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Everything posted by foxcob

  1. Michel, Thanks for your work on this and thanks to any others who are behind the scenes! Looking forward to trying the next beta now. Jacob
  2. Got it, You can see the last record is incorrect. This happens after attempting to set the KPL backlight brightness. Jacob
  3. IndyMike, I'll have to look and see if I still have a screencap of my table comparison around. I do remember off hand that it had a mis-compare on the very last entry of the offending KPL. Jacob
  4. Michel, I know you posted the question to rahnee, but I experienced the same thing. My KPLs worked correctly until I attempted to set the backlight brightness. After that, my button configurations seemed to be all messed up. Specifically, I noticed that button H on one of my 8 button KPLs was acting completely differently than it had before causing other buttons to light up and triggering other scenes. Don't know if this helps. Jacob
  5. JCBond, I have experienced the same thing as you. For now I have returned my system to 3.2.6 and restored from my backup when I was at 3.2.6. Everything went back to normal after I restored my KPLs from there. I cannot get them to work right from 3.3.x. Unfortunately I cannot beta test in this state since my KPL's all stop working and my wife's patience would be much shorter than mine with these conditions. I hope they figure this out soon. Jacob
  6. In case you're wondering, I got the command documentation by searching for "insteon commands table" in google. Top item listed was a PDF from insteon.net.
  7. The KPL is a dimmer.
  8. So I looked up the command in the insteon command table and found that the command decodes as so: 02 62 16 7D 60 1F 2E 00 00 03 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CA 02 - STX 62 - Extended Message 16 7D 60 - Address 2E 00 - Extended Get/Set 00 - Button/Group number 0 03 - Set LED-Off mask for button 05 - Mask (if bit = 0, LED not affected, if bit = 1, LED turns off when button pressed) Rest ignored This makes some sense since after issuing this command the keypad LED's misbehave, but the link table is corrupted as well which I don't understand. The 07 in place of the 03 would set the Global LED brightness. Jacob
  9. Both the UI and firmware report version 3.3.6 with the exact same date code after them. The progress bar does seem to complete now. BTW, I tried setting a different KPL backlight and it worked. I noticed the commands were different preceding the brightness HEX value when talking to the other KPL. Obviously the address was different, but the commands looked different too. Could the ISY be retaining some config for this KPL after deleting it? This is just weird. When I tried the upgrade again BTW, all the KPLs exhibited the problem again. Restoring from my last 3.3.5 backup which have all but the one KPL working restored the other KPLs to a working status. So something is going wrong during the upgrade of my configuration I would think. Jacob
  10. This was supposed to be attached to my last post...
  11. LeeG, I went back to 3.3.6 like you requested and deleted the troublesome KPL from the ISY. I then re-linked it and wiped all existing links from the device. Just in case I had also hard reset the KPL before re-linking. After the ISY had added the KPL, the first thing I attempted to do was set the led brightness. Nothing seems to happen on the KPL. I attached a screenshot of the following levels being set: 0/5, 2/10, and 7/15. Jacob
  12. Alright, I'm back to 3.2.6 for now. Every time I upgrade to 3.3.6, I run into this problem. Unfortunately, this means that twice a day I end up with a KPL that is corrupted and misbehaves. I'm totally willing to try something if anyone has a specific procedure they want me to try. I haven't tried going to 3.3.6 and recreating the KPL from scratch. Maybe I can do that later, but I'm out of time for now. Thanks again to those who have helped! Jacob
  13. Just downgraded and restored from backup 3.2.6 and everything works normally again. I'm going to attempt to go directly to 3.3.6 now. Hopefully everything goes correctly this time. Jacob
  14. LeeG, I think you're probably on to something. Just to note though, that I originally went back to 3.2.6 because this problem showed up when I went from 3.2.6 to 3.3.4. When I did go back to 3.2.6, I also restored the ISY from the 3.2.6 backup, so I shouldn't have had 3.3.4 config with 3.2.6. I think something is wrong with the upgrade process converting the configuration from a prior version. This time it messed up the config of the one KPL, but not the others. Like I said, everything was working with 3.3.5, then I upgraded to 3.3.6 and it failed again. I'm going back to 3.2.6 and restoring from my 3.2.6 backup to see if everything goes back to normal. At that point I'll try a direct upgrade from 3.2.6 to 3.3.6. Jacob
  15. LeeG, I opened the admin console and did exactly what you said, here's the result. The busy dialog is still stuck open as well... I was attempting to set a keypad brightness of 1/9. The keypad currently has the off state at 0 (no light) with the on level at about 5. I didn't see any change when trying to issue this command from the console. Jacob
  16. Yes, this particular test was done with the LED brightness button. The events under the dialog were the messages from a restore to the device I did previously. I was not aware of the minimum brightness distance between on/off, but like I said, it at least programs correctly on the other keypadlincs. I keep running into strange problems with this new admin console where it appears to freeze up with a busy dialog. Closing and reopening the console seems to restore operation. Just in case anyone is wondering, I did clear my java cache and browser cache immediately after the upgrade before loading the new console and the about dialog shows a version of 3.3.6 for both UI and firmware. I haven't studied the actual Insteon protocol in order to decode the messages myself, but I could do that if I have to to get to the bottom of this. As to your comment about not seeing the command to set the keypad brightness, that was what the event table showed when I issued the command to set it. Thanks for everyones' help! Jacob
  17. I did a restore this morning of the device after doing a query of the device. One thing I noticed is that when doing a restore, it says that i2 may not be fully supported and uses i1. But then when I tried to set the keypad brightness, it looks like it used an i2 message. I attached a screenshot of what happened after the device restore when I tried to set the keypad brightness. The busy dialog has been stuck at 94% for about 5 minutes at the time of this writing. What's strange is that currently only one of my keypads is exhibiting the issue. The other two are working fine. But all three exhibited the problem with 3.3.5. Somehow I got them all to work with 3.3.5 by downgrading to 3.2.6, restoring the devices and doing the upgrade again. Everything was working fine until I upgraded from 3.3.5 -> 3.3.6 where the problem showed up again with one keypad. For everyones info, I have a program that sets the keypad brightness levels to 1/6 at night and then sets it back to 0/5 during the day. This has always worked great until my use of any of the 3.3.x series releases. Any ideas? Jacob
  18. I'm still seeing issues with this release. I tried running a program that gave me problems with 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 (but not 3.2.6) which sets a keypadlinc led brightness at a certain time of the day. The result was that the keypadlinc started fading very slowly to a 6% on level. I tried to restore the device and after the system busy dialog went away, I attempted to do it again. Still nothing. I then tried to query the keypad and the system busy dialog popped up and has been sitting for about 5 minutes at 33%. Not sure what is going on here. I'm going to close the console, restore the device, and try again. Can anyone else confirm an issue setting led brightness on a 2486D keypad? Mine is V.36. Jacob
  19. Michel, I don't believe it has anything to do with my Java cache. I did flush it after doing the upgrade and the about dialog showed that I had both the new UI and the new firmware. The main reason I don't think it was my Java cache though was that the way I noticed the problem was my programs were exhibiting the issue. I understand how an outdated UI could affect the icon I said was missing, but the issue with the keypadlinc's was first noticed when a timed program adjusted the keypad backlight brightness and the result was the current level being set to 6% with a VERY long fade time. So I didn't notice it happen, I just noticed that twice a day I'd find rooms with the lights on at 6%. Eventually I noticed it was any light that was on a keypad directly. Then I ran the program "then" and "else" statements and noticed that it was causing the effect I described. Upon checking the keypad against the ISY link table, the keypad was shown to be corrupt. I went back to 3.2.6 and the problem went away. I restored the keypad link tables from there and upgraded again. This time the keypad led adjustments seemed to work and I thought that was the end. Last night I noticed one more keypad exhibiting the problem. I checked the link table and the very last entry was incorrect. I restored the device and now it seems to work fine. Unfortunately I didn't save the link tables or anything, but I could try to get logs if you need. BTW, I noticed a similar post on the 3.3.3 release about the keypad led brightness not being able to be set. My keypadlincs are V.36.
  20. I keep getting stuck with a System Busy dialog up. The progress bar is stuck and it doesn't go away. It finally went away after I went to diagnostics and was reading back the PLM link table, then clicked stop. When I clicked stop it went away. I have not found a pattern yet for when it happens, but it seems like it is when I try to do something before an action has finished. I think I also saw it when I was updating a device and an unexpected insteon event happened (someone turned on a light). Anyone else seeing this? Edit: I also had to do the upgrade twice. (Upgrading from 3.2.6). The first time, everytime the ISY attempted to change a keypad LED brightness, it would corrupt the keypad. After going back to 3.2.6, it was fine. The second upgrade seemed to be okay and doesn't exhibit this problem. One additional thing is that the "new folder" button is missing an icon on my machine. Jacob
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