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Everything posted by coder96

  1. Since your isy will be wired and your client is wifi. Have you checked that your isy and client are on the same ip network? It could be that your wifi router is blocking access to your wired network. Have you tried pinging the isy from your client? Have you tried http or https from your client to the isy? If that fails. Can your client connect with an Ethernet wire to your router? What error messages are you seeing?
  2. Under the Configuration -> Networking -> Network Resources tabs Click the Add button at the bottom In the popup window. Select Tcp Put your ip of the WF2IR in the host Port will be 4988 Time out I use 500 Mode will be C Escaped In the body text box. Put in the sendir string with \n\r at the end. Save your resource. Use the test button at he bottom to see if it works.
  3. i use the ip2ir and some flex production to control multiple devices. It is a bit tricky to get working. The simplest was I found to get things going. telnet to the ip2ir on port 4998. Once connected do a get_IRL This will put the box in learning mode. There is a little hole that has the ir receiver behind it. Test your remote with one button to get a feel for how it works. You should have a command for each time you hit the button. Save this some where to test with later. Do a stop_IRL The will stop the learning mode. Then you can experiment with the sendir command. This is what you will use to send the ir command. Once you have that all setup. You will just need to create a network resource in ISY.
  4. At the end of the ir sting it should be \n\r not /n/r. The line feed is not being sent just the string /n/r
  5. I'm having the same problem. My server and client version match.
  6. Is there a chance you isp is blocking standard ports. I always use nonstandard ports. Say 33443 The use https://x.x.x.x:33443 Pick a number you would remember.
  7. I definitely understand that I'm on the not as designed side of things. I did look though a PLM manual. It looked like the command structure could not send random text. I just wanted to make sure. Just to make things clear. The ISY was not designed to use a PLM as a end device.
  8. Is it possible to have two RS232 PLM's sending messages to each other? Say I have +------------+ +-------+ +--------+ +-------+ +-----------+ | Computer A |---| PLM A |---| Network |---| PLM B |---| Computer B | +------------+ +-------+ +--------+ +-------+ +-----------+ 1. I would like to send a string "Knock Knock" from the Computer A to Computer B. 2. Then From Computer B send the string "Who's There" to Computer A. Now replace Computer A with a ISY-99. +--------+ +------+ +---------+ +-------+ +-----------+ | ISY-99 |---| PLM A |---| Network |---| PLM B |---| Computer B | +--------+ +------+ +---------+ +-------+ +-----------+ Can the ISY-99 do the above steps? I'm fairly certain I can handle the programming on Computer B. Computer B being a microcontroller.
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