I tried to update my ISY-99i from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8 and it failed on a couple of attempts and finally crashed Java with the following error log entry: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x027e43a8, pid=1032, tid=952. I tried closing all Explorer windows, clearing the Java cache and rebooting the ISY and now I get the initial UD Explorer screen but the Admin Console never appears and Java reports the following error: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet, jave.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class
I can still access the ISY via telnet and it reports version 2.6.7 but I think I may have a corrupted software installation. Any suggestions on how to fix this or get back to 2.6.7 would be appreciated.