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  1. Yep, I'll go with the work-around for now. FYI -- there was a perl module written 10-15 years ago that had worked out the logic for most of the elk RS-232 message protocol. I picked that up 7-8 years ago to update it to include new message types, but have not maintained it for at least 5 years now. I only mention it because when I was done with it, I had pretty much worked out all of the logic except for the audio devices (didn't really see how that would be useful). I really don't think that Elk has updated the protocol since, so it is likely still a fairly comprehensive perl implementation of the RS-232. I was mainly using it for logging, but had also added some code so that it would update an ISY state variable whenever a temperature device sent an update message. I think I may have also been logging user codes as well If you are interested, I can probably find the perl code -- it may serve as a useful reference.
  2. I'm attempting to use an output as a controller in a scene, and it seems that it has only implemented half of the link in the scene. I created a scene, added 1 insteon SL as a responder, and added 1 Elk Output as a controller: However, it appears that it does create both controller and responder links on the Output: What I'm trying to do is allow my Elk to trigger a scene via an Output -- is this a defect, or is this by design?
  3. What is your device software version? Mine is 3077
  4. On the settings menu, select your echo device, then select sounds. I see 2 new options, that look like they may allow you to select the sound, but it is greyed out, says an update is needed. So, perhaps it is coming soon...
  5. Rondo -- I'm using Network Resources to implement the DirecTV (set-top HTTP Exported Functionality (SHEF) protocol. You can download a copy from https://www.satinstalltraining.com/homeautomation/DTV-MD-0359-DIRECTV_SHEF_Command_Set-V1.3.C.pdf It is almost 5 years old, but seems to work great with latest hardware. Essentially, I have a network resource for each channel, and a program for each channel. All the program does is associate a spoken word with the channel, so to to switch to CNN, "Alexa, turn on CNN". It works great, the only thing I had to change was ESPN. Apparently, if you say "Alexa, turn on ESPN", it turns on ESPN radio. It was easy to resolve however, I just changed the spoken word to "ESPN TV", so now "Alexa, turn on ESPN TV" will change channels to ESPN. This actually seems to be more reliable than using my Logitech remote, since with the remote, if you don't aim it correctly, it may not get all of the IR Codes. But via the echo, it never seems to miss. This has been a huge hit on the home front. I also have a Sharp TV, which also has a network interface, so I have a program call TV (with Spoken word of "TV") which calls network service to turn on the DirecTV (see section 3.2 Remote Keys Functionality), then turns on the TV, and sets up room lighting. The else path turns everything off. So, "Alexa, turn on TV" will turn on set-top box, turn on the TV, and adjust lighting. "Alexa, turn off TV" will turn off the TV, then the set-top box, and re-adjust the lighting. And, as mentioned above, programs and Network Resources for each channel. Works great, and now my house has the whole neighborhood curious.
  6. Stuviews, I'm not sure if your reply was in response to my post or not, but made me realize that I may not have been clear, so thanks and allow me to clarify. I currently have a series of network resources, 1 per channel. I then have a program for each that does nothing more than associate a spoken word with the associated network resource. It works great, in fact my wife keeps showing off this feature whenever guest are over, however the process of adding channels could be much simpler if there was the ability to associate a spoken word directly with a network resource.
  7. The connected home works flawlessly, my only concern is with the amount of exercise I'm going to miss! A question/suggestion. Could you also give network resources a spoken word? I have quite a few I use to change channels on DirecTV. To make them work, I have 'wrapper' programs that don't do anything other than execute the network resource.
  8. Predevice: back Drive Driveway Upper Lower Device: overhead Sofa Skylight
  9. Search for sockitbox on amazon
  10. I have pro version, with network module installed. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  11. I'm seeing similar issues with 4.2.1 (both client and server). Current State is 73, heat setpoint is 60, cool setpoint is 74. Heat/Cool state is shown as Heating -- this is not correct, neither heat or AC are currently on. I see similar behavior in Mobilinc.
  12. Tunaman

    Elk IO

    If tee elk web keypad isn't showing the correct status, then that sounds like it might be an issue with either your m1xep. Try unplugging it, leave it disconnected for 1 minute, and see if that helps. The m1xep can be so NM rebar tempermental. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  13. Windows 7, java 7. I checked on another computer, windows 7 java 6. It seems to work fine on that computer.
  14. Windows 7, java 7. I checked on another computer, windows 7 java 6. It seems to work fine on that computer.
  15. Installed 3.3.6. Seems to be fully functional, but looks like there might be an issue with the admin interface. If the gui isn't maximized. it seems to have trouble painting the ELK security status/buttons. Screenshot attached. I do have the elk module.
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