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  1. Thanks Chris. I used your example and modified it as you indicated so that after 10PM, if anyone turns my garage lights on, it will wait 10 minutes and then give a warning 60% level indicating that the lights are about to be turned off and then turns them off after an additional minute. My Garage Light AutoOff program looks like the following: If From 10:00:00PM To Sunrise (next day) And Status 'Gar-Garage' is not Off Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Gar-Garage' 60% Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Garage' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I've tested if for the light being turned off when it is already on at 10PM and the scenario of someone turning the light on after 10PM and all seems to work great. The previous example is great for the garage since if I'm working in the garage I'm not easily distracted so wanted an abrupt change to get my attention. For my front lights, the scenario would most likely be saying goodbye to someone so a more sutle warning would be nicer and kind of add a cool touch so I've modified the above to use the new Fade Down and Fade Stop commands to make the transition. My Front Lights AutoOff looks like the following: If From 11:50:00PM To Sunrise (next day) And ( Status 'Gar-Front Yard Lights' is not Off Or Status 'EntryKP-Front Door light' is not Off ) Then Wait 10 minutes Set 'Gar-Front Yard Lights' Fade Down Wait 3 seconds Set 'Gar-Front Yard Lights' Fade Stop Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Front Lights - All' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I'm still testing the above and I think I've run into a beta bug that I will report, but I'm pretty confident it should work once the new release is out. Thanks again for your guidance.
  2. I had to do a quick test and that is correct, you can't set the level to 0 for the KPL switch. Just for the lights themselves. The thing I like about this forum is it's great for coming up with additional things to try. I'm in learn mode so the more I learn, the better. Knowing what won't work is valuable nformation as well.
  3. Well I tried adding the All Off button to the scene as a controller. Since it is part of the scene, what happens is that the All Off button light comes on when the All On button turns on the scene. The All Off button remains in a non-toggle mode with it being in the On state. That means it continues to issue an On command when it is pressed. I even tried setting up the All On and All Off as mutually exclusive and that didn't work either. So for now, I've reverted it back to what it was. Thanks for the ideas anyway. It was worth a shot.
  4. I love this idea. I have a program that shuts off the garage lights at 10PM and Front Lights at 11:30PM and had them set up to flash off for a couple seconds as a warning before going completely off, but I like the idea of the dimmed. Another idea would be to do a repeat to dim the scene like using a ramp, but without the side affect of having it do the same thing when you turn the lights on. For the most part, I just want to turn the garage and exterior lights off; I just don't want to get caught in the dark because they automatically turned off at the designated time. Thanks for the great idea. Can't wait to try it tomorrow.
  5. I did something like this for my outdoor lights except I put the program for the front lights and rear lights in a folder with the schedule on the folder. In either case, if any lights are turned on after 10 PM, the program waits 10 minutes and then shuts them off. The trick is the program needs to monitor for all of the controllers for the scene. It looks like the following for my rear lights which has the most controllers. If Control 'DeckKP-All On' is switched Off Or Control 'DeckKP-Flood lights' is switched On Or Control 'DeckKP-Main Deck' is switched On Or Control 'DeckKP-Pad light' is switched On Or Control 'FR-Patio Light' is switched On Or Control 'FR-Rear Flood Lights' is switched On Or Control 'MBRKP-All back lights On' is switched Off Or Control 'MBRKP-Bed Room Deck light' is switched On Or Control 'MBRKP-Flood lights' is switched On Or Control 'MBRKP-Patio' is switched On Or Control 'Pad light' is switched On Then Wait 10 minutes Set Scene 'Rear Lights - All' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Hope this helps. It's pretty simple and clean.
  6. You are correct, the main reason is that I did not want the All On button to be lit all of the time. In my mind, it's an indication that something is on when it isn't. Also, what I feared happening is someone using All On and then later turning off one light in the group I wanted to emulate the way it works on the ControlLinc and RemoteLinc for consistency sake as well. Keeps my better half happier when things operate in a consistent fashion. And that's the best reason ... she understands how it works because it works the way she expects it to. You are right as well regarding the All Off, I believe it would be better to let the Insteon system handle the All Off and eliminate each of the All Off programs by doing exactly what you suggested in your previous post. Thanks for the feedback. I'll give that a try.
  7. That's a good point and I thought about that and can see where that would be a problem if you were going to make use of the hardware as designed. What I had in mind though was clearing all links from the RL and using it as strictly a trigger device. I'm probably at the point where I'm dangerous with the little knowledge I have but here is my thought. One of the things I've done pre-ISY is linked RL to EZRain to allow maintenance of sprinkler system like replace a sprinkler head and test it. It was lots of work to do manual links and only controlled 6 zones. In addition, RL sits useless for most of the time. What I was thinking is I could set up folder with programs to handle each RL button press. That gives me 12 buttons to deal with and if I consider Fast On and Fast Off, that's 24 possibillities. Since there are no links, the other 4 buttons at the bottom could be programmed to also do whatever I want. If I had another use for the RL, I could set up an alternate configuration in another folder and use a condition like maybe the variables when they are available to control what RL configuration is being used. I did notice in another post that using triggers were frowned upon. Do you know why considering the capabilities of the ISY?
  8. Looked at 2.7 post and there are some interesting things. Look forward to it. Might end up that that with mobile device support and IR capabilities I can just get rid of ControlLinc and RemoteLinc. Doesn't make sense why all the buttons wouldn't be accessible to be used as triggers. Oh well.
  9. I was wondering if there is the ability within a program to turn the Enable state for a program on or off or to check the status. I have timers set for my garage and exterior lights that shuts them off if they are still on at say 10PM. I then have separate programs for each set of lights that will automatically shut off the designated set of lights after 10 minutes if someone turns them on after 10PM. I currently have a condition in these programs to check to see if it is between 10PM and 8AM of the following day, but I was thinking it would be neat to be able to eliminate that by simply having the program disabled at 8AM and enabled at 10PM. It appears the only progam condition you can check for is True or False. Seems simple to add Enabled and Disabled as conditions. Also, under actions it seems an Enable or Disable could be added to the Run, Run Else, and Stop. Overall, I would think it would cut down on number of programs running. Maybe I'm missing something. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
  10. I got involved with Insteon when they offered the first Beta version you could buy. When the KeypadLincs came out, one of the things I had in mind was to sort of emulate the All On and All Off buttons on the ControlLinc; basically to control all the lights identified to that keypad. Over the years, I've tried various techniques that have all been unsatisfactory. It has always frustrated me because the KeypadLincs come with button labels for All On and All Off, but nothing in the documentation on how to set this up. I've written this as a tutorial for new folks just getting started. I've finally got this thing working exactly the way I want and thought I'd share it. The way it works is if you press the All On or All Off, the button flashes a couple times letting you know it's doing something, the lights for that group come on or go off irregardless of their current state, and more importantly any keypad button lights are also appropriately set to show the state of the lights in the group. The keypad All On/All Off button stays in an off state. So far, I've set this up for my front lights, kitchen, and rear lights. First, go to the Main tab in the Adminstrative Console. I set up scenes for Front Lights - All, Kitchen - All and Rear Lights - All. These scenes define the group of lights to be controlled. Everything in the group should be set up as a responder. Add the following to the group. Each load (light) to be controlled. Each KeypadLinc button that shows the on/off state of the lights being controlled. Each SwitchLinc that is being used in slave mode and shows the on/off state of the lights being controlled. Next, while on the Main tab of the Administrator Console, select any button on each keypad that has the All On and All Off buttons and click on the Buttons Toggle Mode. This pops up the Set Button Toggle Mode window. Select the All Off button and ten click on the Toggle On/Off button. A window will pop up saying Physically click on (button name), choose your desired state (on/off), and then click on OK. This is asking you to go to the keypad and the button in the state you want it to be in, either On (button light on) or Off (button light off). We want the button light off all the time, check it to ensure it is off and if it's not, push it to toggle it off. Now click on the OK button in the window to set the Non-Toggle state. Do this for both the All Off and the All On buttons, then click OK at the bottom of the Set Button Toggle Mode window to close the window. Now go to the Program Details tab. You will be creating a separate program for each All Off and All On button. For my rear lights, my programs are called Rear Lights-All On and Rear Lights-All Off. To create a program, click on the New Program button in the lower right corner. This will create a New Program line in the list of programs with a box around it ready to change the name. Name the new program. In my example, I have two keypads that control the outside rear lights, one in the Master Bed Room and the other by the Main Deck. The programs are as follows: Rear Lights-All On If Control 'DeckKP-All On' is switched Off or Control 'MBRKP-All On' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Rear Lights - All' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Rear Lights-All Off If Control 'DeckKP-All Off' is switched Off or Control 'MBRKP-All Off' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Rear Lights - All' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') After creating your programs, click Save Changes in the lower left corner. You should now be ready to test the buttons. I hope new folks will find this helpful to get started on programs. If anyone has any suggestions for improving either the technique, program, or tutorial, I'd love to hear them. Maybe I can figure out how to post to the WIKI.
  11. I'm new having gotten my ISY99i IR Pro and finally my new PLC. I've spent last two days moving everything over to ISY and it's been fun. So far I've configured 2 ControlLincs, 12 KeypadLincs, 13 SwitchLincs, 3 LampLincs, and 2 ApplianceLincs and have 22 Scenes and 10 programs working the way I want. This thing is fantastic and it's allowed me to easily do something that I simply could not do previously, but I'll post that in programs area. I've still got to set up RemoteLinc, EZRain, and I have an EZIO2X4 that is on it's way to monitor and control my garage doors. Anyway, is there a way to set up a condition in a program to use the ControlLinc or RemoteLinc Bright/Dim or All On/Off buttons as triggers. For example, I would like to change the meaning of the ControlLinc All On in the Master Bed room so that it turns on a "Heard a Noise" scene and the All Off to off everything in another "Bed Time" scene that has everything that is supposed to be off when I go to bed. I've been all over the board and haven't seen this question so hope I'm not being redundant. This seems to be a great group. Probably due to the excitement about this great product. I know it's got me excited about this stuff again. Next will be to delve into the IR control.
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