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    :Corrales, NM
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    Retired Aerospace IT Developer

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Community Answers

  1. Yes, it's gets uninstalled when you clear the Java Cache. These are my notes. Load a New JAVA Admin Console on Windows PC ⦁ Clear JAVA Cache from Control Panel JAVA applet ⦁ To load the ISY Launcher. https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp ⦁ Install start.jnlp to C:\Utilities (or where ever you want.)
  2. Looking at the IoX Configuration on the Polyglot V3 web page I get the settings that IoX is using, except the IP would be different from what is shown on this page.
  3. My ISY Integration is using this IP address with Polisy:
  4. There's not much to adjust in the ISY Integration configuration. Perhaps there's an issue with the TLS version in EISY?
  5. For what it's worth I'm using Polisy with Home Assistant and didn't have any issues after updating to 5.9.1.
  6. I still have my 994i. I may try to resurrect it for fun. I wonder if the IoX backup from Polisy would load into it? But, as long as my Polisy works I’m good.
  7. I concur. The UDI Insteon controllers are way better than using Home Assistant directly with a modem. I'm using a Polisy for Insteon but use the z-wave adapter directly with HA. I really wish UDI would resurrect the lowly ISY994i for those of us that don't need all the other bells and whistles. It was excellent at what it did.
  8. Probably so. This is just a suggestion not based on actual experience but a long time Insteon, Z-Wave user. I think you need to add the main switch node of the z-wave switches as controllers of the scene, not those other "z-wave scene nodes". Just a thought.
  9. Here’s another description. What z-wave switches are you using? https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/1259-how-to-use-multiple-zooz-switches-in-3-way-and-4-way-set-ups/
  10. Here’s another discussion on it. https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/blogs/the-smartest-blog/114982596-wiring-z-wave-switches-do-s-and-don-ts
  11. I haven’t tried this but it might be you need z-wave switches that are 3-way compatible. https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000247679-3-way-wiring-installation-for-illumino-switch
  12. I’d be happy with a rock solid Insteon hub to use with HA. Long for the days of the ISY. For me, UDI should remake a simple ISY in addition to eisy. When my Polisy dies I may go with the Insteon Hub 2 or whatever version is the latest.
  13. yikes! my memory is shot. I was involved in that discussion and totally forgot about it.
  14. Isn't the All-On condition the result of an All-On command (scene control) being issued by the PLM because of certain random events happening and only older Insteon devices will respond to the All-On. Firmware in newer devices don't have the All-On capability so they shouldn't respond. If true, then get rid of all those older devices and the problem should go away?
  15. my mind is getting old and I can't decipher MS, what is it?
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