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Everything posted by bigdog

  1. Ok, I figured out the problem. I needed to use ISY SmartHome skill. NOT the Insteon Skill. Thank-you to pilotguy13 for the clue. Alexa is working again.
  2. To re-enable the Alexa Skill for Insteon, if I search for ISY, there is nothing listed for Insteon. If I search for Insteon then I can find the skill. Is this the correct skill? Other are enabling ISY skills.
  3. I keep seeing responses here that we need to reenable the skill. I am trying to reenable the Insteon skill as described. The problem is that I can't get past the "No Valid Hub Subscription For This Account" message. That is a show-stopper.
  4. I am trying to re-enable Alexa. Overnight it looks like Alexa deactivated the skill. Last night, it told me I needed to reconnect the skill, which of course it wouldn't do. This morning the skill was gone. So I tried to add the Insteon skill back and link it to my account, and it says "No Valid Hub Subscription For This Account". However, I am able to log into my account on the web isy portal. All my devices are still listed in Alexa however it says the server is unresponsive.
  5. I am now able to use UD Mobile again, but not Alexa. It said the skill wasn't installed and when I try to install it is says there is no valid portal account when I try to log in through the Insteon skill. Except the portal appears to be ok now.
  6. Same for me here. I'm getting http error 429.
  7. That fixed it. Thanks for your help!
  8. I cannot use UD Mobile. It keeps telling me "Could not get portal credentials. Portal not set." I have logged out and back in again, but it still does not work. My inventory of devices is there, but I keep getting g the same error if I try to do anything.
  9. Thanks for the excellent run down on Z-wave. That clears things up for me completely and probably for others forced to look for other non-Insteon solutions.
  10. With the demise of Insteon, I needed to reassess my smart home setup. I really like my ISY994i which was an upgrade to the older ISY99. So I have been doing this for awhile. I don't really want to move to some other system, but need to plan for future maintenance. I used an Insteon hub strictly for Alexa integration. Thanks to the help from a few people on this forum I upgraded my firmware to v5.3.4 and set up an ISY Portal subscription. After a little work fixing some scenes I have Alexa working better than it did before. The Insteon hub is now decommissioned. I ordered (and received) a Z-Wave Plus module for my ISY994 so I would be able to maintain the system in the future. My questions are regarding any other requirements for Z-Wave devices. The web site is a little sparse. 1) I have seen references to a Z-Wave 500 "dongle". Do I need an additional dongle of some kind or is the module all I need? 2) It seems like the module will support 300 and 500 series. Is the what "Plus" means? 3) I have also seen references to S2 security. Do I have this with the module or does this require a Polisy and a Z-Wave 700 dongle? Thanks! Brian
  11. I received these creditors notices this morning. I am posting them here for others who may not have received them. SmartLabs-ABC-Creditor-Notice.pdf SmartLabs-ABC_C.pdf
  12. Thanks! Works great. I really appreciate your help!
  13. I was able to upgrade ISY firmware 4.9.x to firmware v5.3.4 with few problems. I am having a Java problem getting it to load on macOS Big Sur. I have downloaded http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin.jsp numerous times after deleting all other instances and clearing all cached files including apps. I open http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin.jsp and sometimes it will create an icon on my desktop, but usually not. Sometimes the ISY finder shows my ISY 994, other times it shows nothing. The big problem is that once I run it the first time and close it, I am unable to open it again. It complains that the jar files were signed with a different cert. So the only way I can run it successfully is to completely turn off caching so that it downloads a new application every time. It worked okay before the upgrade. I hate Java and avoid it like the clap, but I don't have a lot of choice except to run it from the web. I even stied OpenWebStart and it works better but is old dog slow. I am sure there must be someone who knows more about Java than I do who might have an idea what I could try. I have seen references here to the "launcher" but I don't know what that is unless that is the ISY Finder (which doesn't seem to work). I'm about 95% done with the upgrade but it would be nice to have an icon I can just click on like my other hundreds of programs. Any ideas would be appreciated. - Brian
  14. Ah, never mind. Seems I have it running okay. Note to Mac users, if at all possible try to do the update using Windows. I have Win 7, 10, and 11 installed under Parallels and used Win 7 because it has a full Java stack installed. Went fine. I did a full Java update under Mac OS Big Sur, and everything is now as it should be. Many, but not all programs that were previously disabled needed to be re-disabled. Follow Geddy's instructions and you'll be golden! Thank you Geddy, your instructions were excellent. I'm all updated and ordered my Z-Wave board today. I have a couple of Insteon dimmer switches as spares and am going to add some new Z-Wave devices when I get the board.
  15. I got the update installed using Windows. However, it upgraded the firmware but apparently not the UI. Is there a way to upgrade the UI?
  16. Thanks! All this is great advice. I spent about an hour organizing and backing up and started the update process. I'm using a Mac and got this message. Not off to a great start
  17. I have an ISY994i/IR-Pro currently running firmware v4.9.0 using a PLM. I also had an Insteon hub running concurrently to provide an interface for Amazon Echo. I have grown to use my Amazon Echo devices a great deal. I also used the Insteon iPhone app to control things remotely. Like everyone else, my Insteon hub went south on April 15th. To resolve my dead Insteon hub issue I subscribed to the ISY Portal and I am back in business. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner, as it is a better solution than the Insteon hub. I have devices the hub didn't support, but the ISY portal does. Thanks UD! I have 2 problems left to resolve. I need an app for my phone and I am not going to pay every month to use it. So I downloaded UD Mobile. It says it will not work with my firmware (4.9.0) but that seems to be the last official version available. Second problem is what to do in the future? Insteon devices (I have 53 in use) do not last forever. I generally have to replace 3-4 a year. I have replaced my PLM 3x. So I need to prepare for Z-Wave. I see that firmware v5.3.4 is available but it doesn't look like a smooth upgrade. There seem to be a lot of caveats to upgrading including a recommendation to rebuild the entire programming. I have dozens of programs and over 50 devices. It would take days if not weeks to redo everything from zero. It looks like this upgrade is going to be a necessary process if I want to keep using my ISY and have a mobile app, as well as mixing Z-Wave modules in as my Insteon modules fail. My big question is this. Since I currently only have Insteon modules (with a few X10), will this firmware upgrade cause many problems? What I don't want to do is upgrade, then have to spend hours and days fixing things. I just don't have the time, and have already spent a lot of time this week working around the Insteon hub problem. Any advice here would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Brian
  18. Excellent, thank you! I am definitely not planning on moving away from the ISY, and my Echo needs are simple. I appreciate your help!
  19. Hi All, Is it possible to use BOTH an Insteon Hub and a ISY994 concurrently? I already have an ISY994 handling numerous Insteon switches, outlets, and various other devices. It is well established, has various programs and does everything I need as far as automation goes. I have 2 Amazon Echo Dots that I want to use as well. I don't need them to run programs or scenes or anything like that. All I want them to do is to turn things on and off. Like "Alexa turn on kitchen lights". That's it. I am sure the "Portal" is great, but I am fed up with recurring revenue models. It isn't the money, I just want my hardware to work and not have every single thing in my house require a credit card and annual fees. I have had fraud 4x already this year, and changing CC numbers when that happens is a HUGE hassle. I've had enough. My existing ISY programs do what I need very well, and wouldn't want to have the Insteon Hub handle any automation tasks. I just want Alexa to turn on/off my kitchen lights or start the coffee maker (or other Insteon device) while still allowing my ISY to handle automation. Thanks, I appreciate any help! Brian
  20. Did the 2477SA1 actually fit into the Intermatic timer box? I thought it would be too large, but maybe I made a mistake measuring the box. If it does, then this is exactly what I would be looking to do. My timer is on a short post directly adjacent to pool equipment. I have been trying to avoid pulling new wiring or having to install a larger WP enclosure for the electrics. It is very inconspicuous now, mounted on a redwood post. It's funny, just about everyone I have ever known who had a pool had an Intermatic timer. With all the H/A devices out there, you think someone would have thought of a retro-fit for an Intermatic pool timer. Thanks, I'll remeasure and hopefully this will be easy. If not, well it is good weather for a pool equipment remodel! Brian
  21. I am trying to figure out the best way to automate my pool equipment. Like a LOT of people around this area anyway, the pool pump/filter is controlled by an old fashioned Intermatic 240v outdoor mount timer. That is basically all I need. The heater comes on when there is water flow through the filter system, so that is not an issue. What I need is a outdoor rated 240v Insteon device that could simply replace the Intermatic timer. However, as obvious as this product might seem, there does not seem to be anything available. Does anyone know of any product that would be suitable? Thanks, Brian
  22. Thanks Michel! I was hoping it would be that. It makes that data more useful. I will proceed under that assumption. -Brian
  23. Does anyone know how the WeatherBug Average Wind Speed is calculated? Is the average calculated for the previous hour, x hours, or day? Thanks -Brian
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