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Everything posted by morreale

  1. works...that is what i was missing. i wasn't saying "turn on". i was just' saying "alexa and the program name" thanks
  2. this is fantastic! only issue so far is I am having trouble getting it to execute my programs that will arm my elk m1 into "stay" or "away" mode. what is the trick?
  3. that did the trick..thanks so much for the help.
  4. good suggestion. yes they are dimmable LED bulbs.
  5. good catch. let me change that and test it.
  6. I have a motion sensor configured in a bathroom that control a switchlinc dimmer and i would like to have it come on at 15% from 11p-6a and 100% the rest of the time. i have tried many variations to my programs and this is what i have currently i have tried with and without the parentheses this is the program from 11p-6a, followed by 6a-11p and then the timer to turn them off. the program is working but it always turns on the lights at 100% what am i missing or how can i simplify this code? If ( From 11:00:00PM To 6:00:00AM (next day) And Status 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Lights' is Off And Control 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is switched On ) Then Set 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Lights' 15% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If ( From 6:00:01AM To 10:59:59PM (next day) And Status 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Lights' is Off And Control 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is switched On ) Then Set 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Lights' 100% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Status 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is Off Then Wait 4 minutes Set 'Master Bathroom / Master Bathroom Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  7. good catch. that may have been a left over piece actually to make things simple i think i will try to just have the motion detector keep the lights on in the garage with movement (without cutting off in between). does anyone have a program that accomplishes that?
  8. good catch. that may have been a left over piece
  9. time lengths are short for testing purposes. kind of lost track with all of the parentheses. it is sorta working. when i open (and close) the interior door to enter the garage the lights comes on and stay ons for the programmed time period (about 30 secs) but if i leave the door open and walk into the garage the light comes on and starts the timer and once the timer expires the lights turn off but back on immediately and the timer restarts over and over again (lights going off and on) the motion is not resetting the timer. if a door is open and i try to manually turn off the lights the come back on instantly.
  10. thanks for all the help guys...i will take a look at these and keep you guys posted. i also like the idea of a 'dark outside' program so i don't have to keep programming it.
  11. I am at a loss. I finally bought the Elk module but i have never been able to get this program to work correctly. I have tried it both ways listed below. There are 4 doors & an insteon motion sensor that will all trigger the lights on but they either won't turn off or they turn off after the timeout perior no matter if the motion detector in the garage detects motion of someone in the garage working. this 1st program will turn on lights with any of the triggers and the lights will turn off after 10 minutes as expected. If i am in the garage and moving around the lights will still turn off after 10 minutes and then they will turn back on if there is movement. what i would like to happen is that upon movement detection in the garage the timer should reset to a new 10 minutes each time it is detected...do i need to use a variable? ------------------------------- with this program the lights turn on with any trigger but never turn off.
  12. thanks for this. this should get me going
  13. i have not spent the $99 for the module. I haven't really seen a reason to do so. is there something i am missing?
  14. I have a couple fluorescent lights in my garage that are controlled by a 2476S (SwitchLinc Relay) & a 2420M (Insteon Motion Detector). My Elk M1 will also turn on the lights when either the garage doors or interior doors are opened and then turn them off after no motion is detected for 15 minutes in the garage. I am sometimes working in the garage in a location that the motion detector can not see me. (in a corner, under the car lift, etc) I was wondering if there was an flags option like in the M1. My thoughts were that if I turned on the light switch (2476s) 3 times (setting a flag of some sort) that it would then tell the ISY not to turn off the lights irregardless of whether motion was detected or not. Then once I manually turned the lights off with the switch the flag would be cleared and the lights/programs would function normally. This is the Turn off program. The turning on of the lights with the doors is handled via the Elk M1. did this makes sense and is something like this possible?
  15. i have the isy and the plm moved to a circuit with nothing on it now for testing. i would rather not keep the isy in this location (the rear of my media room vs. the data closet) but i will test after i validate it is working where it is.
  16. how far can the isy be away from the plm? i may need to put the plm in a place that is about 50 feet from the isy
  17. i appears to be using the same communication method. i dont see Level 3-Device communications events only Device communications events.
  18. My issue is this. I have 5 x (2466S) ToggleLinc Relay v.29 switches that are members of a scene to control outside floods using the programs listed below. Everyday one of the switches does not come on and sometimes if it does come on it doesn't go off. Take a look at the programs and you can see i have even added in a query and then another attempt to control the switch which also doesn't work. What doesn't make sense is the fact that I can turn the scene on/off with a remote, using MobiLinc from my phone or tablet or from my elk touchscreen keypad and the switch in question responds. I have a ISY994i/IR PRO & 2413s and the following devices. Release 3.2.4 (Beta) 4 x Access Points 5 x (2466S) ToggleLinc Relay v.29 1 x (2476S) SwitchLinc Relay v.3A 1 x (2477D) Dual Band SwitchLinc Dimmer v.40 2 x (2476D) SwitchLinc Dimmer v.27 2 x (2456D3) LampLinc v.37 4 x (2456D3) LampLinc v.33 2 x (2420M) INSTEON Motion Sensor v.34 2 x (2440) RemoteLinc v.00 Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  19. i see now where my mistake is...i have the motion sensor in a scene with the switchlinc. i have now removed it and set the motion sensor to also send 'off' commands and i will let isy handle which devices to control. starting to make sense
  20. sweet guys...thanks for all the info. i am going to play with this and try to figure out this stuff. i was running homeseer for years and am just now trying to get into programming using the isy.
  21. hmm interesting. so what would be the point of the "then" portion of the program if the motion needs to be set to send the 'off' command and i can configure that for 15 minutes?
  22. thanks for the quick reply. i went ahead and added those two programs to begin playing with things to see how it works... my auto off program doesn't seem to work because the motion sensor seems to remain in the 'on' state
  23. I have a 2420M Motion Sensor v.34 that Controls a SwitchLinc Relay v.3A that controls the 4 Florescent Fixtures in my garage. Currently the 2420M is setup to turn the lights on when it detects motion. I do not have it turning the lights off after. All jumpers are off except #5 for ISY control. I would like to write a program that will monitor motion and the switch to determine when to turn the fixtures off. is that even possible? situation 1: I get home and open the garage doors and the motions sensor will detect movement and turn the lights on. once there is no more movement present (15 minutes?) turn off the lights situation 2: i need to work in the garage and i manually turn on the lights. can ISY know that the lights were manually turned on and not turn off the lights even if there isnt movement? what variables are there to be used with the motion sensor? thanks!!!
  24. yes they do respond properly sometime. it isn't always the same switch that doesn't turn on/off. is there no way to have the device verify the state of a switch and address it? my query runs every 30 minutes and once it runs it corrects the status of the switch. i could always write a program to turn it off/on again.
  25. If Time is Sunset + 15 minutes Then Set Scene 'Exterior Lights + Foyer Lamp' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Time is 11:30:00PM Then Set Scene 'Exterior Lights + Foyer Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If On Sat, Sun Time is 2:30:00AM Then Set Scene 'Exterior Lights + Foyer Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Time is Last Run Time for 'Exterior Daytime' + 30 minutes Then Set Scene 'ISY (All Devices)' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Factory Query Program
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