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C Martin

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    Southern California

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  1. Hello. I too have been a user of iinsteon devices and have been since their inception. I moved from X10 when Insteon appeared on the HA Scene. I never used the HA Insteon Hub bu have been a user of Universal-devices from the beginning. I considered the ability to create Scens and programs key to a successful HA system. Iam now in the process of remodeling my home and faced with the dilema what to use and or upgrade too. I tried smart bulbs and smart lights and ruled them out. This was because of the problem that when they are switched off, when turned on they typicall want to go iinto pairing mode because they forget who they are. So for me it is strictly LED lights of some sort or another. I have also made a decision on a HA scheme. My decision has come down to: Switches that utilize some kind of mesh technology - I have had great success with this type switch. Now it's down to Insteon and Lutron. If there are others out there, I don't know of them. that present a different problem - Can I use Insteon and Lutron together? I have upgraded to the Eisy and the ability to use Node Servers should solve that problem. There is another factor- I also propose the folowing Scheme. I use Eisy for Security related situations like outside lights and those things that are programable for that situation. I then use UD Mobile for immediate needs. I then use Alexa for "Ön-Demand" needs. with some scheduliing "over-ride" situatiions. I am hoping doing the Node Server interface will cover any other devices that I need to use. I know that my choice of these devices (Insteon & Lutron) is the more expensive path, but the quality of these devices eclipses the alternative devices. I am hopng for some kind of cookbook that will guide me on incorporating my Node Server needs. Any advice on this Node Server Process would be truly appreciated.
  2. Is rhere a cookbook on writing programs for Eisy? A smaple of various programs would be helpful. I tend to write programs that are somewhat abstract (indirect). and I seem to get into trouble.
  3. C Martin


    I have a 994I ud device. I have seen a lot about Polisy, but, ihave no idea how i need to get there. I'm feeling kind of dumb at this moment. What do i need to do to get polisy and how how do i get started? I'm not an amature or i thought i wasn't. I need some real help.
  4. C Martin


    It is my understanding that Matter compliance is supposed to make devices universally compatable. Is Universal Devices going to have that compatability? And if so, is there a time frame for this. I have been an Insteon user for about 20 years ans I still believe that these devices are the best devices around. All other hubs smart devices, in my opinion, don't compare. Any comments and information, would highly be appreciated by me and I'm sure other users.
  5. I am trying get polygot to load via the ISY Portal. I get the loading icon but it just keeps spinning. Nothing happens.
  6. First off I want to say hello to Michel. Hi Michel this is Clarence Martin. I know that it's been a while since talked but I've been busy concentrating on other software development and other things. Since the Insteon debackle and some remodeling that I am doing at home, I am looking at upgrading my Home automation scheme. I have been an Insteon adopter since day one and have generally been very satisfied with the system. But i believe it tis time to lookinto other options. I have been looking at the Lutron Caseta devices and the possibility of using them along with some Feit Can lights. I have been watching over the past few years your Policy device options and I wonder if this or just the ISy will be a good interfacefor my use.I also know that your Policy Device interfaces with the Sonos devices, as does the Lutron. is the Policy device the best option for me to start exploring? I find the Lutron has some intersting options available and on some of my preliminary testing, the devices seem to work well although their Mobile apps are a bit shallow. I now use Alexa for my current uses, but ALEXA has some limitations that Universal devices exceeds at. I am assuming that the Policy device has all of the capabilities that ISY has and beyond. SO give me your thought on this subject if you can and then a guide how I need to get started with Policy if that is the preferred way to go. Thanks in advance and one day we need to have aother face-to-face talk again. I enjoyed your insights and look forward to more.
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