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Everything posted by JMC

  1. JMC

    UI version mismatch

    Old ISY994i died after many years. Installed an unused 994i that I bought new a few years ago. The new unit came with firmware 5.0.16 and UI 4.9.0. Upgraded firmware to v.5.3.4 but UI remained at v.4.9.0. I've tried all the methods I've been able to find to upgrade the UI but they all fail. How do I upgrade the UI?
  2. I don't use either Polisy or Polyglot. Historically, OpenWeatherMap was prominently listed in the ISY Admin Console but it disappeared a few days ago. I would like to get it back but I haven't been able to do it yet.
  3. After several years of use with no problem, the OpenWeatherMap entry in the Admin Console disappeared and I can't figure out how to restore it. Any suggestions?
  4. The button press technique seems to work for everything except the backlight level.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. No Zwave. Rebooted the ISY. Clicked on "Show device links table." Clicked on "Compare." Saw 1 instance of "Record Mismatch" for a device link that is not in my device table, 30 instances of "Missing this record" and 5 instances of "Ignore." Did a "Restore Device" and the Record Mismatch, Missing This Record and Ignore were all gone. The only real error I noticed was 10 references to a device ID that does not exist, although it may have in the past. I still have my original problem though, I cannot set an on level and ramp rate for the new devices from the Admin Console.
  7. The ISY firmware and UI are both version 5.2. The on level I set at the device does not display correctly in the admin console, however the status of the device does display correctly in the admin console. Only the new devices I just bought have this problem. All of my older devices (30+) work fine.
  8. I bought 3 new keypad lincs at the same time last week. The units that arrived are model 2334-232 rev B.1 3219.On two of them the On Level is 100 percent and the ramp rate is 0.1 seconds (the default?). I can change them to the 40% and and 4.5 second ramp rate that I prefer but as soon as the switch is used, whether by pushing its own on/off buttons or doing on/off from the ISY, they promptly revert to the default. I can't even get the third one added to the system. It is wired correctly and controls its own load with no problem. Of five attempts to add it to the system, the first and third errored with "Cannot find Insteon Engine" while the second, fourth and fifth errored with "Cannot determine Insteon Device Type." Is there a possible compatibility issued here? The firmware in the ISY is v.5.2, as is the UI. The ISY itself is a ISY 994i PRO (1100), UUID:00:21:b9:00:fc:45.
  9. That comment of mine was one of the sillier things I've posted recently. Did the factory reset, the device has been added. Now all I need to do is be able to set on level and ramp rate, and get them to take. I can set them and hit the "Write Changes" button but as soon as I turn the switch on, either from the actual switch button or from the ISY, both revert to the default (100% and 0.1 seconds).
  10. I'll factory reset the device as soon as I can get communication with it. Right now it is simply not responding.
  11. Both firmware and UI are 5.2
  12. I'm trying to install a brand new 6 button Keypad Linc, Model 2334-232 Rev B.1. I have it hooked up and it controls it's load fine. When I try to add it to the system I get the error message "The Following Devices Could Not Be Added, 56.D7.01 (the correct Id). Cannot Determine Insteon Engine. The PLM is connected directly to the breaker for the small garage where it is located. The ISY is physically adjacent and on the same circuit but it is behind a noise filter. The new device is about 15 feet away from the PLM and is on a different circuit. I've physically removed and re-installed the device and re-tried adding it to the system, no luck. Ideas?
  13. I did the update and I like HAM much better than WB so far. I found a weather cite about a mile from me and it seems to work very well and delivers light level that appears accurate to boot. mike
  14. Thanks Bob, I received the May 15 email notification from UDI Support about Weatherbug ceasing to be available on June 1 but nothing further and Weatherbug continued until July 1. I also haven't seen anything about an official version newer than 4.0. I'll check again in case I missed something. mike
  15. Michel, Is WeatherBug still in use? My system had been running fine until Tuesday July 1, when everything stopped. Bob, Is your program running? mike
  16. It might have been a comm problem, I tried it again and it worked. mike
  17. My system is a 994 Pro with 4.0.5 installed. I just received some new 8 button KPLs (2334-222) and my ISY can't find them, saying it can't find the INSTEON engine. I checked the drop-down box and no 2334s are listed. Do I need to change to a beta firmware in order to use the new 2334s? mike
  18. The numbers I see track well with what actually happened, last Saturday the Rain Today was a little over 2" by 9pm and quite naturally, yesterday's Irrigation Requirement was 0. That does point up a problem with the calculation though, today's Irrigation Requirement is 0.0461" even though soil moisture is not even measurable and the consistency of the soil is suitable for making mud pies. Since we are supposed to have rain steadily for the next several days the Irrigation Requirement number should get back to 0 and stay there until the rain stops. I have my irrigation programs disabled and they are going to stay disabled until my handheld soil moisture tester says it is time for water. At that point, whatever my Irrigation Requirement number is will become the new baseline and only when the daily Irrigation Requirement rises above that baseline will water actually be applied. Then I'll wait for the next rain and watch to see if my programs handle it properly. mike
  19. No problem, just curious. mike
  20. Bob, This morning your system was showing 0.07 inches of rain. Right now it is still showing 0.07 inches even though it has been raining strongly all day. Wasn't it raining in EDH today? mike
  21. This morning's numbers look good. Since the heavy rain last night was after midnight, the 0.73" Rain Today appears to be right on. Now we'll see what the Water Deficit Yesterday number looks like tomorrow. mike
  22. Good, I'm using data from your station now. I just checked and your reported temp is about 1 degree off from what it is here. I'm not too concerned with temp differences since I removed my ISY control over my HVAC when I replaced the system. We are forecast to have heavy rain tonight so it will be interesting to see what my system report. Later on I may try to pick your brain about the system you have and figure out if it is practical for me to install a similar arrangement. My local airport data is so flakey I don't dare use it for anything. mike
  23. Bob, Assuming EDH is Eldorado Hills we should be very similar, I'm in Auburn. I would like to try your station, how can I get my ISY to find it? I haven't tried locating a private station yet. BTW, my email is jmcarron@starstream.net mike
  24. Last night's calculation produced a slightly smaller change than I expected but at least the numbers were not frozen from the previous day. We're supposed to get some rain tonight so I should be able to observe again tomorrow. mike
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