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  1. Thank you. Your advice is good. The Hub would be better for them. Right now I have to use another app, MobiLinc to get the iPhone feature. The decision to replace the ISY is now with the new owner, which is another reason I hope local support can be found to get them through the transition. This situation is a classic example of how Smarthome technology can affect a home sale.
  2. I just sold my home which has 40+ Insteon devices and an ISY 994i. The new buyer has no knowledge of the technology and needs help to set up the system into their wifi and computer. They also need a general introduction and education about the operation of the equipment. Is there a resource in the Tampa Bay area who would contract with the buyer to provide assistance?
  3. My ISY 994I Pro is operating and I have no issues communicating via my desktop or MoblLinc Connect. The Administrative Console does not show the correct status of a light. IE, it will show OFF when the light is ON or vice versa. I have rebooted the ISY but the problem persists. The problem is not consistent and does not affect all devices. I have made no changes to my devices, lighting system, home electrical system or added new appliances, etc. Suggestions?
  4. Update to the above posting; I placed the leak sensor in water and the device communicated to the ISY without any issue. I still would like suggestions about why the activation of the leak sensor button does not cause a change in the wet/dry settings on the ISY. Depression of the leak sensor button will cause a change of the ISY wet/dry settings.
  5. I have successfully run a leak sensor program for several years. Recently, there was an unknown event that caused my ISY to lose communications with all of my leak sensors (14 units). I did a restore on all of the leak sensors and successfully reconnected all but 1 leak sensor. After attempting to restore the 1 non-communicating leak sensor several times, I deleted the leak sensor and then reinstalled the device. I could write to the device, however the ISY would not recognize when I activated the leak sensor wet/dry button. I removed the battery from the leak sensor. After installation of the battery, the ISY registered the wet/dry settings. However, when I depressed the device activation button, the ISY wet/dry settings would remain static. I deleted the device plus all programming and state variables for the device and then reinstalled the device and the program items. Once again the ISY recognized the wet/dry settings. The wet/dry settings would not change when I activated the leak sensor switch. I then purchased a new leak sensor from Insteon. I deleted the original sensor, the state variable and all program references. The new leak sensor was installed and the program references were rewritten. Once again, the ISY will recognize the wet/dry settings but will remain static when I depress the leak sensor button. All of my other leak sensors respond appropriately for daily heartbeat and activation of the leak sensor button for wet/dry. I have no issues in writing a restore to the leak sensor, yet the ISY will not record the wet/dry communication from the activated leak sensor. Any suggestions on the problem are appreciated.
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