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Everything posted by Hurting2Ride

  1. I ordered a new 2413S on Sunday and it's in my hands today. 😊 😊 😊
  2. While the Insteon manual for the 222 does refer to the Insteon hub, it also refers to issues native to the device itself. For example, it explains exactly what the red & green blinking lights mean and how to put the device in & out of linking mode. It's worth looking through.
  3. I'm curious about the answers to this as well. I know there's at least a couple of people active on this forum that have multiple systems, although I don't know how they're being used (production, development, disaster recovery.) Hopefully they can provide some insight. Questions I have 1) do all modules need to be repurchased? a. Does this depend on if the system is to be used only in case of 1st system hardware failure vs used for development or some other live use? b. if not, in the event of 1st system hardware failure, how quickly can modules be moved from the 1st system to the 2nd ? 2) I'm assuming that other than keeping the 2nd system at the same release level as the 1st, there's not much "prep" that can be done to have the system take over from the 1st. I'm assuming this because it seems like the idea of a 2nd PLM on the network with similar link tables would be asking for trouble. But I'd happily be wrong. 3) is there any way to create an automated backup process either via the ISY UI itself or kicked off via command? or an acceptable "hack" that scripts the process? 4) all the other things I'm not thinking of...
  4. This has been stuck in my noggin. I wanted to have a similar function to what you're looking for, without using any 3rd party products to do so. Create an e-mail notification message with the text, including the quotation marks: "http://x.x.x.x:yy/rest/nodes/${sys.node.#.addr}/cmd/DON/255" x.x.x.x. = your ISY ip address yy = your ISY port (if not 80) These must be entered manually into the email subject or body as there is no easy substitution to get the systems address. If you put the above in to a e-mail notification you would be able to click the resulting link and your default browser should take you there. In this case the link would turn on whatever device tripped the notification. As I did not include authorization information in the link you should be prompted for your id/password. Once the command is entered you will receive a result code message from the ISY to let you know if the command succeeded or failed. You could pretty up the link any way you want using standard html code in the email. In my case I created a quick program that looked for an OFF command to this Lamplinc, address 14 52 18. The "Then" command was to Notify and send me an email, using the above substitution, with the resulting link " 52 18 1/cmd/DON/255". The basic commands would be On = "http://x.x.x.x:yy/rest/nodes/${sys.node.#.addr}/cmd/DON/255" Off = "http://x.x.x.x:yy/rest/nodes/${sys.node.#.addr}/cmd/DOFF/0"" Set a Variable = "http://x.x.x.x:yy/rest/vars/set/1/88/zz" In this example, 1 = Integer variable (2= State Variables), 88 = Integer Variable Number, zz = set value. zz can only be a decimal numeric. Any chars other than 0-9 will cause the command to fail. Run program = ""http://x.x.x.x:yy/rest/programs/pppp/runThen" pppp=Program # :Options = run, runThen, runElse, stop, enable, disable, enableRunAtStartup, disableRunAtStartup https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface has the complete set of commands available. P.S. Remember to take a backup before you start messing around with the REST (or any) API.
  5. That's great! I have a feeling Javi was referring to Insteon groups but either way glad he brought them up. I hadn't considered them in this case but now it's bouncing around in my brain different ways both Alexa & Insteon groups could be used for this. It sounds like Alexa is issuing the individual commands to each device. Do they appear to turn on or off in sequence rather than simultaneously? or can you see individual commands in the event log?
  6. If I understand what you're looking to do correctly (without IFTTT) you effectively want to use the REST API. That's where you would find the info on how to build http commands that will execute a program, change a variable, etc.
  7. Very possible I'm being dense. I like the idea of the "presets" so you can use similar or the same logic for any scene, but what's the full spoken you use to dim/brighten a scene?
  8. My pleasure. I've been experiencing similar frustrations w/ Alexa integrations so I feel your pain! I've seen a FEW other random posts on the internet machine mentioning that spelling/grammar issues seemed to be a cause of their issues. I'd be very interested if your neighbor routine would work as intended if you spelled it as "neighbor" rather than "neighbour".
  9. ...and another thought. Have you tried disabled the ISY skill & re-enabling it? I've had a few scenarios (non-ISY) where doing this "fixed" whatever got hung up in Alexa w/ that skill.
  10. I also meant to ask what happens if you use your same routine but change the action to anything other than a vocalization? If that works, what about leaving that action in place and re-adding the vocalization as a second action?
  11. Any chance this is similar to your issue?
  12. If I may... What's the name of the device on Alexa? What's the name of the ISY variable it's tied to? What does your Alexa routine currently look like?
  13. I don't know if this is in any way related but I spent about 4 excruciating hours of routines & notifications working, then not, then sometimes, then...while troubleshooting a Ring doorbell the other day. Came to find out that Alexa appears to cache certain information about devices and doesn't do a very good job cleaning up it's cache. If you delete & re-add a device with the exact same name it's possible that Alexa updates some of the device info but not all. My problem was "solved" by naming my door bell "Front DoooR". That's all it took for all of my related routines & announcements to work 100% of the time. I then waited a few hours, changed the device name back to "Front Door" & everything continued to work fine after that. P.S. There are also some issues (it seems) with permissions related to Amazon Household. The website thread I followed the other day to finally determine the above issue with devices also referenced the permission. While applicable to my issue, someone might find it does theirs. P.S.S. What values were you setting in Alexa for contact open/close?
  14. V3.35. Woohoo! I’ll have to check out pricing on the 4401 and then just figure out when I’ll have time to modify a node server...
  15. Is that 3.2 the physical board version or a firmware version?
  16. Has anyone done an integration with the DSC 4020? Unfortunately Envisalink does not support this product line. Although the alarm is "old", it's perfectly functional...except as far I can tell the HA options for it suck. Replacing the alarm isn't really an option as even if I could re-use all the rest of the equipment the cost to replace my system boards & wall panels alone is ~$2000. I can't justify $2k just to get HA integration if something like the PC4401 ($100) could be integrated via polyglot. I looked at the integration documents from DSC & it's more straightforward than just about any integration option I've seen any time recently (no handshaking, no headers, only 2 - 4 params per msg). What I'm what I'm really looking for is to get the info FROM the alarm system. I've got around 20 motion detectors & enough keyfobs for my immediate family+. I'd be ashamed to duplicate those with separate motion & presence detectors, especially since the DSC detectors are hardwired and already installed in the best locations. Not to mention I'd be back in to a price range that would then send me looking at just replacing the system. I rambled a bit above in case anyone has other suggestions outside of the PC4401/polyglot that would meet my needs. thanks!
  17. That’s why I refuse to use a cloud recording service for anything other than the front door and that’s mainly because of the doorbell integration. When I eventually replace my analog NVR I fully intend to replace my front door camera with an IP camera that will also be recording 24hr/day locally and only instant screenshots be sent to/by Ring as a “worst” case scenario backup.
  18. I appreciate the example. While I’ve experimented with most types of Insteon-related scenarios, I’m only now looking in to low-voltage options as I’ve never had a home with indoor low-voltage lights before. And now I’ve got a home with roughly 200 of them with zero automation, which is driving me crazy. I’m dying to get them there but the expense...ugh. And roughly half the lights are located in areas with no attic, limiting some of my options. So I’m definitely interested in any & all options, especially for large banks of lights and switches.
  19. I have been finding that for my go-forward solutions I remind myself of 2 things. First, people are already controlling their life though touchscreens and it will not be many years before most people are used to controlling their environment at least partially by voice. Second, it no longer really matters where the loads are, what matters is having control where you want it. I would wire the loads to a single access-panel if possible and use devices like Inlinelincs or din-mounted controls. So... I've been strategically placing Alexa devices (Echo Dot, Echo Spot, etc) in range of just about everywhere in my home. In areas with a large number of loads that need to be controlled like the bathroom(10+ individual loads, not counting the tub) and great room (9 loads, 15 switches) I believe a touchscreen will be the control of choice as I change things out. To your point, why would I want to continue to stare at a bank of switches trying to remember which controls what when I can be looking at a friendly app with labels & interaction? Secondly in the places where it is convenient to a have switch I try to remember that switches no longer necessarily look like switches, they don't need to be powered and they don't need to be in a gang-box. They can be big color push-buttons stuck on a wall or little switches like the Insteon 8 key remote that can sit on the coffee table, they can be "hacked" Amazon Dash buttons or a dedicated tablet. It really depends on how your particular home is set up and where it makes sense to have control. I'm not sure if I've helped you but that's my $.02.
  20. I used the InlineLinc at my last house and I saw no functional difference. It sounds like I misunderstood; you're using them in different scenarios, correct?
  21. I'm a bit confused, but that's common. When you say Insteon dimmers, are you referring to the inlinelincs? or an Insteon dimmer switch?
  22. Is this something of concern with the ISY in particular? or just a general concern you keep in mind? I had a ISY 99i for a long time with multiple state variables being set/reset every 1 to 60 seconds. I never experienced (or remember seeing) any issue w/ the ISY & memory. Thx.
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