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Everything posted by easytim

  1. The only thing that happens is the LED on the RemoteLinc #2440 blinks when I HOLD DOWN ON DIM and BRIGHT for 5 seconds, then its in linking mode, I see nothing at all in ISY, nothing. I do not get the screen below, I never have seen this screen pop up
  2. I'm using two dual band Access Points #2443, I don't see the Access Points either in ISY, but I don't thing I'm suppose to either. I put the RemoteLinc very close to the #2443 while it was blinking. One other thing, the RemoteLinc #2440 was not bought new, its used. Could it be its an older model of RemoteLinc that will not work with ISY? Label inside the battery compartment reads "1208 REV1.0" and "0A.35.70". I hope this is not the case
  3. I'm new at this, I have linked 2 dimmers and 1 appliance module to ISY with no problems, now I'm trying to link a RemoteLinc #2440. I'm not sure how to do this, I have tried several things with no luck. The RemoteLinc controls all 3 modules just find, I just can't see it in ISY. I guess I need a little help until I can get the hang of it. I tried holding down on the #1 button or the Dim & Bright button on the RemoteLinc for 10 seconds until the LED blinks,that means its in the linking mode, then try to link it to ISY
  4. No, its not in the same outlet. I want to put the 2413S PLM close to the fuse panel downstairs where the Ocelot is. But I will need to use a 15ft CAT5 cable coming from my router to Port A on the ISY to do this. Is a 15ft CAT5 cable at that length too long? I will also try unpluging the Ocelot and to see if that helps it.
  5. I'm sure some of you guys have some extra Insteon stuff sitting around that your not using. e-mail me if you have extra's you want to get rid of @ midwestmeteor@earthlink.net
  6. I have programmed the ISY-99 to turn off and on several X10 modules but only 1/2 of them get the signal from the 2413S to the X10 modules. I have repeated the E5 (off) signal seven times, with no luck. Repeating the signal doesn't do it, I know the signal is being sent, I can see the LED light flash on the 2413S when its being sent Is there something I can make this work ? I have two 2443 access points plugged in close by. I'm very new at using the ISY-99 and Insteon Everything turns on and off just fine using my X10 Ocelot Controller, is there something I'm not doing right?
  7. Is it 2.8.16 ?
  8. It looks like you got it all working for you, I love the idea of being able to play with Insteon with the iPhone, I can watch the lights go on and off with cameras I'm able to watch over iPhone. A big toy, but its all toys for all of us here:)
  9. I did all the UPS x10 filters on everything including computers, and I have a repaeter, the fact is I give up, x10 will never be 100% in my book, ever
  10. Very nice reply, I think I'm going to like Insteon and ISY, I can't wait
  11. Sometimes things don't turn and sometimes things don't turn off, I bought all the goodies to amplify the signal and connect it to both phases. Some areas of the house its still dead, its a pain in the ***, with a 3200 sq ft house
  12. After years and years of playing with X10 and Ocelot I have a system that works 90% of the time I'm changing over to Insteon and ISY-99, I feel there still may be buggy issues with this system, I'm just wanting to know how well its worked for other people. What do you think?
  13. I found out you can use any 5 to 30 VDC power supply to power the ISY-99 I called and asked about this, so I have a small 12vdc power supply that will work fine
  14. I got it, Thanks, Lee
  15. The 2413S is serial and the 2413U is USB and there is no way the 2413U will work with ISY99, is that correct? I'm trying to understand what the difference is between serial and USB and what will work with ISY99
  16. I was told by someone that a 12vdc power supply would work on the ISY, I will call them tomorrow and make sure. So, I just now ordered a 2413s - A BIG THANK YOU IS IN ORDER
  17. I ordered a 2413U to work with the ISY that came today in the mail. I hope I got it right, I'm still very much in the learning curve with stupid questions Will the 2413U work just fine? THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Should I get a 2414U or 2413U? I ordered a 2413U, my ISY came today, I'm waiting on the 2413U, I hope I got it right I'm not sure which PLM will work best with my ISY 99i I'm still very new at this, and still in the learning curve, with stupid questions:)
  19. your right, duh
  20. Are you sure, it doesn't say that anywhere that it is not included
  21. You can buy ISY-99i, ISY-99i/IR, ISY-99i/IR PRO (REFURBISHED) for a lot less than new INSTEON Home Automation Controller 256 devices/scenes 300 programs Price: $199.00 http://udi.safestorefront.com/Merchant/?p1=101146
  22. Is there that much of a difference?
  23. Is there one in the works? Or a link to it?
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