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Everything posted by arzoo
It's now been four days running with the IOLinc wired up as when the issue first started and no problems to report. So at this point it's unclear what resolved the problem. Maybe the fact that the IOLinc was powered down for a few days? The only other significant change was the eisy was upgraded to the latest firmware. Regardless, the system seems stable and running as expected. Thanks everyone for helping with this crazy issue - it's been a learning experience!
When I first wired this up around 15 years ago, I had confirmed that the speaker output was 5vdc. I've tested this configuration multiple times and it always works - when the alarm siren sounds, the IOLinc is triggered.
I've been running with the IOLinc active on the network but disconnected from the alarm siren (no possible trigger) and have not had any issues. Just now reconnected the alarm siren to the GND and S (as was originally configured when all the problems started) and we'll see how it goes. The only other thing that has changed is the EISY firmware was upgraded.
That's a great idea, I'll try the IOLinc with it disconnected from the alarm wiring.
I'm using the IOLinc to voltage sense when the alarm siren circuit is active. It's a very simple method to detect when my non-network capable alarm system has been tripped. Yes, I currently have one Zwave device - an LED strip for bar lighting. I do see that Zooz sells a zwave universal relay (zen17) which I think could be used to replace the IOLinc. I might give that a try. But since Insteon is currently running a sale this month, I might also purchase a new IOLinc.
The IOLinc is 70.7B.5B The original one lasted 15 years until it failed back in May. When I replaced it I went with one listed as new open box (or something like that) to save $ which may have been a mistake. Although from what you're saying I should avoid the IOLinc entirely and go with a different manufacturer - any suggestions?
It's been three days since I unplugged the IOLinc 2450 sensor and the problem has not re-occurred and there's been nothing out of the ordinary in the event viewer. Next up I'll try I'll try plugging the sensor back in, but this time to a different outlet than the PLM. I don't see how the outlet would make any difference but I figure I'll give it a try. Assuming the problem comes back then I'm pretty confident the sensor is defective and I'll order a new one.
Would love to see Eufy integration also! If I could trigger of the camera motion detection, I could do away with a bunch of other Insteon motion sensors.
I don't believe I'm running any node servers. As for my EISY version, I just now upgraded from 5.7.1 to the latest (5.8.4). Not sure why I didn't think to do this sooner. I'll keep an eye on the event log and see if those empty program events ever 30 seconds have gone away (so far I'm not seeing any). Before I open a ticket I'm trying one last debug attempt; Looking back to my last EISY backup, I had replaced a defective Insteon IOLinc 2450 sensor. The sensor is hard-wired to the siren on my home alarm system - this is how I detect when the alarm is tripped. This got me thinking, could the actual alarm system be "doing something" at 52 past the hour and that (maybe combined with another faulty sensor or device?) is the cause of the crazy shit on the EISY? Also, that sensor is plugged into the same outlet as the PLM. I know it a long shot but at this point I'll try anything. I've disconnected the sensor and we'll see what happens tonight.
Good to know, one less mystery. Thanks! I turned off my phone for a bit and still getting the "Create REST U7" events every 5 minutes, so not the UD Mobile app. Maybe this is also normal for the IoX? Someone else also posted a question about this but there was no answer.
Cool, I won't worry about this then. Thanks! Hmm, I'll have to try and figure out which program is running in a 30 second loop but I'm pretty sure I've never configured any like that. As for the REST command, that's another mystery; maybe the UD Mobile app on my phone? Update: I'm sitting here watching the event viewer indicating a program is running every 30 seconds, yet the program summary tab shows the last program to run was 15 minutes ago?
I'm using a relatively new EISY; would the SIM card still be an issue?
Looking over the log from last night when the problem occurred and I see this entry: Mon 08/12/2024 01:51:57 AM : [D2D-CMP 004B] STS [55 FF B6 8] ST Converted values Event=0 Condition=0 prec=0 Mon 08/12/2024 01:51:57 AM : [D2D-CMP 004B] STS [55 FF B6 8] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=100 prec=0) is Condition(val=0 uom=51 prec=0) --> true I'm assuming this indicates that program ID 004B was triggered and ran the ELSE clause (IF evaluated as true), yes? This program is in a disabled folder and the program itself is disabled and no other program calls this program, so how is this possible?
I'm confused as to why the EISY would not include info in the event viewer to indicate that a program executed? This seems like a simple feature that would be very helpful for debugging? Why just add empty timestamps?
I powered down the EISY and PLM (for 30 minutes) a few days ago and thought somehow that might have resolved the issue as nothing went crazy for two nights in a row. But then last night at 1:52 so back to the drawing board.
No, please disagree, you've been very helpful. I guess I just feel over my head and was venting a bit lol. I thought I was making progress by disabling the folders but then the results were not consistent. For example, with the top level folder disabled, it seemed like the problem did not occur - no crazy activity at 52 past. Then I re-enabled the top level and disabled all sub folders except two and the problem came back. So you would think the program(s) in one of those two folders would be the cause. But after running tests with only one of those two folders enabled at a time (and all others disabled), in both cases the problem seemed to occur which puts me back to square one. And I still just don't see how any program could cause the problem at such a specific and yet random time? Which makes me think could it be the eisy somehow? I unplugged the eisy and the plm for about 30 minutes and then powered them back up. I figure if the eisy is the reason the problem only happens at 52 past, then powering down and back up at a different time should shift the time when the problem occurs. I'll report back when it does.
I'm ready to throw in the towel here. I've gone through all my programs and there's just no way they could be the cause of stuff going crazy only at 52 past some random hour. Same for the devices, even the motion sensors - no way they could only fail or trigger or whatever only at 52 past some random hour. One last hail mary would be to replace the PLM.
Or maybe the program fires every time one of the motion sensors triggers and it's just running the empty ELSE?
Here's the program and log from when it ran last (4:26:50pm). There no reason this program should run. One of the motion sensors (54.55.53) in the IF did trigger right before, but the rest of the IF clause (time between 1am - 6am and the variable MBRKeypadBacklightIsOff=0) should resolve to false. So I'm totally confused.
Does the event viewer (level 3) show when a program is run? I've manually kicked off a few programs and all I see in the event viewer is something like this: Fri 08/09/2024 02:17:56 PM : [ Time] 14:18:14 0(0) Fri 08/09/2024 02:18:26 PM : [ Time] 14:18:44 0(0) Fri 08/09/2024 02:18:55 PM : [ Time] 14:19:14 0(0) The reason I ask is because when sorting the Program Summary by Last Run Time, I see a program that ran at 2:18:03pm but there's no reason that program should have triggered. Looking at the event log, the only entries around that time are the ones above. The program ID is 00D3 which does not show up in the event log at all? So I'm really confused why this program ran? In fact, my event viewer is full of these empty "Time" entries. What do they indicate?
I'm unsure what's causing the rest activity; maybe the UD Mobile app on my phone? I agree, I may not have disabled all programs for long enough but the problem has been happening pretty consistently at least one time every morning at 12:52 or 1:52 or 2:52am, so an overnight test seems valid. I re-enabled all but two folder programs (one for alarm stuff and one for alexa stuff) and the problem happened again, so I disabled the alarm folder (leaving only alexa folder enabled) and the problem did not occur over night. I realize these are very short test periods. What I've done now is enable all programs folders except for the alarm programs. I'll continue to run in this configuration and see how it goes. I've already looked over the programs in that folder and I don't see how any of them could cause the x:52 activity, so that's still a mystery. You asked what happens when the problem occurs - the crazy stuff; I have a set of programs that function as an addition to my actual house alarm system. Were the main house alarm to trigger, these programs do stuff like flash all the lights (inside and outside), turn on additional Insteon sirens, beep at all the keypads, and send text messages. The text messages were the first indication that something was not right - I started getting a text message (at 52 minutes past) that the alarm mode was disabled and the Insteon keypad in our bedroom would beep (waking me up). As you've mentioned, the log also indicates a bunch of other Insteon scenes and switches are turning on and off, but I've not actually seen any physical indication of this. There's also indication that IR commands are firing (from our home theater remote I send IR commands to the EISY to activate lighting scenes), but here again I've not seen any physical indication of this. And based on what you've said prior, it seems like there are no triggers for all these events when the problem occurs?
I think I may have a new PLM in my spares collection - otherwise I'll have to purchase. I do also have iox backups (after every program change I've made). But before I move forward with that, here's my latest debug results; With all programs disabled (1=0 at top level folder), I don't think there's been any crazy stuff happening at 52 past the hour. If that's the case, then it would seem to imply that a program or programs are at fault. Or maybe a program interacting with a faulty device? Next up would be to re-enable all programs and disable just a single folder to try and further isolate the issue as @IndyMike suggested. Or does it make more sense to just replace the PLM as @paulbates suggested? The log I'm posting here includes data from the 7th at 12am thru this morning (about 32 hours). Looks like at 2:52am and 7:52am on the 7th this issue occurred. At around 8am on the 7th was when I disabled all the programs, and from then on it seems clear. Can anyone take a look at the log and confirm what I'm seeing? Thanks! ISY-Events-Log.v5.7.1.txt
I assume by setting 1=0 on the top level folder (My Programs) that all programs are disabled, right? I don't have any timer key pads but I do have multiple motion sensors, some of which are the older model. I guess I need to pull the batteries on all of them. The PLM is pretty old also and every so often I have to reload the link table (from the ISY), but it seems to function ok.
I'll try to figure out the device/scene groups tonight. But I just don't understand the timing of this issue; it only occurs at 52 minutes past the hour and at random hours (although most often after midnight and again about 12 hours later). If it were a program doing this it would be at a consistent time and if it were a faulty device (motion sensor for example), it would be totally random. I'm really beginning to panic that this can't be resolved or maybe the EISY is the cause. Or could it be the PLM? Anyway, for now I've disabled all programs (set if 1=0 IF condition at top level folder). Without any programs running, I'll have to check the event viewer to see if the problem occurs tonight. I'll post new logs tomorrow.
@IndyMike You mention scene # and group #, how do I identify which scenes by the #?