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    Ontario Canada

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Community Answers

  1. Works like a dream. thank you guy.
  2. That would be the piece I’m missing. I’ll try that and post back.
  3. I tried the remove and replace and no luck. When I get back I'll a Factory reset and restore device and post back with the results. Thanks
  4. It's a simple scene. I have KPL button H triggering the lights in a hutch I have the button as a controller and as a responder I assumed when the light is on (triggered from another scene) the LED should be on but it isnt. I'm not sure what I've done wrong
  5. I'll renew today. I'm a little under a week away
  6. Thanks for this. My renewal is in a few weeks. If I renew early does it just auto renew on my expiry date or at the time of renewal?
  7. Thank you. Just checking.
  8. I have the eisy
  9. Hi guys Every time I renew I sign up for two years (solely for convenience) I just received my alert to renew and I only see one year options. Am I missing something or is the two year option no longer available? Andrew
  10. Hi Paul, Thanks, this worked. I factory reset both affected devices and its all good.
  11. I’m not sure. How would I look for that?
  12. I cleared and factory reset the remote. I just added it back in to the EISY and it still behaves the same as before. What's the next step?
  13. I figured. I’ll try that and post back tomorrow.
  14. Hi Techman Thanks for the reply. I've resolved all writes and the problem seems to persist. As an aside, I programmed the B button on the remote and the GUI says the device is changing but the device doesn't react either. Should I delete the remote from my EISY and rediscover it?
  15. Just wanted to add that another device (a SWL upstairs) also shuts off when I click the remote button. The devices don't turn back on when I repeat click but the intended device works as it should. Both devices that are affected (and shouldn't be) don't show any percentage or on/off change in the EISY GUI (apologizes for the spamming, just want to get all the info I have typed out here.)
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