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  1. sorry that I am the one who always finds the issues. But having the alerts was really nice for the storm. Jeff
  2. We had a winter storm watch. Worked perfectly and programs ran. That changed to warning. Also worked perfectly. Warning has expired for about 10 hours now. But its not clearing on my end. So it looks like it cleared fine when a new warning replaced it but NOT when the alert went back to NONE I ran the URL that I see in logs (logs attached) and I can see it seems to have issue. I restarted the nodeserver and it worked fine and Alert changed to none but I cant do that after every alert. Can you please take a look? Logs were in ERROR but changed to dubug and did Query a few times. Logs are before the restart. I just did one AFTER restart and added after restart to name https://api.weather.gov/alerts.atom?zone[0]=VAC107&limit=500&active=1 correlationId "1953878" parameterErrors 0 parameter "query.amp;limit" message 'Query parameter "amp;limit" is not recognized' 1 parameter "query.amp;active" message 'Query parameter "amp;active" is not recognized' title "Bad Request" type "https://api.weather.gov/problems/BadRequest" status 400 detail "Bad Request" instance "https://api.weather.gov/requests/1953878" NOAA_1-7-2025_103852_AM.zip NOAA_1-7-2025_103856_AM.zip NOAA_1-7-2025_104445_AM AFTER RESTART.zip
  3. GOOGLE HOME- Have those with google tried doing the same thing. Unlink Google Home from the google side and they add it back. thats what UD is telling me will fix the issue. I just cant test this one.
  4. For the Alexa skill go to the alexa app on your smart phone Go to Skills and go to the tab with three dashes (known as Hamburger Menu) Go to the skills button. Search for ISY. Disable the skill and re-enable it. make sure you use ISY optimized for smart home v3. It will ask you to authenticate with your portal settings. Once done it will discover devices. It should link fine with portal now as pointed out by others. As far as google home goes- looking into it. Looking into it. Have a message into UD. Not too familiar with google home.
  5. **** Please Read **** There is a lot to respond to, and I am trying to wrap up some of this before all the football games start. Prayers to any of you in the New Orleans area or if you have anyone in that area. The portal is back up. It seems to be catching up, but if you go to https://my.isy.io/index.htm and log in, you should see a GREEN DOT next to your EISY. I have more than one; it took 30 minutes longer to come online. Alexa should follow shortly. If it's still not working within the hour, log into the Admin Console and, under configuration, choose reboot. *** It should not be an issue, but I always recommend backing up before any reboot. Last, there are several comments about the EISY being so dependent on the portal. I mentioned in other posts that you should set up local connections for Admin Console and UD Mobile. That way, it's not as dependent. With that said, other hubs like SmartThings™ and Insteon all have cloud dependencies. That's pretty much how Alexa works. Google Home—I don't use it, but if the reboot does not work, it could still be an issue with the portal. I can confirm Alexa is working. Can anyone confirm Google Home is working for them? Happy New Year, everyone. I will try to monitor this today. If you can't connect after trying the above, you can PM me, and I will try to help.
  6. I have asked but remember its a holiday and everyone at UD should be praised for getting this back up on a holiday. I know companies whose cloud went down on a friday and they did not touch it until Monday.
  7. If you setup a local connection in UD Mobile or use the admin console (also local connection) it works fine. All programs also run. Alexa would be down for the ISY skill so it would require a switch or old fashion virtual switch.
  8. You made me think back to Y2k. I am in IT and the WEEKS, MONTHS we spent making everything y2k ready seems now like a waste of time.
  9. I sent them the same message. It always seems like these things pick the worst time to go down. It should be up now though!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!
  10. I have confirmation it is being worked on. They will update later and apologize for the inconvenience.
  11. I have emailed them.
  12. went down for me almost exactly at midnight EST.
  13. Thats actually a new feature which I hate also. Those of us who have used mac for a while remember where you could allow all apps to open and then as you stated it was with open with. Now you have to go to privacy. Such a pain. I thought you were trying to get it into LOCAL NETWORK also under privacy. My fix will fix that but you figured out how to allow it. I never saw that with start, probably because I had it allowed for a while.
  14. Thats the bug in 15.1.1 and 15.2 (coming very soon). The work around I sent should work, You will see the _JAVAWS in the local network if fixed. Realized I forgot screenshot in previous post. Here it is
  15. I encourage you to report this to feedback.apple.com. They are telling me this is not an urgent bug but it is. When you cant use a device on your network thats URGENT to me. When you get START to run you will see the JAWS in the list, See my screenshot. Thats just some of mine. Another thing that makes me mad is when you go from 15.1.1 to 15.2 (in release candidate now so probably next week) it will delete most of the items and you have to re-add them. The same procedure worked for me. Oh...one more thing. After installing 15.2 when it comes out you can add all you want to add before the first reboot after update. (it reboots for update and that does not count). Once you reboot manually the issue comes back.
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