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Everything posted by autelis

  1. Do you mean an DSC IT-100 with an RS232 Port? You may wish to consider our Universal 2-Way Serial Interface for ISY which will allow you to push all the alarm status variables into ISY variables. Product Information: http://www.autelis.com/universal-rs232- ... e-isy.html Example of usage in similar application: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=12324
  2. Autelis Universal RS232 Interface for ISY now supports Concord Alarms viewtopic.php?f=78&t=12324&p=94771 Thanks!
  3. Autelis Universal RS232 Interface for ISY now supports Concord Alarms viewtopic.php?f=78&t=12324&p=94771 Thanks!
  4. autelis

    GE/Caddx NX-8E

    Our RS232 Interface is capable of doing 2-way communication, however the GE system requires messages to be ACKed which would require us to add some features to the firmware to specifically handle that behavior. This is not too difficult, and if you plan to purchase our device please let us know and we can do this for you. If more people are interested, we can create a completely integrated firmware dedicated to this interface. Thanks.
  5. Hi pauliep, we are working on a solution that will allow you to control your Intelliflo in a standalone configuration (no pool automation system required) and will connect to ISY. If you are interested in more information, please contact us or post in our forum. Thanks.
  6. @ergodic - Thanks for mentioning our product. The RS-485 version is currently in stock and the RS-232 version was slightly delayed but we are expecting them in stock any time now. It's very useful for devices that you need to read status info from for use in ISY programs. @johnnyt - If you are also interested in a more developed solution such as a standalone DSC interface with no computer required then please post a request in our subforum. We are looking into creating security interfaces for GE panels as well as DSC and others. This goes for any other equipment you may have specific requests for. Thanks.
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