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  1. Is there a way using the rest interface to adjust thermostat setpoints incrementally up or down rather than setting a specific value? I am using the iRule interface, and can execute an IP command, and was hoping to send a +1 or -1 adjustment via the http rest interface. Many thanks.
  2. Thanks for the pointers. You should be aware that the final command in the sequence I showed will not execute at all until another network command is issued. This could be 30 seconds or 30 minutes. I still suspect a deeper issue here. One other thought, if I reboot the ISY, then everything works fine, for a while. Eventually it returns to the situation I described. I'll play around some more, but still think there may be something odd under the covers. One final thing... I get these in the error log: Sun 2012/01/08 04:36:43 PM System -170001 UDQ:Queue Full: LOG Could this be related?
  3. I am not sure if this is related ot the issues described in the thread, but I have been having extraordinarily strange behaviour with Programs And/Or Networking Resources. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what is happening, but the best I can describe it is that my program commands to send network commands get either lost, sent in the wrong order, or the timing is wacked. Specially the one instance I can recreate is a pown on sequence for my Home Theater. I send IR and Network commands to get things going, and have pauses in to assure that devices power on before getting any further commands. Some commands that are supposed to be sent before a wait delay, get sent after the paude, and frequently in place of the command that was positioned after the wait. Here's an example: Set Scene 'Basement LED On' Resource 'Basement LED Yellow' Resource 'Home Theater Receiver Power On' Set Scene 'IR TV Power On' Wait 1 Second Resource 'Directv Home Theater On' wait 6 seconds Resource 'Home Theater Receiver Volume -26DB' Resource 'Home Theater Receiver HDMI 2' Wait 30 Seconds Set Scene 'AV rack LED Off' Wait 1 Second Set Scene 'Home Theater Nook LED Off' Resource 'All LED Ambience' Okay, so what happens is that the switch to HDMI 2 on the receiver happens AFTER the 30 second delay. The final network command to adjust LED lighting to ambience levels never happens until I execute another program with a network resource and it triggers then. It is almost like the caching/queuing of the network resource commands has a defect. Please help! Thanks
  4. Finally resolved the problem. Tried air gapping each 8KPL one at a time, then modifying the LED only scene. Each time the light toggled. Air gapped both, and STILL the command to modify the LED state affected the light. Appeared that there was a stray link in the Dimmer, so I removed the device from the ISY, then added back after a factory reset. Worked like a charm. Thank for the help guys.
  5. Appreciate all the advice, but still a bit confused and stuck trying to debug the problem. Having no luck interpreting the SCAN results, I decided to factory reset the 2 KPL's and Dimmer. I ran a restore on all 3 devices, but the problem remians. Can someone help me walk through the steps to diagnose and fix this problem? Would restoring the PLM help? Many thanks!
  6. Phew - thought I was going crazy! I'll check the log, and look for the Scan Z Utility. Cheers!
  7. Sorry about the lack of clarity. Here are the scenes: 1) Study Recessed : ---Dimmer as Controller ---8KPL-Button D(1) as Controller ---8KPL-Button D(2) as Controller 2) Study LED: ---8KPL-Button D(1) as Responder ---8KPL-Button D(2) as Responder When Study LED scene is turned ON - The lights in the study go on. Thanks
  8. I have a scene with a button on each of two different 8KPLs set as responders. They are the only devices in the scene. I use this scheme to modify the lit state based on various conditions and have never run into the following problem: When I alter the state of this scene "On" or "Off", the Dimmer that is linked to the button triggers and the lights go on or off. Now normally when an KPL button is set as responder and I trigger "on" or "off" the LED changes without impacting the actual Dimmer. This is the only case in my 40 or so scenes where this happens. I have tried "Restore" device on both KPLs and Dimmer - I have reset the Dimmer - Deleted and Rebuilt Scene. Any thoughts? Help!
  9. Looking forward to it, many thanks! Curious, are the differences in KPL 1.6 behaviour variations in the 1.6 codebase, quality control issues, or diferences in hardware? Appreciate the fast response and assitance!
  10. Rand, I have tried exactly what you suggest, still with same results. It seems to make no difference whether the LED are on or off, I always end up with the button in Non-Toggle "OFF" mode. Thanks Richard
  11. Michel, I am running 2.6.1, and all I have is v 1.6 KPLs (I am a somewhat new adopter). Perhaps someone else can confirm that v 1.6 works? Many thanks. Richard
  12. I am having a terrible time trying to get My KPL (v1.6) buttons to configure as "ON" non-toggle buttons. When using my ISY-99 to modify, I set the LED on, and then choose Toggle-Off. The button state changes, but always ends up in the "OFF" state, where the off command is always sent. Please help me figure out how to configure Non-Toggle buttons that send ON commands. Thanks Richard
  13. Need some help configring scenes controled by 2, 6 Key KPL's. I have 4 kitchen scenes (Scene A - Scene D), controlled by 2 KPLs. The scenes operate correctly from both sources, except the scene states (as noted by the led) do not sync. Each scene is configured as follows: Both KPLS in AToggle Mode Within each Scene, the corresponding Scene Key are linked as CONTROLLERS on both KPLs All other KPL buttons configured as RESPONDERS within Scene (on both KPLs) All Buttons (Main, A-D) are in Mutual Exclusive Group Neither KPL has a load attached. Help appreciated! ps Using ISY-99i - IR PRO to configure.
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