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Everything posted by ldrinc

  1. Points taken.. Thanks
  2. Yes, I am an av installer. In my mind, based on my experience with the ISY it doesn't matter to me if its a DIY or not. I've installed the ISY in a number of projects and my customers love them. However, this is the first of such size.
  3. I am designing a home automation system for a client. I am in the process of selecting a controller. My option are RTI, ISY, and Control4. Since I don't have extensive experience with programming a control 4 or RTI system. I am leaning towards the ISY994iZW Pro. My question is.. is the ISY a suitable candidate to control lighting, AV, etc in a 10,000 sq. ft. home?
  4. Thanks, I think that did the trick. ------------------------------ Security Disarm Notify 2 - [iD 0068][Parent 0069] If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Elk Output 'Output 065' is On And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Armed State' is Disarmed And ( Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Arm Up State' is Ready To Arm ) Then Wait 5 seconds Set Scene 'Lighting Scenes / All Lights Scene' On Set Elk Output 'Output 065' Off Send Notification to 'DL Only' content 'Security System Disarmed' Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Lighting Scenes / All Lights Scene' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. My apologies, the second program should read as follows. Security Disarmed Notify - [iD 0064][Parent 0069] If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Elk Output 'Output 065' is On And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Armed State' is Disarmed And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Arm Up State' is Ready To Arm Then Set Scene 'Lighting Scenes / All Lights Scene' On Send Notification to 'DL Only' content 'Security System Disarmed' Set Elk Output 'Output 065' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  6. No, there is only one phantom output that I have active.
  7. Recently installed an Elk M1 Gold security system and the ISY Elk Module. Having trouble getting a program to correctly notify me of the state of my alarm. Here is what I have written so far. My intent is to have a notification text sent to me when the alarm goes into a certain state. Security Armed Notify - [iD 0035][Parent 0069] If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) And Elk Output 'Output 065' is On (Using a phantom output on the Elk system helps to identify the user who has armed the system.) And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Armed State' is Armed Away And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully Then Set Scene 'Lighting Scenes / All Lights Scene' Off Send Notification to 'DL Only' content 'Security System Armed Away' Set Elk Output 'Output 065' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ____________________________________- I have the same program written for disarming the system. Security Disarmed Notify - [iD 0064][Parent 0069] If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) And Elk Output 'Output 065' is On And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Armed State' is Disarmed And Elk Area 'Area 1' 'Arm Up State' is Ready To Arm Then Set Scene 'Lighting Scenes / All Lights Scene' On Send Notification to 'DL Only' content 'Security System Disarmed' Set Elk Output 'Output 065' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ________________________________________________ The problem that I am having with this logic is that the ISY will send me two messages--- one notifying me of a disarmed system and one message notifying me of an armed system at the same time. This leaves me confused as to what state the alarm is in. Any help to correct this would be appreciated. dL
  8. I am running 5.xx however I don't have ISYData yet. Still looking to understand its features and benefits. I will consider if/when I decide to run it. Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.
  9. Thanks much! Every 60 mins will be ok. However, if I where to be notified at the top of every hour. How would I write something like that in a program?
  10. Need help writing a program for my DSC Alarm. My intention with this program is that it will notify me every hour if the DSC alarm status is not in an Armed Away or Armed Stay status. Below is what I have attempted. Not sure how to tell the isy to send a message every hour. DSC Alarm Monitor - [iD 0046][Parent 00A3] If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 9:00:00AM To 9:00:00AM (next day) And 'DSC Alarm / Partition 1' Status is Disarmed Or 'DSC Alarm / Partition 1' Status is Entry Delay Or 'DSC Alarm / Partition 1' Status is Exit Delay Then Send Notification to 'Jack Only' content 'Security System Not Armed' Else Send Notification to 'Jack Only' content 'Security System Armed'
  11. Tried that and i didn't work. End up resetting the isy back to the factory defaults. All good now, I think
  12. Help! After installing version 5 on my ISY9944i. I am unable to log it to my ISY. It wont except my username and password. Not sure how to troubleshoot
  13. Looking to take the plunge to version 5 and have a quick question. If I decide that the stability of version 5 is not to my liking. Can I switch back to version 4.... without issue?
  14. ldrinc

    Folder Conditions

    Yep... you hit the nail on the head... the end user is aware that the ability to enable and disable a program is there. He'd question the ability if it disappears now. As for the end user going into the Admin UI... LOL! Well, although I have told him (numerous times) how to get there and the benefits of such. He refuses to even try. Furthermore, at this point, I am reluctant to remind him of the option. I'm afraid he'd screw up even more. BTW.. He never complains about my bill, Soooo.. I guess I will try to be more patient and hope that he will come around at some point. Thanks again for all the feedback
  15. ldrinc

    Folder Conditions

    Ok, Thanks for the feedback.
  16. I have a client whom I have installed an ISY994I for. I have created a folder with programs in it that I use to help monitor the status of a few insteon door sensors. These programs are NOT to be disabled at anytime. My client controls his devices and programs using an Iphone via the Mobilinc Pro App. I have instructed my client on a number of occasions on how to use the program to control the devices and have suggested that he NOT disable certain programs that would cause the system not to function as designed. Unfortunately, he continues to do so sometimes without knowing what he has done until something doesn't function as required and he gets a notice from the system suggesting that something has malfunctioned because of a system or user error. Most of the time he calls me upset that the system is not doing what it is designed to do because of a programming error on my part. In all cases so far the programming was not the problem. It was because the user had inadvertently disabled a program without realizing what he has done. I have tried numerous times to help my client understand what the problem is but he's just not getting it. At this point, the only way to eliminate both my client and my frustrations are to limit access to this particular folder. However, I'm not sure the proper way to go about it. That said, my questions are... Is there a way to 1) hide the fact that this particular folder exists ? or condition the folder so that the programs in it cannot be disabled by an end user without using the admin console? Also, 2) is there a way to trigger a notice to be sent if a program has been disabled by someone? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  17. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Teken, Answers to your question are: 1. If you are referring to a dual band Insteon device... The answer is yes. There is a dimmer switch located near the doors where the sensors are. 2. Not sure where to find the Belias check program. However, if you are referring to the program that was recommended in the previous thread then the answer is yes.
  18. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    ok, got it. will report back sometime tomorrow. Thanks for the help.....
  19. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    After running the program I got the follow messages. I'm guessing that I may have to physically activate the sensor in order for the isy to recognize it again.
  20. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Will do...
  21. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Thanks Teken, I will give it a try shortly.
  22. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    My bad... just realized that the isy in my vacation home is not a pro model. Any other workaround?
  23. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Here is a screenshot of both.
  24. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Not seeing the 1011 icon. It does not appear in the tool bar. I am running the latest version of the UI and Firmware. I also have a pro
  25. ldrinc

    Help With Symbols

    Yes, I made a few changes to the door sensor, remotely. I have this sensor installed in my vacation home. So, if I am understanding your logic, unless the door is opened between now and the time I get there to manually trigger the door sensor, then the status will remain grayed out. Correct? Is there a way to trigger the sensor that's waiting for the updates remotely so that the updates to the device will execute sooner rather than later? dl
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