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Everything posted by MikeBro

  1. Is this issue actively being addressed, or do I need to open my own support ticket?
  2. I have the same problem. I don't understand; are you saying I have to buy a new piece of hardware, that they cannot or will not fix a software certificate problem? Why would I buy again from such a company?
  3. Well, I just needed to unplug the device and plug it back in again, and now all is well (knock wood). D'oh.
  4. I have an isy99i. It's been a long time since I've run the admin console. When I do, and after I enter my name and password, I get a requester "I have read and agree to the terms ...". (Clicking "read" shows the UDI PDF). After I click "Agree", the program shuts down after about ten seconds, even if I do nothing. This happens every time, using IE or Chrome. What can I do? ---Mike
  5. I tried it with no load, and with incandescents. D'oh, when I plugged the lamps in, I had the switches off. Apparently the Icon needs a load? In any case, it works great now. Thanks again!
  6. This is a query, ON, query. Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 04 B1 3D 0F 19 00 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 04.B1.3D 0F 19 00 06 LTSREQ (LIGHT) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 04.B1.3D 1B.FC.37 27 00 00 (00) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][04.B1.3D-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] ST 0 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] OL 255 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:01 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] RR 31 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:05 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 04 B1 3D 0F 11 FF Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:05 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 04.B1.3D 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:06 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 04.B1.3D 1B.FC.37 A7 11 FE LTONRR (FE) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:06 PM : [standard-Direct Nack][04.B1.3D-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:06 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] ERR 1 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:11 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 04 B1 3D 0F 19 00 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:11 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 04.B1.3D 0F 19 00 06 LTSREQ (LIGHT) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 04.B1.3D 1B.FC.37 27 00 FF (FF) Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][04.B1.3D-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] ERR 0 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] ST 255 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] OL 255 Sun 10/07/2012 01:56:12 PM : [ 4 B1 3D 1] RR 31
  7. I have an older Icon lamp dimmer #2856D2 (v1.2) that I can add to my ISY-99ir pro, but I get "Cannot communicate with Try (4 B1 2D 1). Please check connections." The error clears when I query, but then always occurs again when any control is sent. This is with a lamp or with nothing plugged in. Other devices work on the same outlet. The log is empty, and when I select error log, I get "Request failed". I am using firmware 3.2.6. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. As usual, your support was superlative. I thought I had done everything correctly, but of course I must have missed something. ---MikeB
  9. Ok. Did that, rebooted, and no change; still fails to run from the icon, or when I click on the link in Michel's message. It never asks me to accept a certificate.
  10. Michel, I don't see how to remove all (or any) certificates in the ISY Configuration Utility. I see "generate", "receive" and "install" selections in the menu. ---MikeB
  11. I get an exception now when I launch the console from my desktop icon (Win7), even in administrator mode or using compatibility settings (suggested XP mode). No problem when launching from Internet Explorer. Any ideas? JNLPException[category] at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.checkSignedResourcesHelper(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.checkSignedResources(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareResources(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareAllResources(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  12. Not sure if this is a question or an answer, but when I query an (old) EzRain or a (new) EzFlora that has one valve ON, my ISY99i changes its status to OFF. It doesn't actually turn it off, though. I discovered this while using my iPhone app, which uses REST, but it's true from the Admin console as well. I also discovered that querying anything but valve 1 does nothing (which is fine with me). I'm using v3.2.6.
  13. I don't think I explained clearly. I don't want to query the controller (e.g. an X10), but I want the ISY99 to know the state of the responder, which *is* linked, regardless of how the state was changed. If I can't trust the ISY to know the state of every responder it is linked to, then I presume I need to make sure I query the device before trusting what the ISY99 tells me. Not a big deal, but I'll probably want to make that somewhat automatic.
  14. Not sure if this is related, but I've noticed that at least some of the time the ISY is unaware of changes to any of my devices when controlled by a controller that is not itself linked to the ISY (X10 or Insteon) until I query the device. Is this normal?
  15. Thinking about what you said, I did a "restore device" on both the IOLinc and the KPL, and now it's working, so apparently one or both lost it's link records. It's not the first time this month I've had to do a restore. What causes this? Perhaps I should schedule the ISY to do an occasional restore.
  16. I have a garage door IOLinc grouped in scenes with a KPL button. If I use the KPL or the ISY99 software to toggle the garage door, all is well, but if I open the door with the original button or remotes, status is not updated. If I "query" from the admin panel, the ISY status is updated correctly (but not the KPL button). This seems to be true with other (more ordinary) scenes as well, including when I trigger them from a grouped KPL button, but I've only fully verified it with the garage door system. I notice I have a "query all" program that runs every day at 3am. Should I just set that to run say every five minutes?
  17. Duh. Thanks again Lee! P.S. For those reading this thread, a big disadvantage is that although the light on the keypad is now "reversed" properly, all the software shows the garage door sensor being "on" when the door is closed, which is less than ideal. The moral is to indeed use an OC (open circuit) sensor.
  18. I had tried "trigger reverse" (and just tried it again); it does not seem to do anything.
  19. Lee, I only have two wires from my sensor; white and green. It's always CC. I think what you're saying is that I'm SOL, and need to get a sensor that has OC. I was hoping that's not the case. To reiterate, when the IOLinc sensor light is ON, the KPL button light is ON. I want to reverse that if possible.
  20. I set up my garage door kit with a KPL, and it's almost working. My sensor is only CC, so the keypad light is ON when the door is closed, and I can't seem to reverse it. My software (3.1.17) does not match the screenshots in the Wiki, so I am confused (although I'd probably be confused anyway). How do make it so that the button light shows the opposite of what is shows on the IOLinc itself?
  21. Dear Michel, I finally had the opportunity to call tech support (being at home today), and the fellow who helped me was fantastic (I wish I could remember his name!) He just had to Restore the device; apparently it did not have a scene link stored, so it responded to direct commands, but not scene commands. I had primarily called about getting remote internet access (I have uPnP router, but it wasn't working for me), and he quickly set it up, and gave me a nice tutorial while he did so. 5-stars.
  22. Thanx , Lee. Maybe someone else will jump in with some info. There seems to be many roadblocks to setting up even my relatively simple system.
  23. Is there anything I can do? Should I get the beta version?
  24. The right-click Diagnostics menu only shows two items, "Show Device Links Table" and "Show ISY Links Table". Anyway,with event log open, I set to momentary and then latching. Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:08 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:09 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:12 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:13 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:13 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:16 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:17 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices Tue 04/03/2012 07:38:17 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices
  25. I'm using 3.1.17. I set the ON level to 100%, but then it complained that the device doesn't support it, and gave me the choice of on, off, or cancel. I selected ON anyway. Still no joy.
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