Wave. It doesn't look like there is much to be gained by the move - if anything. I also utilize a couple of Keypadlincs, and I'm not seeing a real comparable Z-Wave alternative. I like the LED indicator of Dim level, and the responsiveness of the Insteon devices. If Insteon is not in danger of going away (as some have suggested), and the Z-Wave device failure rate is not much better, I guess I should just sit tight for now.
  2. Interesting topic. I just purchased some Z-Wave devices to play around with. My house is all Insteon - every switch in the house. It is extremely reliable in function. What sent me looking at Z-Wave is two things. First, because I see questions about Insteon survival, but what really pushed me was the failure rate of the hardware. I have replaced a lot of these switches over the years - they just start malfunctioning at some point and it's annoying to keep having to replace them. They have gotten better though. I just set a Z-Wave range extender on each floor and set up a couple of lamp dimmer plug-in modules, and I have some switches to try. The couple I have in now are working fine, but not as responsive as Insteon, and not as elegant. Now I'm not sure if I should just continue buying Insteon, or keep digging into Z-Wave some more. As someone here mentioned - it's expensive and time consuming. Don't want to bet on the wrong horse.
  3. Sometimes I click on a scene in Admin Console and get "Socket Open Failed...Unable to establish loopback connection" When that error occurs, the scene command fails. What is happening?
  4. The Compare bug (had to click twice) is confirmed fixed for me, as well as the bug that listed some "Identical" links incorrectly as "Extra Record" (GUI error) - also fixed for me. Jim H.
  5. Yes, Michel - and thank you for taking the time to explain. The bottom line seems to be - .14 may, or may not, fix group com issues with new devices. I have a good test switch that has been a prime example of the group com problems. I'll see what happens and let you know. It will take up to a week for me to be sure - due to the intermittent nature of the problem. Jim H.
  6. Michel, I appreciate the long response, but I don't think my question was clear. Let me put it this way. We all are aware of a problem with .35 Switchlincs and group communications. You say you solved programming issues, but can not control device to device communication (of course). My question is - are the v.35 problems that we have been seeing caused by programming, or is the problem related to device communication? I always assumed it was the later, and was surprised to see people writing that you have put out a fix for this specific problem. Jim H.
  7. Michel, Could you please clear something up for me? It is being posted on the Smarthome forums, and the CocoonTech forums that .14 is a fix for the problem of poor group response in v35 (4.0) Switchlincs. Is that true? Are these switches fixed by simply reprogramming them with .14? Thanks, Jim H.
  8. Great. The EZIO8SA is the one I am chomping at the bit for. Hope the R&D goes smoothly! Jim H.
  9. Just use Google or Yahoo search. It's not hard to find.
  10. Did you add any new devices? Are you using any new (recently purchased) Switchlincs? Jim H.
  11. Darrell & Michel, Thanks. I left it set to Wednesday, and it did run and worked perfectly. (in case you were wondering) Have a great year guys. Jim H.
  12. Yeah, I just set mine to Wednesdays, at 11:59:59PM (1 second early). Now I have a week to remember to turn it off. Jim H.
  13. That's funny. I'm going to set up the same right now! Jim H.
  14. Is there a danger that the "fix" will involve yet more replacing of devices for corrective firmware? Jim H.
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