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  1. That was many moons ago. I don't think I have that cable. Where would I get one? Will this work: https://www.cdw.com/product/Digi-serial-cable-4-ft/284655 or this one? https://www.amazon.com/Console-Device-Management-Serial-Adapter/dp/B07R9JV9X3/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=rj45+to+serial+adapter&qid=1641345856&sprefix=rj45+to+ser%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-3
  2. Where do I get the different cable for the PLM? Where do I get the Z-Wave dongle?
  3. So if I have a PLM plugged into my current ISY994, I would plug the PLM to into the Polisy? And there is no need for the ISY994? What about all the programs I already have on the ISY994, can I just restore those to Polisy? Lastly, does Polisy need any additional updates for it to work with Z-Wave (I saw a message about that from a few days ago)?
  4. Do we need to purchase both the ISY and Polisy? Or does Polisy replace the ISY?
  5. The problem is intermittent and as such difficult to pin down. The FL bulbs are newer and I would have expected that they have limited noise (I do know the older FL tubes and ballasts did create lots of noise, but I haven't experienced that in years as the technology matured). Interestingly, I have noticed the problem occurs more often with the OFF command which could give your theory great probability (i.e. when the devices are ON, they create the noise, but when they are OFF, they don't have any initial noise).
  6. The lamps are either LED or florescent light bulbs. When I manually and individually turn each of off/on, they each respond quickly and perform the requested action.
  7. I have had issues with scenes. For example, I grouped all my outdoor lights (6 of them) into one scene. I then have these go on at sunset, and off at sunset. However, I often see that some of lights don't go off (or don't go on). I am going to change my program from a single scene (on/off) command to 6 on/off commands. Hopefully, it should address the problem I am having.
  8. I have a device in the "THEN" statement of a program that was unplugged or otherwise could not be communicated to. As a result, any statements that come after the statement that device do not execute. Why? Example: If XXXX THEN Set Device A On Set Device B On Set Device C On Else No Actions In this case, Device A is turned ON. Device B can't be communicated to, and fails. But, Device C does NOT turn ON. Why is this the case? Firmware version: UD994 v.4.0.5 UI UD994 v.4.0.5 ISY 994i (1120) Thank you,
  9. OK, so I'm biting the bullet to upgrade from the outdated and unsupported ISY99i to the ISY994. Is it as simple as a backup and a restore or is there something more to it? It's been a few years since I installed an ISY, so the more detailed the instructions the better. Thank you
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