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Everything posted by jwelton2

  1. Yep, upgrading to .18 fixed the console issue. tnx, John
  2. It’s been a while since I’ve programmed my ISY 994i. When I tried to get into the admin console this afternoon, the following error message occurred: Your security settings have blocked an application from running due to missing a “Permissions” manifest attribute in the main jar. This was after I updated to most recent JAVA today. Below are my settings. Question, I’m assuming I am way behind on firmware updates, can I go from 4.0.5 directly to 4.2.18 or do I need to do an intermediate upgrade? Anything else I need to do to get into admin console after the update? Model: ISY 994i 256 Platform: ISY-C-994 Version: 4.0.5 Build Timestamp: 2013-05-24-15:26:20 This all started when I tried to get my Christmas lights up and on the ISY, yes honey, just a few minute Thanks, John
  3. Thanks Lee, adding the ISY IP address to the Java Exception Site List seems to have done the trick.
  4. Hi, just upgraded to ISY-994i previously had an ISY-99 Pro which was working fine with the admin console. I can get into the homepage of the new ISY-994i when I type the local IP address but when I try to access the admin console, I get: Java Plug-in Using JRE version 1.7.0_51-b13 Java HotSpot Client VM I reinstalled the latest Java update after it happened the first time and yes I was able to get into the admin console fine, changed the password and loaded the devices and created a scene. But when I restarted my computer, the error reappeared. Here is the particulars for the unit: ISY Model: ISY 994i 256 Platform: ISY-C-994 Version: 4.0.5 Build Timestamp: 2013-05-24-15:26:20 Any help is appreciated
  5. If I upgrade to the new ISY994 then the new Insteon keypad will be supported? Please confirm, thanks, John
  6. Hi, I just installed a Smarthome INSTEON Keypad Dimmer Switch (Dual-Band), 8-Button, Ivory model 2334-223 but I do not see a selection for this in the drop down box for new device. So it just comes up as an unsupported dimmer but none of the extra buttons. Any thoughts? ISY-99i 3.3.10 firmware. Thanks for feedback, John
  7. Michael, will the ISY be able to recognize separate input codes from the Schlage lock, e.g. if my wife uses 1234 and I use 5678 will it be able to trigger separate scenes? I have an Insteon motion detector that works nicely with some outside lights when we come in after dark, but I would like certain house lights to come on when I enter the door code. I'd like to have different lights to come on between my wife and I. John
  8. I've had the Schlage since Radio Shack had them on sale for about $70 last year using it in my front door. Yes, there is no motor but having the ability in the ISY99 to detect codes would be a big plus, e.g. turning on lights, knowing who and when entered a code, adding a panic button code (adding the Elk M1 Gold is my summer project), etc.
  9. Thanks Lee, I had it set for auto detection and the new battery seems to have cured the problem. John
  10. I just updated to ver .17 this morning and had a 2420M motion detector that was successfully added in ver .16 I deleted it from my new scheme because it was staying permananently on (was the same for ver .16). Now I am unable to add the existing device to ver .17 I pushed the set button and got the fast flash then add device (with the address) On the 2420M I have the 5 jumper on, all others are off any help will be appreciated John
  11. jwelton2

    3-Way Circuit

    Bernhard, here is a URL at Smarthome that helps to be sure you got the wiring correct: http://www.smarthome.com/2477D/SwitchLinc-INSTEON-Remote-Control-Dimmer-Dual-Band-White/p.aspx John
  12. Yes the above works . . . I cleared the Java cache again and that got me back to the original IP address (which did not change). Seems that others have had similar Jave errors (see the firmware thread). I uploaded the new .13 firmware and all seems to be working well. Not sure what happened. Thanks, John
  13. My ISY99 (IR Pro) was working fine, but now I am unable to access it from my web page ( This morning when I tried to open the web site on my local network, I got the following two error messages: Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: Unable to establish loopback connection Then XML Parse Error the web page locked up Explorer, I rebooted the laptop and power recycled the ISY99, the first two times I tried to get in via the web brower, it locked up Explorer, I power recycled and rebooted the laptop again, now when I try to access via the web, the Universal page comes up but nothing happens? I have a keypad and can access the scenes off the ISY. The bottom blue light is on and nothing else and it appears to be recognizing Insteon commands (light blinks) off the KPL. I power recycled the cable modem/router which the ISY is attached, no joy? When the ISY initially locked up, I had the browser window up for maybe 3 hours. Just successfully uploaded firmware 3.1.12 on Monday. Since I cannot get access to the ISY, unable to upload the new .13 firmward. Any thoughts what to do next? Thanks, John
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