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Everything posted by robin71

  1. @TomW, I don't understand how that works for you. I tried that on my end and after 5 min. the program status turns false. I thought after a wait command the If condition was reevaluated before continuing to the next step and if no conditions were present, the program terminated. But, if I create a program called "ISY Startup" that runs at start up: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'power-up notification ' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And the program "power-up notification" looks like this: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 5 minutes Send Notification to 'Rob' content 'ISY Power-up Notification ' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') It then runs as expected and 5 min. later I get an e-mail & text message. Why does it work using a two program method and not one program (that runs at startup) when the program "power-up notification" is practically identical to what you have? This confuses me.
  2. That is a great idea thanks! And I happen to have a TriggerLinc on its way from SmartHouse now. I'm going to have to look into that.
  3. Thank you all for the replies. That looks like it would work, but I ran into a couple of problems. First, all I have out there are three wires, the two 110V legs and a ground. Secondly, burying new wire to make another circuit with a neutral wire would be no easy feat. The well is on the opposite side of my house than the panel box. Even if I could go through the attic to the other side of the house and down that wall with the wire, between that point and the well I have electric, main water lines, sprinkler irrigation lines, and four-inch corrugated pipe that drains my gutters to the front yard. That's a lot of stuff to miss and go under with the electric and I don't know where some of that is. If I were to take it from the panel box around the back yard and over to the well, that's a lot of digging and missing the septic system on that side. Disclosure: In my posts I say I do this and do that, but it's not me actually doing the work. I suffered a spinal cord injury 16 years ago that left me a quadriplegic so it's my dad who helps me with all this stuff. The more I'm thinking about this, the more I'm wondering if there is an easier way to control the well pump in the event of an emergency (a pipe breaking). I was just hoping I could pull it off with the existing wiring that's already out there and control it with INSTEON. INSTEON just gives everything that "cool factor".
  4. Basically I just need a sensor to trigger a program with a timed condition, I think.
  5. I'd like to be able to monitor the status of the well pump for my house using my ISY and dual band INSTEON network. When the pressure switch closes it powers a 220V pump until the cutoff pressure is reached and the switch opens. If the pump runs for a duration of time that exceeds the time it takes to fill the water tank (or some other erratic activity), I'd like to be instantly alerted via text message. Using the INSTEON 240V/30A controller to kill power to the pump would be an extra bonus. That way I'd know if I had a broken pipe somewhere instead of not knowing and coming home to a flooded backyard and no water. I've been reading these forums for several weeks now and have learned quite a bit. There are a lot of sharp people here so if there's a way, I'm sure someone here could point me in the right direction. Thanks! Rob
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