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Everything posted by easytim
I use a line conditioner (see photo) for all my computers - router - ISY-994i - stereo - audio router - WIFI controller and LED lighting controls and I also have whole protection along with about 5 surge arrest protectors made by APC that plug into the local outlets as a double backup. I live in a place where there is more lighning than anywhere in the USA
I want to control my 8 zone Smartenit model #5010A irrigation system using ISY994i and having (weather bug) not used anymore now its Ham Weather at ($25.00 per month) tell my irrigation system its time to water the yard . Can this be set-up like this? THANK YOU. . I'm new with this stuff, so this I'm sure its a stupid question, why would we wamt a weather service to hook up to and ISY if you can't use it to control something ? Whats the best way to controll a water system using weather reports?
Is this a working statement? I'm trying to get it to turn on 20 mins after sunset. I'm new so it's going to take a little time until I get the hang of it, THANKS
I'm new at this, I can't get my yard lights to turn off when I want them to,they stay on all night. Until dusk to dawn shuts them off. It turns on OK, but not off. Here's a picture of the program I'm using, I just need a little help until I become better. Thanks Tim Darn , I see the problem, I have it being turned on instead of off
I had a good Iphone APP. that ran my insteon home automation, but I have not used it in over 1 1/2 years ago. I forgot what I was using. Would someone help me a little on this and give me a couple of names of apps
THAT GOT IT ------------------------A BIG THANK YOU \
Blocked by security settings - how do I get around this? My computer will not let me run automation software, what do I need to do? SEE ATTACHED PICTURE
The other suggestion that was made is to consider other INSTEON automation controllers that I’m told currently support GarageHawk. Hardware based controllers similar to the ISY-99 include HomeRunner RBI and HomeSeer HomeTroller-SE. Software based GarageHawk compatible automation controllers like mControl are also an option.
Here is my reply from Garage Hawk. It looks like the ball is in Universal Devices court Hi Tim, The last time I spoke with Universal Devices they were prioritizing the introduction of new features based on user requests and had not yet released their support for GarageHawk. We have provided Universal Devices with engineering samples of our product for development of GarageHawk support. I would urge you to contact Universal Devices either directly or through their forum to request GarageHawk support. Customer requests carry much more weight than requests from another vendor. Having said that, I assume the ISY-99 will use our recommended method for communicating with GarageHawk. Due to the complex nature of the communication between GarageHawk modules we recommend that automation controllers link to a GarageHawk Remote Module. GarageHawk Remote Modules have been designed to aggregate all communication within the GarageHawk network and simply extend all "Close Button" functions to the automation controller. We have received numerous other inquiries concerning ISY support. We would be delighted to add them to our list of supporting controllers and would be happy to help in any way we can. Please let me know if you are able to obtain any additional information concerning ISY-99 support for GarageHawk and feel free to call me directly if you would like to discuss in greater detail.
My firmware on my ISY99 is 3.1.17 Everything works, but I can't link the Garage Hawk I just bought. Anyone got any ideas?
Your right I can't see the 2456S3 turn on, I guess there is a different way to link it. I also can not see the EZSnsRF with ISY, its not there either
EZSnsRF linked to a 2456S3, per setup. I don't see any of this in ISY/99 should I be seeing something?
Great answer you guys, I got it. I'm putting these things here so I can remember how to do it http://stuff.led-guy.com/IRLinc.htm
How do you unlink a RemoteLinc 2440 controller from a IR Transmitter 2411T? I have done a fair amount of reading, with no luck. When I push the ON button on my RemoteLinc, my IR transmitter sends this signal 3 times. The signal is sent to come On, then I signal is sent to goes Off, then the signal is sent to turn it On again
sticker says 2411T 0903
IRLinc 2411T - REV. 1.05 - is this out dated? I just bought this new, I'm just wondering
I can turn on and off the monkey light from ISY with no problems I can turn on and off the front bedroom light from ISY with no problems When I trigger my EZSnrRF wireless sensor receiver by walking front of the Dakota transmitter, my Monkey Light comes on, this works just fine. But the program is not turning on the front bedroom light. And I think it should, maybe I don't have it programmed right. Why isn't the front bedroom light coming on? Below is another way of doing it, see picture I found here on forum, should I do it like this? THIS IS NOT MY PROGRAM <<<< HERE - I FOUND THIS ON THE FORUM - I"M NOT USING THIS
When Monkey light turns on, front bedroom light should come on and go off 5 mins later See the attached program, I'm not able to turn on front bedroom light .. . . . . Universal Devices needs a web page showing several examples of programming, NO EXAMPLES?????
Thanks for the heads up
Ok. that got it, I know now if I can't get something to link, enter the address I HOPE YOU WIN THE LOTO, A BIG THANK YOU SIR
OK, I will do.