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Everything posted by arzoo

  1. Then it works.
  2. I've been using our Amazon Echo's with the ISY since the original integration and it works great. Most of my spokens don't include the word "lights". For example, I have a scene with the spoken "Kitchen" but not "Kitchen Lights". Alexa works fine when we say "Turn kitchen lights on/off". It has no problem ignoring the word "lights". So now I've just enabled our Google Home with the ISY but it only works with the exact spoken phrase. If we say "Turn kitchen on/off" it's fine, but if we say "Turn kitchen lights on/off" it says "Those lights haven't been set up yet." Even if I set the room in the google app to Kitchen it still won't work? Anyone else seeing this behavior?
  3. I'm still unable to use Alexa or connect via the portal. The portal indicates my ISY has been offline since 10/5 8:44pm est. Local admin configuration/portals indicates that the Portal Integration is Online and Registered. I've tried rebooting the ISY. Any suggestions? Update: rebooted my router and all good now.
  4. Saying "Turn On..." or "Turn Off..." works. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. I'll give that a try - thanks.
  6. Hi All, Strange problem; I have an ISY program associated with my Echo (Alexa). The Echo keyword for the ISY program is "System Away". If I say "System Away Off", the Echo replies "OK" and the program's Else statements are run. But when I say "System Away On" the Echo replies "I'm not quite sure how to help you with that"? I've checked the Echo app History and the command is heard correctly. I have other programs with associated Echo keywords and they work fine (On and Off). Any thoughts or suggestions on why this one specific keyword won't recognize the "On" command? Thanks.
  7. I was under the impression that the only way to write to the Insteon montion sensors was to open them up and put them in the Set Mode. Part of my problem was that I could not easily retrieve some of the sensors due to the 24" of snow surrounding my house - digging a path and setting up a ladder would have been a real pain!
  8. All the leak and motion sensors were in a waiting to write state (1001 icon). By restoring from backup (prior to the Device Reload) the status of these devices returned back to normal. Before trying this I received an confirmation from tech support that it would work - and it did.
  9. I recently did a hard reset on my isy and then restored from backup. After the restore I did a File/Reload Devices (because that's what it said to do). The process ran overnight and the next day all but the motion and leak sensors had been restored. I'd really rather not have to pull down and open every motion sensor (some require a ladder). My question is this, if I were to restore the entire isy from backup (again), could I just leave it without reloading the devices? Thanks for any help with this question.
  10. I considered turning off the 'Query at Restart' option but I'm not sure if that could have any negative consequences. Here's my solution; I created a variable (ISYReady) which inits to 0. I then created a program that waits 10 seconds and then sets ISYReady = 1. That program is set to run at startup. Then in any program that I don't want running at startup, I just add 'And ISYReady is 1' to the If clause.
  11. With further investigation, it's only the programs that check a device status in the If clause that are running at restart. I'm guessing this is because 'Query at Restart' is enabled. So if that's the case and I don't want some of the programs to be re-evaluated at startup, what could I do?
  12. 'Catch up Schedules at Restart' is not checked. But 'Query at Restart' is checked - I wonder if that has something to do with it? Anyway, thanks, for the suggestion.
  13. Hi, Recently I've noticed that any program with an If clause seems to run after the ISY is rebooted (or a power failure) - and none of them have 'Run At Startup' enabled? After a reboot, the program summary tab 'Last Run Time' and 'Last Finish Time' for every program shows the approximate time of reboot. Is this normal behavior? Thanks
  14. The factory reset solved the problem. Thanks for all the help.
  15. I have a strange problem with one of my 2486D keypads – the Off LED brightness no longer works. I have the LED brightness set to 1 for Off and 7 for On, but the buttons do not light up in the Off state. I’ve tried other values for the Off state, but the buttons never light up. The On state LED brightness works as expected. This keypad had been installed and worked perfectly for the past year up until a few days ago. Is it possible the device has malfunctioned? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
  16. I rebooted 5 minutes or so after the Restore Modem and now all seems to be working! Thanks again for all the help!!!
  17. The Restore Modem command doesn't seem to provide any feedback - how do I know when it's complete? By the way, thanks for all the help!
  18. I didn't try every device, but a random sampling and none changed the state on the ISY (this includes switches, motion sensors, and IOLinks). The event viewer does show traffic when I turn a device on or off from the admin console, but it does not show any traffic when the device (switch) is activated. Based on this, should I try a Restore Modem? To do that, I would have to put all my motion sensors into programming mode which will not be easy (some require a ladder to reach).
  19. Hi All, After our power was restored from Hurricane Sandy (off for 30 hours), my ISY seems to have stopped responding to device status changes. For example, when I turn on a switch, the ISY doesn't show it as on. This means that any of my programs that fire on status changes have stopped working. Everything else seems to be fine. I've rebooted the ISY and checked the System Status (from the tools menu) - all seems good. Is it possible something is defective? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
  20. It's funny because just yesterday I was talking with my wife and I mentioned that I would never own an iPhone or an "i" anything. She asked what if in the future I needed an iKidney? I told her that I would die!
  21. Not everyone uses an iPhone
  22. At least I know it's not just me Are you using AT&T and/or 1and1?
  23. Michel – thanks for the response. That’s what I ended up doing – created a gmail account. I still would have preferred using the mail account associated with my domain on 1and1, but for now the gmail account seems to work fine. I do intend to call AT&T and see if they have an answer. By the way – on a slightly different subject; for those that use AT&T and want all the text messages from the ISY to group together (on the phone), you can use @mms.att.net (rather than @txt.att.net). It might be nice to add that to the ISY admin app under the notification recipient list.
  24. This is very strange and I’m not sure it has anything to do with the ISY – but maybe someone has a suggestion to solve my issue; I set up notifications to my phone via @txt.att.net. My ISP is 1and1. Lately, when the ISY sends a message (via test or program), I don’t receive it on my phone for a long time – like hours later! The reason I don’t think this is an issue with the ISY is because if I send an email from 1and1 webmail to @txt.att.net it also does not deliver for hours. But if I send the email from another smtp server (like Google), it delivers immediately. So it’s like AT&T has a problem with my phones txt email from 1and1.com? Contacting 1and1 is almost useless because their offshore tech support people know absolutely nothing. I guess I could contact AT&T – might get better tech support from them. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  25. Not a bad solution - thanks!
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