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dbwarner5's post in Upgrade from beta to production not as described was marked as the answer
To verify, the problem is simply that I am running 8 vs 832 so it wont see it, even in the beta store. I will have to delete 8 and just start over with 832.
No worries..:) .
Thanks for a great plugin!
dbwarner5's post in PLM and ZMatter USB was marked as the answer
My Eisy uses the serial out to an ethernet which then runs ~50 to the basement from the second floor to the PLM. Works fine.
dbwarner5's post in Polisy LAN address not working in IOX finder was marked as the answer
try typing this into a web browser... http://<LAN IP>:8080/admin.jnlp
this should download a local copy of admin.jnlp which will link to the AC and will give you direct access to the sign in screen.
Otherwise, try adding http://<LAN IP>:8080 to the UD Finder and see if it finds it locally.
dbwarner5's post in Lost Elk status email report function during upgrade was marked as the answer
If you open up PGX adn the Plug in for the elk and go to the NODES tab... for each device, the system code you need will be on the right. There is "copy" icon. If you click on that icon, it will copy the correct format you need for the plugin's zones and status.
You will need to update each line in your custom notification to display the correct "address" to the new nodes.
The zones/devices you are using above are part of the old / discontinued module, vs the new Plug-in nodes.
dbwarner5's post in Wrong Port again was marked as the answer
After playing with it for 20 minutes, changing various settings, I was finally able to get them both to stick.
Cant say what I did but essentially changing the port to other numbers, restarting, changing it back, restarting, sometimes just chaining the port and saving, sometimes hitting the top save button, sometimes the bottom.
So bottomline, I cant tell you what worked, but it too 20 minutes of trying to get them both to stick.
dbwarner5's post in Yale Door Lock YRD226 Z-Wave - no user codes supported in EISY was marked as the answer
Check the "children" under the main lock and users should be present. This access control is also used in programing.
if you dont have it, then you may need to do a "interview" to get it to show up properly. See screen shots below.
dbwarner5's post in showing disconnected was marked as the answer
Ok.. I tried once more by changing it to 90, then back to 84 and VOILA! it worked..
dbwarner5's post in IOX finder- Not found was marked as the answer
@gschoffstall try this and seeif you get anything.
dbwarner5's post in Hint for entering UAID and secret key was marked as the answer
(on a Mac, if you copy something on your phone, you have access to paste it immediately from your computer clipboard. super easy! )
dbwarner5's post in Cannot get EISY Program written. Request guidance. was marked as the answer
@awzulich You need to put the KPL and the fanlinc into two different scenes wiht each Low and medium KPL buttopn as a controller for its scene. In the scene Fan Low... you shut off the medium KPL and turn the fanlinc to low. In the medium you change do the opposite.
You then dont even need a program to change the speed of the fan. To turn it off, you simply turn the low or medium KPL off.
Am not sure if this is another switch you use as well--> 'LR Table - E - Fan Low' is switched On
If it is, you can either add it as a controller to the scenes above or write a program based on the switch that will trigger the KPL scene.
Below is an example of how I have four scenes (6 button KPL) where each of the four buttons, A,B, C, D control the fan.
No programs needed to switch speeds or turn it off. Turning it off has two choices, pressing hte KPL that is on, or pressing D button.
dbwarner5's post in Ring doorbell not triggering IOX program was marked as the answer
Ok.. Solved.. Had too many moving pieces all at once.
This week, changed from Polisy to Eisy. I think that broke the Remote connection that @geddy mentioned, but when I fixed that, I also had a major power unit failure on my rack, and that drove other connectivity issues thru my main switch / PGX and Eisy such that PGX wasn't working right.
Thru router reboots, Eisy power cycle, rewriting the program, getting the portal working online correctly, combined with I think the last step of resetting the Remote Connection" is Configured AND Active in the PG3 section of the portal, its ALL WORKING AS EXPECTED!
THANKS @Geddy am pretty sure I would have gotten around to the rest, but would not have checked that part.
dbwarner5's post in Thermostat node value was marked as the answer
I think you may be missing something. Here are some screen shots of my thermostats in UDMobile.
Make sure that the display node you chose is the correct one. I can then click on Display status and choose each one. Am in the process now of changing hte icons / colors for conditional reporting based on the status.
dbwarner5's post in EISY Upgrade....What a PITA was marked as the answer
See screen shots.. do you have these options for your Yale locks? Control is accessed differently in the new system vs old.
dbwarner5's post in (IL)LOGIC? was marked as the answer
I think your programs are running correctly, just the logic is wrong, @gviliunas points out the easist way to fix.
What is happening is that at sunset -35 minutes, the first program goes false, running the ELSE. So 3 minutes go by and then the lux variable changes to 0.
This triggers the ELSE in the second program which turns off the lights, regardless of what the LUX value actually is, because the variable turned to 0 in the first program.
It seems like you expect the lux value to overrule the time condition, which wont happen. If either are false, the first program will turn false due to the AND.
After you think thru this a bit, feel free to post your changes and others can comment if you are still having problems accomplishing what you want.
dbwarner5's post in An orphaned X10 Device ? was marked as the answer
Thanks everyone for the input.
-No idea how to compare links tables per suggestions above.
- Most of my devices are pre-December 2016 as house was built in 2015 with most all new insteon devices at the time, so isolating a few isnt really an option.
-The x10 signals were happening all night long when there was little to no other activity.
-Yes I still have a transceiver running to connect to several older chimes and one plug unit
HOWEVER... in checking the logs, since I removed the batteries from one the one device I found that still had them in, there have been no more x10 A2 signals across my ISY log.
So that solved that issue. Still looking for the possible All/on signal that may be tripping mostly my micro dimmer, but occasionally one or two ceiling fans as well.
Thanks again.
dbwarner5's post in Confused with Occupancy Geofencing! was marked as the answer
Are you using JUST UD Mobile? First set up a variable that you want to toggle in the AC.. Then follow these screen shots. It should be very straightforward:
Then....name it and set the variable for 1 for enter and 0 for exit. hit save
After hitting ADD, navigate to the variable that you set up earlier and enter the value you want for entry and exit.
Hit save. that is all it should take to sett up.
dbwarner5's post in Simple Program Trouble was marked as the answer
When the outside lights turn on, does it change the luminance at the Motion sensor? if so, the Wait forces a re-evaluation of the IF and will make it turn false and so the Then will never complete..
Remove and put your wait and off settings into your Else statement and see if that fixes it.
From WIKI --> The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop.
dbwarner5's post in Evolux by Lloyds bulb was marked as the answer
What is the verbal command for your night scene doing? Is it simply turning off /on a scene? If so, the easiest thing is like you suggested, create an Alexa routine that first turns off/on the same scene you were using and then turns off the amazon bulb. Pretty simple.
dbwarner5's post in ELK & EISY - Is there an easier way to use on the UD Mobile APP? was marked as the answer
very easy.. set up your Favorites screen in UD Mobile. Here is my main page with my ELK security system highlighted on top. If I click on it I can adjust it anyway I want.. The second shot is the setup of that icon.
dbwarner5's post in Trouble shooting Russound Beta was marked as the answer
Rebooted Pollisy.. all is working again. Now need to figure out what went wrong on Polisy......
dbwarner5's post in Programs running outside their schedule ? was marked as the answer
Any time this light is turned on or off, ie: the state of the light changed, this program will run because evaluating the state of the light is part of the IF. And subsequently, if the time is outside of your designated window, it will be false.
dbwarner5's post in First program having major issues was marked as the answer
@ILey Yes, you are correct it wont show CONTROL in the IF portion but notice it says " switched on". That is meant to imply an action. Compared to if you changed the IF to Status is on, it will status. Here is an example of the two different If conditions. First line is the Control, the second is the status. Yes its a bit confusing, but you will get it with use.
'Alarm 5' is switched Off
Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
Secondly on your question regarding parenthesis, yes you highlight it, after adding and then "move line up" or down and move them where they will make sense. Here are a few screenshots of an example
Step one: I have all three lines in the program, but I want the first two nested together with an AND () for the second, so I add an AND () and it shows up at the bottom.
'Alarm 5' is switched Off
Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
And (
Now I click on the top ( and select move line up. It now looks like this:
'Alarm 5' is switched Off
Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
Now I need to move the bottom ) up as well. I click on it and select move line up. it now looks like this.
'Alarm 5' is switched Off
Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
This has accomplished grouping the status is off or switched (control) off as a group combined with the and on the bottom line. For clarity I often add a second () as follows:
'Alarm 5' is switched Off
Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
And (
'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
This isn't really needed at all, especially for this program, but I have some more complex if where it makes reading it much easier; see example below.
'Main House' Armed Status is not Disarmed
And $Dougs_iPhone_13_home2 is 1
And (
'Main House / Garge Ovhd Mid' Logical Status is Violated
Or 'Main House / Garge Ovhd South' Logical Status is Violated
Or (
'Lock - Rear Garage' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
And 'Lock - Rear Garage' User Number is 1
Or (
'Lock - Front Door' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
And 'Lock - Front Door' User Number is 1
Or (
'Lock - Mud Room' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
And 'Lock - Mud Room' User Number is 1