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Everything posted by dgm0522

  1. I rebuilt the ISY99i from the ground up and everything is working (Switches, MobileLinc Pro, Timers, Events, etc...) properly again. A little more details on what I had on my machine when I had the issues: * Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit * IE 8 * Java Version 6 Update 30 What I did to resolve everything: * Uninstalled and re-installed Java Version 7 Update 4 * Reset the ISY99i back to factory defaults. * Manually configured the ISY99i back to its original state. The Admin Console worked without any issues on Java Version 7 Update 4. All previous problems have been resolved since re-configuring and the ISY99i is working better than ever... I even got the opportunity to change my naming conventions since I was starting over... Thanks for the responses... I am happy, Wife is happy, Kids are happy... Life is back to normal. Amazing how much you depend on automation once you have it... Dennis
  2. Thanks for the reply.... Being frustrated I tried one last ditch effort. That was to completely uninstall JAVA and install the latest and greatest Java Version (7). Once I did that the console started working properly again. Very frustrating considering I update Java every time it pop's up and says there is an update. Not sure if the ISY99i got into a weird state because of attempted configurations with the java issues, but everything I have tried since I upgraded the JAVA and reset the ISY/PLM has worked as expected. Relying on Java on a client machine is problematic. The interface needs to be a pure web interface with the Java/Backed running on the ISY99i. We run into similar java issues all the time at work. OK, Java vent is done... It is a love/hate relationship... I am just glad I got it working again...
  3. I could really use some help from the community!!! I have an ISY99i and noticed the last month or so that my MobleLinc Pro was not getting updated status on lights like normal. I also found that some programs that I had configured to initiate a program when buttons were pushed are not work as expected all the time and timer programs to turn lights off were not working. In addition, when I log into the admin console and tried to add a new device I had to log out and back in to see it and the status of the device within the admin console was usually wrong (Which explains why MobleLinc was having an issue since it just polls the ISY99i). This is what I have: 1) Desktop: Windows 7 Ultimate using IE (Also tried Chrome during this process) 2) ISY99i running firmware 3.1.17 (During this process I upgraded to 3.2.6, which is what it currently is on) 3) PLM 2413S (During this process I upgraded from a 2412S to the 2413S thinking I had a bad PLM) Here is the process I went through: 1) ISY99i was running 3.1.17 and was connected to the 2412S PLM when I started this process. 2) I logged into the admin console and went to "Diagnostics -> Event Viewer" to see what signals were being transmited. Nothing showed up on the even viewer. Regardless of how many lights I turned on and off. Normally I see traffic. 3) I did "Diagnostics -> PLM Info/Status". The PLM showed up connected. 4) I did "Diagnostics -> PLM Links Table". Nothing showed up. 5) I did "Diagnostics -> ISY Links Table". Selected the device and nothing showed up. 6) I then went to a couple of devices within the console and used the console to turn them off and on. The lights turned off and on as expected but the status was BLANK. 7) I then upgraded the ISY99i to 3.2.6 thinking that this would solve the problem. Went through all the same steps mentioned above, with the same results. 9) At this point I was thinking it was a bad PLM and ordered the 2413S. 10) I followed the instructions to swap out the PLM, clicked "Yes" on the restore and the screen immediately went away. Not status screen popped up say it was doing something (NOTE: Not sure if it should). 11) At this point I decided to start from scratch since I had all my programs documented and new all my addresses. 12) I reset the ISY99i to factory defaults (Using the reset button) 13) I reset the PLM 2314S to factory defaults (Holding in the button while plugging it in for 3 seconds). 14) At this point I had a fresh ISY99i and new PLM. 15) I then tried to add a light switch that is on the same circuit as the PLM (i.e. 4 feet away). (NOTE: Entered Address, Name, Set to Auto Discover, and had "Remove Existing Links" button selected) 16) When I clicked add the screen immediately went away and I didn't see the status screen I normally see. 17) The device never showed up as a new device under the main tab. 18) I logged out of the admin console and back in. 19) Device is now showing up. 20) Current State section is blank. 21) I push the off button in the console, the light turns off but the current state is still blank. 22) I push the on button in the console, the light turns on but the current state is still blank. 23) I then go over to the switch to turn it on and off. The other 2 lights I originally had linked to this switch turn on and off. I wouldn't have thought this would have happened because when I added to the ISY99i I told it to remove existing links in step 15 above. 24) I tried the diagnostics options again with the same result. 25) Now here is the kicker. I brought up the log and it did log the switch turning on and off. Switch Status 100% Sat 2012/05/12 06:12:46 AM System Log Switch Status 0% Sat 2012/05/12 06:16:15 AM System Log Switch Status 100% Sat 2012/05/12 06:16:16 AM System Log Switch Status 0% Sat 2012/05/12 06:17:44 AM System Log Switch Status 100% Sat 2012/05/12 06:17:48 AM System Log So the questions I have are: 1) Is there anything else I can try? Am I going about this the wrong way? 2) And lastly, Do you think my ISY99i bad? I hope not as I have a ton invested into insteon devices (Entire house, outside, and getting ready to hook into an elk security system). NOTE: I have flushed my java cache numerous times just in case thinking the console was working because of an older applet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Michel, I think I figure it out. I run Ubuntu on my desktop. Knowing that the admin console works best in a windows enviornment I have been doing all my work in a Windows XP and Windows 7 virtual environment using Virtualbox 4.1.8. I decided to rule those environments out by grabbing my work laptop, which has windows 7 on it. When I tried on my work laptop the Event Viewer worked as expected. Not sure why the admin console is not working properly in either of my VirtualBox enviornments, but it isn't. I will figure that out later... As for the upgrade back to 3.1.16 it is working, not sure why that is because I even did that upgrade in VirtualBox. I have done a couple of the 3.1.x upgrades maybe reverting back to 2.8.16 and then going to direclty to 3.1.16 resolved something. Either way, I appear to be back in business... Everybody have a Great New Year!!!
  5. Michel, I appear to be having some odd behavior... I upgraded my ISY99Pro from 2.8.16 back to 3.1.16 to run the Event Viewer like you requested. Either I am doing something wrong or something is not working properly because I am getting nothing in the window. In addition to that, after upgrading back to 3.1.16 all my programs are still working. I can't figure that one out because I am 100% sure they weren't before (Trust me, my wife let me know it wasn't working... ). In addition to my programs working, my MobleLink Pro application on my iPhone is detecting lights coming on and off again. Ever since 3.1.15 this also wasn't working. Items tried under Diagnostics: Event Viewer - Can't seem to get anything. System Status - Active:Yes, Total: 507 MB, Reserved: 50 MB, Used: 17 MB, Bad: 0 MB, Free: 438 MB PLM Info - V63 / Connected Show PLM Links Table - Can't get anything in that window. Show Device Links Table - Can't get anything in that window Show ISY Links Table - Can't get anything in that window. Also, my ISY99Pro is powered off the PLM. Any ideas as to why the Diagnostic items aren't working? I really appreciate the help... Thanks...
  6. Mine program looks like this. Been running for years with no issues. I also use the "Control" condition to run programs when buttons are pushed (i.e. In my theater room where I do multiple things). ----- If Control 'Kids Bathroom / Kids Bathroom:Lights' is switched On Then Wait 45 minutes Set 'Kids Bathroom / Kids Bathroom:Lights' Off Else - Not Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  7. Hmmm... I wonder if it is the use of "Control" vs. "Status"...
  8. Has anybody had issues with 3.1.15 or 3.1.16 not detecting switches being turned on? I have a bunch of programs that do something when the ISY detects a switch is turned on. At first I thought it was a bad switch or PLM, but when I looked the programs none of them have ever ran since I upgraded. And I have a bunch of them. As an example: My kids leave the bathroom light on all the time so I have a program that detects the light was turned on and will then turn it off 45 minute later. Method to trap: Control 'Kids Bathroom / Kids Bathroom:Light' is switched on After messing with it for over a week, I reverted back to 2.8.16 and everything works properly again. Any ideas? Bug? Thanks...
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