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    Ontario Canada

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  1. It seems my issues are back again. I'm sending my 2314U to Aartech to get tested for replacement if they find anything wrong with it. I have an old 2314S but I know I need an adaptor to use it with my EISY Is this what I want? https://www.amazon.ca/BENFEI-Ethernet-Compatible-Notebook-Windows7/dp/B08KWC7D78/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=1RGF6CZ5PI5TP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cnPCHQf58jiLA44xLX-icWV_nr9ZD9CKXYOZBByfT2ibRKyk8DyLOazxDfAlAAD3XNB7Cbk995y21UQIEMw9hEOwi4P9WYQoZgx4f5hrts9y7kd_sv1kazC_2pZroRnxfieWFQfQoXwCbZm2D1J_DmTuNaRSw5acvJo_40noTWLui605xVfhduE85hEZl-HAO5Pvqw-j_eFwJP8dmkVTgotu4JTyO7jm_MwqAFKB-RDcdIsEuk2BGtVLc9QflEMY1wIF15NJnbrrhX9su4Mo9P6Hq43Y1a3f1uUZaxsZaU8.MdK00S_Rr8y9n2Fl9lmgHU2Ya8aCltC9kD0MY5uvfGs&dib_tag=se&keywords=rj45%2Bto%2Busb&qid=1725638391&sprefix=rj45%2B%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 (apologies for the double post, internet here is garbage today)
  2. My issue have come back again. I'm sending my 2314U to Aartech for them to test it to see if its the problem. I do have a 2314S here that I can use in the meantime but I need a different connector to hook it up to my EISY. I believe its RJ45 (maybe, I'm not sure) to USB A it looks like. I'm just asking for confirmation that's what I need to try to find online. I'm also assuming it's an Amazon thing? Drew
  3. I can look around. I'm sure theres a laptop somewhere around here that may run 11
  4. Got it. Thanks
  5. I just wanted to reply and say what helped my issue. I'm back up and running after opening a ticket. I rebooted and everything is back. Last time I did this I unplugged both PLM and EISY, plugged in PLM, waited, etc but I must have screwed that up. (yes that hurts to admit) but one thing I don't have anymore is my desktop shortcut. I have this icon I have to click on in my downloads folder Anyway to get the shortcut back?
  6. I'm having the same issues again. I've tried the solution above but it doesn't seem to work. I've contacted Aartech and they've said theres a 2 year warranty on the 2314U but they want to troubleshoot first. I'm not sure what more I can do. Is there anything else I can try? Is there a way I can definitely make sure the PLM is failing? Its only 6 months old.
  7. Unplug the PLM, wait for a minute then hold the power button on the EISY until it turned red. Then release and press again. It'll turn blue and reboot.
  8. Problem solved. Back up and running. I said it to Michel in the ticket and I'll say it here. Great product with great after sales service.
  9. Thank you as always (Geddy and everyone else) I'll open a ticket.
  10. Under Tools/Diagnostics/PLM Info/ Status it says not connected
  11. Is my eisy corrupt? or am I having issues communicating to the PLM?
  12. Mac Sonoma 14.5 I've cleared my java cache as above I've done this When I click it it says 5.8.4 so I'm assuming that's correct When I click on a device in the GUI I get these warnings I just upgraded to the EISY in March and bought a 2413U then.
  13. I run a Mac. When I clicked on the update I see nothing like that. I knew the update was done because it popped up on my phone from the app, not from my computer. how do I clear the cache on the Mac?
  14. My mistake. I got the notification it was ready to reboot (I was impatient clearly) But now I have this I'm not sure where to download that
  15. I ran the update. I still see 5.8.0 I'm not sure where the three check boxes are or how to clear the cache
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