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Everything posted by srogala

  1. Ok, I had a very old 300 series card and upgraded to a 500. Kind of regretting it but I'm getting there. I've had a lot of the same distance issues others seem to have had. I added a few z-wave plus devices and communication seems to be better. I tried to re-add my Schlage door lock, which was working fine on the 300 but got excluded in the process of troubleshooting distance issues. Now I try to re-add it and I get an error that I can't find on the forums (sorry, I looked!). Note that I am holding the Schlage lock right next to my ISY when adding it. Does it mean what I think it means, do I really have to remove and re-add my ISY? I assume that means getting another controller and shifting my ISY to secondary. I have a second Schlage lock that never got removed that is behaving fine. I also go this same error with an EVALogik smart plug.
  2. Yeah, I can't see myself going to the portal without the Mobilinc notifications working. Just to confirm, that doesn't work with the portal unless Mobilinc does something different on their end?
  3. I don't even know how to put the right subject on this so let me explain what I'm trying to do any maybe somebody can explain if it's possible or not. In my living room I have to sets of track lighting. Both are on their own Main button on an 8 button KPL. I have a few other 8 button KPLs throughout the house that I'd like to use to indicate whether or not the living room lights are on and control them accordingly. For example, if I turn on one of the track lights, I would like the 'D' button on the other KPLs to turn on (50% brightness would be ideal). If I turn on the other track lights I'd like to keep the 'D' button on the other KPLs on (or go to 100% brightness), but if both are off I'd like all the 'D' buttons to go off. Conversely, if I press the 'D' button on any of these once I'd like "track light A" to turn on and if I press the 'D' button again I'd like "track light B" to turn on. Again, ideally if only one light is on then the 'D' buttons would be at 50% brightness but that's just icing on the cake really. I was trying to do this by incrementing an integer variable that would go up one for each time one of the two lights went on and increment down each time a light would turn off, but it appears that the non-MAIN buttons on a KPL cannot be controlled through a program, only through a scene, and I'm pretty sure that's going to mean that what I want to do isn't possible, but I'm hoping somebody has another way of handling this. I'm trying to conserve buttons on the KPL as controllers/responders to other devices in the house which is why I don't do the two track lights on their own buttons. I have a couple of rooms that I want to handle like I want to handle the living room.
  4. Programs are looking ok for me on my ISY99i Pro. Under help (after clearing Java cache and restarting the browser on two computers) it says the firmware is 3.2.0 but the UI is 3.1.17 (which was my previous release). Should both say 3.2.0? Also, should the FanLinc be in the dropdown list of devices when manually adding a device? I can't seem to find it but there's a lot to look for. If I can find that them I'll be up on a ladder tomorrow!
  5. I've got an issue that's got me wondering whether or not my ISY99 is reporting the correct version. I had been running the latest official release (2.8.16). In order to use the new RemoteLinc 2s I upgraded to beta 3.1.10. I couldn't find anything about the Remotelinc 2 in there at the time, but I figured I was missing something, so I waited for another release. I just upgraded to 3.1.13 and I still don't see it, and following the instructions as mentioned http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=7467 doesn't work for me because I don't see any references to Remotelinc 2s anywhere in the list of devices (believe me, I've look up and down that list). I also don't see any mention of variables in my Program Summary or Program Details tab. I feel like I'm missing something obvious. In the Help menu under "About" it says I'm running 3.1.13, product ISY 99i Pro (1040). I have cleared my Java cache multiple times and tried from multiple computers. Any help would be appreciated. Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place. If I go to the simple web interface I do see mention of Variables, but clicking on the link yields this: Back Refresh error, Loading: /vars/definitions/2/ INT Variables Loading Variables (INT) STATE Variables Loading Variables (STATE) Back Refresh Again, sorry if I've missed something horribly obvious or answered somewhere. I haven't found any info in my searches. Thanks
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