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About bipto

  • Birthday March 12

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    New Hampshire

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Experienced (4/6)



  1. Welp, never mind - I was able to borrow a 12V/3A supply from an external hard drive and ISY came to life! Looks like I'll just be ordering a replacement power supply rather than an ISY - cheap and easy! Thanks mwester! ?
  2. Great suggestion, thanks! Any idea what the ISY's current draw is..? I notice the ISY power supply is rated for 1A, but unfortunately the only junk drawer wall wart I have available to test is only rated for half that. I'm guessing that's not enough..?
  3. Woke up this morning to a cold house. Tried to log on to ISY to find out why she hadn't adjusted to the daytime temp (as she has done reliably every day now for years) but she didn't respond. When I went downstairs to check on her she didn't greet me with her usual flurry of activity lights, I saw only her power LED, very dimly-lit. Alas, I think ISY has died... So what happens now..? I will be purchasing a replacement this afternoon - do I need to purchase the EXACT model..? I DO have a recent backup and I was on v5 so I don't imagine there would be major migration issues... What about things like licensing, portal integration, etc.? How do I go about getting things "switched over"..? Any other potential pitfalls I should be aware of..? Thanks for helping me out during this difficult time...
  4. Will the aot option cause any issues when used with mono 5.18? As usual my timing sucks and I think my Christmas eve Pi rebuild may have put me in that situation. Seems fine - any harm leaving it?
  5. We too are back on the air without any intervention from me, probably a glitch in the Matrix... Thanks for checking Benoit!
  6. Though I can't be 100% certain from my office, my wife is complaining of symptoms that sound similar... PM sent. Thanks Benoit.
  7. Yeah, I'm pretty much lost too. It may take screenshots and a couple of drinks for me to figure this out...
  8. What's new / different in V3..?
  9. I see the same behavior with my Generac XP8000E. The lights on dimmers will flash with Insteon traffic until the generator approaches about 50% load and then they quiet down. It's irritating, but better than living in the dark. Insteon behaves far better on this model than my previous Generac GP series, and neither the devices nor the bulbs seem any worse for it given the limited number of hours they've seen on gen power. Probably amuses the neighbors...
  10. I'm thinking this wiki excerpt doesn't hold true in cases where the IF clause contains a device / program status or state variables. In such cases the IF is immediately re-evaluated if any of those elements change. Much of my programming relies on this feature. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  11. Thanks for verifying that this is not what you're seeing, Stu. I did attempt to selectively forget the duplicates, but they all reappear on the next discovery. Not sure exactly where to go from here... The bottom line is despite the dupes the integration is there and everything seems to work. My gut feel says this issue lies with Alexa, but I may submit ticket to see if someone here can glance at the logs to verify... Thanks again! --Bill
  12. But I'm not so sure... It is interesting that the duplication is off the spokens rather than the devices/scenes, but the fact remains that there is still duplication. As an example, an ISY Portal Scene in the following format: Name: Lighting Scene A Spoken 1: "these lights" Spoken 2: "those lights" Spoken 3: "them there lights" Will appear listed in the Alexa Device page as: "these lights" Lighting Scene A --- "those lights" Lighting Scene A --- "them there lights" Lighting Scene A --- "these lights" Lighting Scene A (scene) --- "those lights" Lighting Scene A (scene) --- "them there lights" Lighting Scene A (scene) --- So 1 scene / 3 spokens = 6 Alexa devices discovered... I could be mistaken, but based on other folks' descriptions here I don't believe this behavior is typical / correct...
  13. Thanks for replying, Stu. I've added both scenes and devices (though no programs as of yet) to the portal app, both result in a pair of entries with the only difference being a suffix of "(scene)" vs. "(device)" on one of the two... I'm trying to keep the spokens to a minimum - most have just one. I hadn't noticed before but now that you ask I see that the duplicates seem to be based not on the number of scenes/devices, but on the number of spokens i.e. a scene/device in the ISY portal with two spokens will result in 4 discovered devices on the alexa device page...
  14. Resurrecting an old thread here, but this seems to describe my situation pretty well. Please bear with me, I'm an ISY veteran, but I've only just embarked on this whole Portal / Skill / Alexa adventure within the past week - all this stuff is pretty new to me... I am seeing similar behavior, where every scene added in the ISY portal results in two discovered devices on the alexa page, one bearing the name of the scene, and the other the name of the scene appended with "(scene)". As others in this thread have described, the Echo - ISY integration works well and these scenes are being triggered as expected - it just seems that there are twice as many on the alexa page than there ought to be. Unlike the originator of this thread, I am attempting a new setup of the V2 skill - there is no upgrade involved. I too have executed "Forget All" and re-discovered - the duplicate entries reappear. I have attempted to unlink the Amazon account, remove my ISY from the portal and rebuild from scratch. I have applied all the suggestions in this thread to the extent I understand them, but the result is the same. Any help / further suggestions you folks could lend would be much appreciated! -- Bill
  15. Really... I wonder what Smarthome's Black Friday / Cyber Monday sales were compared to past years. Down I'll bet. Sounds like cutting off the nose to spite ones face... Well this could be a *good* thing I guess - it might be just the motivator I need to kick this habit. My Insteon build-out is getting down to the "nice to haves" anyway, and I'm pretty sure I can find better things to do with my money than financing Joe Dada's bad business decisions...
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