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Everything posted by thall

  1. We thought we were carefully keeping track of everything as construction went along, but some how this one slipped through the cracks. We searched everywhere before the wallboard went up but once again we couldn't find this one. Maybe we never put it in after all. Thanks
  2. We are slowly finishing our home and I think we have lost an InlineLinc. Is there a way to search for devices that aren't already set up in the network? Thanks - T
  3. Well, I can't explain it, but when I started up the Admin Console, everything was fine. Go figure!! Teresa
  4. I am trying to upgrade the hardware. I run into this problem when I am trying to restore from backup. Teresa
  5. I backed up the ISY99 (running 3.3.10)and followed the instructions for installing the isy994. I keep getting this message: Upgrade Failed: failed uploading file (reported written size is in valid) From reading other posts, I've: - reseated by sd card tried again - no luck - turned off the McAfee firewall and tried again. I got the same error. I'm on Windows 8 and my modem is a 2413S Any suggestions?? Thanks - Teresa
  6. So the file system is on that SD card? I think it is the adapter. When I plugged the adapter into my netbook, it couldn't find the files on the Micro-SD card, but when I plugged the micro into my phone, the files were there. Thanks for your help. ADDED: I got a new adapter and everything is fine. Who'd of thought!!
  7. I just got my ISY-99i and am trying to set it up. I am using an Verizon wireless modem and a CradlePoint MBR-900 router. I'm running Windows XP and have the latest version of Java installed, I used the verify function on java.com. The red error light on the front panel is blinking, the blue power and RX lights are solid. On the wiki I found that the blinking red light means a file system issue. But I can't find any information on how to solve the issue. I have reset the isy and recycled the power, but the light stays lit. Thanks for your help.
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