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  1. Iox 5.8.4 PGx 3.2.27 I deleted the audio player. Rebooted eisy and reinstalled. Still get the same error. Still shows missing module pyaudio.
  2. Here is the log file. AudioPlayer_8-5-2024_70056_PM.zip
  3. I have been using the professional version of the plugin for several months. At times it will show "playing" in UD Mobile and not work. I reboot the EISY and it works again. I downloaded the newest version and now it will not connect. I have rebooted the EISY. I have deleted the plugin and reinstalled. I reinstalled in a new slot. It just always shows "not connected" in the PG3 dashboard. No matter what I do it will not connect.
  4. Since the eisy can now control the Philips Hue light bulbs via zigbee, I am wanting to purchase two but had a couple of questions. 1. Since I will have two BR30 bulbs in the same room, can they be grouped together so that when one is adjusted they both adjust together? 2. Can the Philips bridge still be used with the eisy or does the eisy replace it? 3. If controlling the bulbs from a program in the eisy, what parameters can be adjusted in the program (i.e. on/off, brightness, color, etc.)?
  5. I installed version 1.3.0 this weekend. The first version I installed. I am having two issues same as previously posted. The preloaded mp3 files will play but my custom messages will not. I did the following as previously recommended: sudo chown -r admin:pg3ns /storage/sounds I get an error: -r is an illegal operation. I did sudo chmod -R 770 storage/sounds I get an error of "no such file or directory" Also, the sounds that do play always play at 100%. If you change to anything else, it always reverts back to 100%.
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