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Everything posted by philgood

  1. I bought the T5800 since the guy from the tech support number Smarthome provides, assured me that they were weeks away from releasing a firmware upgrade that would make the T5800 Insteon compatible (He said the hardware was already on-board). That was at least a year ago. Luckily he didn't try to sell me some bridge. But I too would like to get the T5800 and the ISY talking to each other.
  2. Firmware Insteon_UD944_OADR v3.3.10 (2013-01-17-01:23:29) UI Insteon_UD994 v3.3.10 (2013-01-17-01:13:50) I assume that its the "v3.3.10" that's important and not the other slight variations. Cache cleared but still no attributes. phil
  3. All my scenes are missing the sliders. A sample scene would be a 2477D Controller with another 2477D Responder. Recent changes include upgrading from 99i to 994i and me unsuccessfully trying to control my ISY from my cell phone. Thanks, phil
  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but should I see level and rate sliders when looking at a scene page? I tried clearing my Java cache and restart the ISY but still don't have any of the attributes. Thanks, phil
  5. So I've read other posts about reformatting the SD card and not getting a Goodbye response but most of those appear to be telnet session is terminated. I am following the step-by-step directions to the point of entering FS, getting the warning, and typing a "Y" and then . And that's a far as it goes. Do I just assume that everything is okay and move on or is this a sign something else is wrong? Thanks, phil
  6. Thanks Lee. I was just updating my post with that info. So I time to replace the SD card? Maybe I'll splurge and get a 2Gb.
  7. Howdy all, I noticed that all my lights were no longer coming on at dusk and found the ISY99i with the error led blinking. I tried to log-in and found I could communicate with the ISY, so following the lead from others with the same problem, I rebooted both my router and the ISY99i. Still nothing. I tried to start the console the multiple ways shown in the manual and still nothing. The ISY finder shows nothing. When i start the Admin Console I get two error messages. "XML Parse Error" and on a separate Error message "Socket Open Failed java.net.ConnectException:Connection refused:no further information". Okay, after "re-seating" the SD card (1Gb Mini in a full size SD adapter) I am able to log-on but I'm still getting error messages of "Could not create the zip file" and "Socket Open Failed java.net.socketTimeoutException"when trying to run a back-up. OUT OF IDEAS. Please help. Thanks, phil
  8. I never was able to get the router to show the port number at the end of the addresses but apparently it didn't matter. After working with Universal Devices Tech Support (Sorry I already forgot his name), he asked if I had tried connecting remotely which I hadn't. Sure enough, I tried it and I was able to connect. Part of my mistake was assuming that I would see something different under "File, Enable Internet Access". Every time I tried using that function I got an error message. Bottom line, test once you have everything setup to what you think is correct.
  9. I am trying to enable remote access to my ISY99 (3.1.17) and have read all the fourm posts on setting up the isy for use on a network where Windows Home Server is running (Port 443 is already in use). I picked port 11443 as my https port but so far it is not working. I changed it in both the ISY configuration as well as in my Actiontec MI424WR-GEN2, but in both cases I do not see the port number listed at the end of the IP address (ie but where the :11433 is missing). Using ShieldsUp from GRC, I tested my WAN IP address and it found the port to be open, so at least the router appears to be configured properly. Since I am still trying to resolve these problems, I have not gone any further with setting up the dynamic DNS services with no-ip.com and hope that is not part of the issue. Thanks in advance, phil
  10. The Front Porch Light is not reverting back to the 30% even after rewriting the program to follow the design found in the supplied wiki. Front Porch Brighten from PIR: If Status 'Front Door Walkway - Sensor' is On and Status 'Front Porch Light' is 30% Then Set 'Front Porch Light' On Else -No Action Front Porch Timer: If Status 'Front Door Walkway-Sensor' is On Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Front Porch Light' 30% Else -No Action There are two other programs that turn the light to 30% at sunset and another that turn it off at sunrise. Porch Light on at Dusk: If Time is Sunset Then Set 'Front Porch Light' 30% Else -No Action Front Porch off at Dawn: If Time is Sunrise Then Set 'Front porch Light' Off Else -No Action I hope that completes the picture and that my modifications (following the Wiki) are at least moving in the right direction. Thanks to all, phil
  11. Well, here's the story. I have a 2420M (Rev 2.0) watching the front walkway and a front porch light that turns on to 30% at sundown (separate program that works consistently) and off at sunrise (another separate program) controlled by a 2477D. I want the front porch light to turn on to 100% for 10 minutes when the motion sensor is activated and then revert back to 30%. Here is the program that I wrote that does not work. If Status 'Front Door Walkway-Sensor is On And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'Front Porch Light' On Wait 10 minute Set 'Front Porch Light' 30% Else -No Actions - I can control the Front Porch Light manually and I see the 2420M turning on, so I assume the hardware is working properly. Thanks!
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