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  1. i814u2


    That sounds great, thanks. I look forward to checking it out.
  2. i814u2


    My understanding, of things like Flutter, is that it makes a native app, but that portion is really just a wrapper for a web app. I'm sure that's a bit over-simplified, and perhaps something has changed since I last read about it, but that's how I understood things. As far as iOS and Android topics, will there be separate forum sections, or just one for UD Mobile and it's a good idea to add some tags to threads? Also, if you need someone to beta test for iOS, I'm interested. I'm not sure if I have all the requirements met (looks like maybe it needs ISY Portal, which would be a bummer), but I'm willing to put in some effort, if that's helpful.
  3. I just repaired my 2413S v1.6 using the info in this thread. Glad I found it in my searching, so I thought I'd add my success info to the thread. Also, mine lasted about 3 years, maybe a couple months over. I had replacements on hand for everything except the 6.8 250V (suggested replacement of 10uf 400V). I measured the ESR on that one and it seemed well within operating range so I left it and hoped for the best. I did see a lot of ,what I assume was, leaked electrolytic fluid on the main and daughter boards. I replaced the 4 caps on the main board as well as the larger one on the daughter board (I can't remember the value but there were a number of 1uf 50V and then a single additional cap which was a larger uf. That is the cap that I replaced). I did that because there was a residue on that board as well and I had extras which matched (other than being a higher voltage rating but still fitting in the case). I just wanted to post that if your unit has a daughter board, and replacing the caps on the main board didn't completely fix things, consider replacing the larger cap on the daughter board as well. I have no real proof that this was an issue for me, and I didn't bother to test it since I had a replacement on hand. However, the cost certainly wouldn't be prohibitive, and so it couldn't hurt. Sadly, it may be a good idea to have this thread pinned so that it is more obvious to folks in the future. Thanks, again.
  4. Alright. Well it obviously isn't related just to this beta so I'll open a new thread if I can make any progress in my search. Obviously you may feel free to move all of these related posts to a new thread if that makes more sense. I apologize for cluttering this beta post.
  5. I tried that as well but it only helped sometimes, it didn't appear to help every time. Either way, quite odd. Also, hard to do searches for more information. Since Apple started hiding the Library folder in Lion, a lot of my search variations are turning up articles about that "issue" and how to solve it. I'll keep trying. EDIT: I spoke too soon. I just found this when I went back to searching: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1266176 It sounds similar and it adds some interesting bits of information. Their issue is with a native, Apple-made software. That seems to remove pointers to possible Java issues. However, it mentions something about a custom open/save dialog. I'm not sure how they know this, as I don't have Logic Pro, but if it's something to do with custom (or just alternative) open/save dialogs, then maybe that's the cause here as well. My Java programming knowledge is definitely basic, so I can't say what options exist for those dialog boxes. However, is there are an alternative that can be tried out? Also, if it's nothing related to a custom/alternative dialog then I'll drop this and hope it magically goes away. For now I'll keep searching and hoping to find a solution.
  6. Attached is a copy of the contents of the console. Nothing appears (to me) to happen when I click on the "Backup ISY" option under the File menu. I opened and closed that dialog twice to be sure. Everything in the console was there by the time I was able to use the File menu. Did I miss some sort of debug reporting level option? Or does this just show that nothing "bad" is happening via Java? Java Web Start
  7. I'll try some of those out, as well as some other Java programs for further testing. But I know I've used 3rd party software (as recent as last night) without issues. I backed up my settings, installed new version, etc. EDIT: I checked dropbox (both the website, attempting to upload a file to display the file dialog and editing the preferences of which folder to sync into) and microsoft word (open file dialog). Both of those applications worked just fine. I loaded the admin.jnlp and the first thing I noticed was that the color scheme was reset. I had just rebooted my computer for an update to another software. The admin screen was maximized again and the default blue. I'll wait until the next release to see if that's just another bit related to the color bug. But the maximized window made me think some other setting was lost. Anyway, it still fails to load folder contents until I choose another folder and then back to the one I want. See attached screenshots of the dialog. Also, I bring this up because the admin.jnlp is the only item I see with this behavior (dashboard.jnlp does it as well. essentially I mean the code for either). It is odd that someone else is experiencing the same thing but in other programs as well. I wish I had more info, I just wanted to post this quick update to show what I was talking about and add just a bit more detail of what I tested.
  8. Interesting that someone else as it as well. I also assume that it is not directly related to ISY or UDI, but I bring it up in case there's something that they can do. My assumption is that it is Java-related. Other programs on my laptop have no issues at all performing similar tasks. Also, for those having this issue: I found that sometimes I can click to another folder at the same level, and then back to the one I want and that will show the contents. Other times I have to click up a level, on another folder, then back to the parent folder of what I want, and then finally to the folder that I want. basically, just click around a bunch if needed Sometimes it populates the shortcuts on the left (user's home folder, documents folder, photos, etc, etc) but sometimes it doesn't, which makes things a bit more tricky. I'll do some searching to see if other Java programs have similar issues and I'll report back if I find anything that may be useful.
  9. Sounds good, I'll just leave them be for now then. Although I was purposely hitting enter in some of my attempts and the values would stay until I hit save and then reloaded the values (by navigating to another area of the ISY gui and then back, in order to refresh the values). But it sounds like it's pointless to me, so I'll just skip it altogether. Sorry about that, I know I was thinking about adding more info, but obviously never got around to it. I was referring to any dialog boxes between the ISY gui and the main computer. So tasks like upgrading (choosing the zip file), backing up the ISY (saving to a zip file), etc. Oh, and as far as the finder window goes... I'll double check the UDP stuff on my firewall/router machine. Perhaps I'm restricting something for the network. -Josh
  10. Alright, first the setup information, then the questions/issues: Setup: I have 4.0.2 properly installed. ISY 994i/IR Pro (Zigbee installed as well) General network info: WAN -> router/firewall (pfsense) -> switch -> everything else (ISY, etc) Questions/Issues: Could I get a bit of clarification for the theme color issue? When I choose theme color "grey", the main window uses grey. The ISY finder window is still blue. Is that what the reported issue was saying, or is this something else? Also, semi-related: My ISY Finder window always displays. It also never finds my ISY. However, since I made sure to download the admin.jnlp from my local IP, it launches properly. I would expect the finder to actually find the local device, regardless of whether I download the jnlp from UDI or my device. Is the purpose of the finder different? Also, I have the following errors in my log file (I don't see the last one in the wiki): Mon 2013/03/25 19:07:20 System -5012 56 Mon 2013/03/25 19:08:29 System -5017 57 Mon 2013/03/25 19:17:01 System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -1/-140002, CLI-WBug The first two appear to be UPNP related, but I thought I read that was turned off. Did I misunderstand that as well? Final one: Under the Electricity -> Main tab, the Power management section: I have a hard time saving proper values. I was going to manually update the items (until I can get a GEM) and see if I could get some really rough ideas of energy usage. However, as I add values, other ones change. It seems like I can get values to stay by editing, pressing enter, then moving to the next one. But once I save and refresh, a lot of the values are changed again. Am I just wasting time with that section? This is not new in 4.0.2, I was just hoping it would be fixed in this new beta. Since I see the same behavior, I'm bringing it up. EDIT: Sorry, one more. When I do anything with files, the dialog doesn't populate properly. I've rebooted my machine multiple times since I first saw this. I still have the same issue. Basically it won't populate the folder right away and to get it to work I need to click on other folders then back to the folder I want. I'm on a Mac, running 10.8.3 (I'm pretty certain I saw this under 10.8.2 as well). Anyone else experience this issue, have any ideas, or maybe it's just something on my end? Also, this is running off a decent SSD, so I wouldn't expect there to be much delay on a normal basis. It's been thinking about loading a folder the entire time I've been typing this edit (basically, quite a bit more than a few seconds). This also happens even if the folder is blank. the icon spins like it is loading but nothing happens.
  11. I clicked the link for the 994 Z & ZS and received this file: udi_oadr_3.3.10.zip Also, for the "9" release, I downloaded it again and compared md5 hashes (they matched), just to be safe.
  12. I'm not able to install this update. Perhaps there is something I'm missing, so please let me know where I'm going wrong. The error I receive is: "Upgrade Failed :Invalid or incompatible upgrade file" (that is the exact message btw; the colon is in the wrong space. that's an ultra minor detail but I just wanted to point it out) My model is ISY994 IZ / IR PRO, current version of 3.2.6 is installed. I was just attempting to upgrade to 3.3.9 and it failed with the same message. When I saw that 10 was out I tried that and it fails as well. My system is OS X 10.8.2 and my Java is Update 11 (1.7.0_11-b21). The error message is almost instant. I just briefly see a progress bar before the error message is displayed. I have tried this via Safari, Firefox, and Chrome; all show the same results. From what I read, it seems that I should be able to upgrade directly from 3.2.6. Have I missed something? I even tried clearing my java cache ahead of time (though I think that only really matters once I've upgraded). Also, my model shows (in the about page) as the 994i/IR PRO. But then has Open ADR and Zigbee support listed under that. Do I have an odd-ball configuration, or is that normal? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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