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  1. Turned out to be a firewall issue - after I poked another hole in the the firewall from the lan to https everything worked. The end result is that I can use the ISY anywhere there is reasonable reception on my Rogers Rocketstick.
  2. Remote access still eludes me: I can connect my Iphone via Http but not Https. I have confirmed that the DynDns address matches my local IP I have switched to port forwarding 443. I have verified that port 443 is indeed open. established a static lease to ( which Port 443 is forwarded to. On the ISY GUI (the latest 3.1.10) I have disabled internet access and enabled auto DHCP - on "about" the http address is ( The only thing I can think of is a corrupt Java Certificate. I have tried to manage SSL certificates but the UD Certificate always hangs before I receive a new one. Any suggestions/help will be appreciated.
  3. Greetings, I am switching from a Time Capsule (non UPNP router) to a MoFi Networks 3500-3GN router (UPNP enabled) and am having trouble re-establishing remote access. I have turned of the port forwarding in ISY config and have checked " auto DHCP" and rebooted ISY to save the changes. I have no problems accessing ISY over the home network. I am using an existing Dyndns host and the MoFi has a built in service for DNS which I have enabled and configured to match the online settings. I have also enabled UPNP on the router. When I choose "establish internet connection" it succeeds and gives me as the address. I must have missed changing one of the settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Restarted the Imac and now the UD certificate shows up in Java Pref/Security. "Problem" resolved. Thanks
  5. Upgraded from 2.8.13 to 2.8.16 without any problems other than the "not found" error which is easily solved by manually entering the http/https address(s). Although everything works fine including dyndns I have noticed there is no certificate under Java Prefernces/security, even after I went through the self/signed SSL routine, as there was in 2.8.13. Is this normal/ a non issue or is this something that needs to be addressed? BTW:This is on an Imac I5
  6. Just checking to see if the error in the 2420M select box was fixed - in .13 the software toggle was backwards to the label.
  7. Sure did, but thanks for the suggestion. Resyncing MobiLinc returns "an SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." About the same response from a remote web access attempt. This sounds similar to an experience I had with 2.8.8 before I had a working SSL certificate. I am no expert on SSL but this where I would look first. Are you using a service like Dyndns? I believe they require that you have an SSL certificate in order for things to work. Hopefully someone with more background will jump in...
  8. Did you try hitting the "resync" under "settings" with Mobilinc - I upgraded from 2.8.8 -2.8.13 and had to resync in order to gain access - it may have something to do with a difference in java certificates.
  9. Good news, just confirmed that checking the middle box solves the problem. Maybe be a link or a sticky should be made so others with the same problem on other threads can get this piece of info. I know there were some that came to the conclusion that this was a hardware issue with the 2420M instead of a GUI error. From looking at the forums this GUI error does not appear to be limited to 2.8.13.
  10. Is there more than one "bridging mode" with the 2420M v2. If you hold it for about 4 seconds it will start flashing slow, if you tap it again it flashes faster, tap it again it stops flashing. Is the slower flash the bridging mode indicator? Thanks again
  11. I have 3 2420M's (V2) in my setup with two AP's. The only way I could get reliable operation is by leaving Jumper 5 off (none of the other jumpers are on either). If I press setup I am required to put the 2420M in linking mode where it appears to send the new settings to the device. If I leave Jumper 5 on then the 2420M will continue to show the sensor state as On - even after 5 minutes. Just for a lark I tried using the 2420M-SP device and it did not seem to make any difference in the operation. Could there be a difference between V1 and V2 devices when it comes to jumper settings? This behaviour is exhibited in all three motions so either all my 2420m's are defective or they are operating according their intended design. I believe I am following the instructions to the letter. I would appreciate any input either via confirmation or potential miscues on my part. Thanks
  12. I finally got it to work after downloading and installing the new 2.8.9 file. The SSL certificate worked fine as well. The only strange thing is that in about it shows 2.8.8 - and yes I am using the correct jnlp file. Thanks for your help
  13. Greetings, This also occurs when using the java applet admin console. Thanks,
  14. Greetings, I am attempting to set up a self signed SSL certificate on my ISY but am running into a problem with the Certificate Manager. I am presently running 2.8.8 on an Imac. I am using A DHCP reservation for the ISY as well as port forwarding to 443. I have tried various ways to access the ISY including using the external IP https://XXXXX.dynsdns-home.com/admin. I have no problem logging in to the admin console using this and can get into and log-in to the Certificate manger no problem. The problem occurs when I enter the domain name, check save, then OK the "busy circle" keeps going on indefinitely without installing the certificate. Would someone please tell me what the proper syntax for the domain/server is for this window - maybe I have a misunderstanding here. It is also impossible to upgrade to 2.8.9 as I get a error relating to the size of the zip file.
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