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Everything posted by jjp076

  1. Upgraded to 4.2.0 and the refurbished 2450 was recognized and configured normally. Thank you for the help!
  2. Thanks everyone. I will test with 4.1.3 and post the results.
  3. I purchased a refurbished 2450 IO Linc but cannot add the device to ISY994i version 4.1.2. Using autodiscover and manual entry for a 2450 I receive "Unsupported Device 7.13". I've tried clearing cache, upgrading to 4.1.2 but the device will not link to the system. Any other suggestions?
  4. Installed with no problem, cleared cache. Deleted and reinstalled leak and smoke detector. Leak detector tested and working ok. Smoke detector installed 7 different devices with the following values after testing: CO 0% Clear Low Bat 255% Malfunction 255% Smoke 0% Test 255% I put new batteries in the smoke detector and retested by pushing the button on the smoke detector. Values change during testing but come back to the above listed values. The values on the admin console show on and off instead of the %'s. Anyone else seeing this or have any thoughts?
  5. Deleted and re-added the leak sensor. All is well. Thanks!
  6. Upgraded to 4.0.2. The smoke detector and bridge are now working properly with the ISY. Thank you! After the upgrade I started seeing an occasional wet trigger from my leak sensor. I have a program that looks for the wet sensor to be on and sends me an email and several other tasks. It has triggered once a day since the upgrade. I am wondering if the leak sensor heart beat is somehow being interpreted as a wet condition by the program.
  7. I received my smoke bridge yesterday and have successfully added the device to ISY 994i ver 3.3.10. I also linked the smoke bridge to an I/O Linc that triggers an autodailer. I tested the smoke bridge by blowing smoke into the smoke detector. The smoke detector alarmed, notified the smoke bridge, and the smoke bridge triggered the I/O Linc causing the autdialer to activate. The problem is that the ISY never recognized the smoke bridge alarm. I wrote a program for the ISY that activates when the smoke bridge alarms and turn on lights, sends email, etc.. The ISY recognizes the device but alarms are not being seen by the ISY. I also linked a light to the smoke bridge manually and it turns on during an alarm condition. The smoke bridge is communicating over the system. It just appears that the ISY is not seeing the messages. The link table for the smoke bridge shows it linked to the PLM, I/O Linc and light. Not sure what to try next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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