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Everything posted by Jdsmooth

  1. I am a long time ISY and Insteon user. I have an Elk security panel being installed Wednesday and I've spent the weekend cleaning up my Insteon set up and ISY programming. Since moving a year ago, I have not set up an "all on" scene in this ISY. This was largely out of laziness as programming in each device and KPL button would take forever. Is there a better (easier) way to create an "all on" scene than manually adding over 100 individual devices? I was thinking about a program, but what would the trigger be if I can't use scenes? My plan was to upload my scenes to the Elk and work from there. Any advice would be appreciated. I searched but came up empty. Thanks in advance.
  2. I upgraded to 3.2.5 successfully. Once the admin console was restarted, my missing keypad reappeared exactly where it belonged. Weird! Unfortunately, I am still having problems with the admin console not getting the current state data and then not functioning correctly. I downloaded a java update, and switched from IE to Firefox, and one of those seems to have solved the issue. When I bring up the admin console in Firefox it seems to work fine. Thanks for the help.
  3. As always, thank you for the prompt response. I never thought to look in the table. The missing devices are in the table, but missing from the device tree on the left. Does this make a difference? I am running 3.2.3 I've actually noticed that the whole system seems slow and buggy for some reason. After two years or so of running flawlessly, now when I log in to the admin console it doesn't display current device status and it will be unresponsive to requests. As an example - I just tried to link a device. I went to start linking and it did nothing. I logged out and back in and then it popped right up without me doing anything. Building programs seems to work fine, but then when I try to delete a device I have the exact same problem. Are these all symptoms of a bigger problem? Should I drop my firmware back? Thanks in advance, Justin
  4. I was adding some devices to my system today, and I noticed that one of my keypads was missing from the my lighting folder tree. It is a Keypad located in our home office. The keypad's scenes still function correctly, and it is still listed as a controller or responder in all of its scenes. For some reason only the "d" button shows up under my lighting. How do I fix it??
  5. I am hoping those monitoring this thread can help me with my KPL - Fanlinc issue. I installed my first Fanlinc yesterday, and after playing with the mutually exclusive Button settings with no luck, I ended up setting up 4 scenes (fan off, low, med and high) On to 4 KPL buttons. To get the LEDs to work properly, I have all of the buttons in all Scenes. For instance, in fan low, the fan off, med and high buttons are assigned to be off. It works fine from the KPL, but I also want fan low controlled by remotelinc 1-5. When I hit That button (or control any of the scenes from Mobilinc) ALL 4 KPL buttons illuminate. I can't Figure out any way to fix it. I am not using any programs for this set up. Any help at all is appreciated. I am terrible at setting up complex programs on the ISY, but I do have several running successfully. Thanks in advance.
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