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  1. I would recommend if you need to disable an entire suite of programs instead of trying to keep track of the variables in each program it might also be easier to put the programs in a folder and then add conditions to the folder.
  2. I would follow the already listed suggestions. As for what the problem is, so you can get a greater understanding of programing with the ISY, is the wait statement in your program. Currently when the ISY comes across a Wait or Repeat statement the program is re-evaluated. Knowing this lets go back to your program and break it down. My comments in red: If Status 'MS-Garage-Sensor' is On Program triggers when motion sensor reports status ON Then Set Scene 'Motion - Garage' On Lights Turn ON Wait 30 minutes Program told to wait 30 minutes. During this time it re-evaluates IF Statement Set Scene 'Motion - Garage' Off Lights turned OFF - But due to the wait statement this is only performed if the IF Statement is still true. Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') As you can see your lights will only turn off after 30 minutes IF the Motion Sensor is still ON, and if it has remained status ON the entire time. With a timeout of 2 minutes the program could be restarting multiple times and never reaching the Turn off phase of your program. Even if it did reach that point it would turn off while someone was moving around in the last two minutes. As you noticed this is not the desired effect. Edit: I thought I would include a sample program I'm using to control my inside holiday lights. My wife wants them to come on whenever it is night and she is in the room so I'm using an existing motion sensor. The motion sensor is set to timeout after 30 minutes. If Status 'Main Floor / Motion - Sensor' is On And Program 'Night.Define' is True Then Set Scene 'Main Floor / Christmas - Inside' On Else Set Scene 'Main Floor / Christmas - Inside' Off In this case assuming no motion after 30 minutes the status of the sensor will turn to Off, The IF Statement will be FALSE so the ELSE will run turning off the holiday lights.
  3. Updated the original post to include the full programs with comments It was in essence a morse code program. The first program controlled the lights on the Left side of my house while the second program controlled the lights on the right side of my house. Unfortunately it must be a dying art as my neighbors just seemed to think it was cool that they would flash "randomly" 73s to you all and hope you have a good new year coming up.
  4. Is the motion sensor used for any other purposes? If it is just being primarily used to send notification and turn on lights it seems to me the easiest method to resolve this would be using the motion sensor timer itself. For example I have a motion sensor controlling a set of lights I only want to come on at night. Instead of a wait statement it looks more like this: If Status 'Main Floor / Motion - Sensor' is On And Program 'Night.Define' is True Then Set Scene 'Main Floor / Night Lights - Inside' On Else Set Scene 'Main Floor / Night Lights - Inside' Off On the motion sensor settings I have the timeout set to 30 minutes so it won't turn status off until no motion has been detected for 30 minutes.
  5. Sorry no video - Though that might give a better representation of what I was achieving with these programs. Wizard, sounds like you probably got it In some areas I used functions of the ISY simply to lesson my confusion, readability, and time even when they provided no actual changes. For example the Repeat 1's back to back. arw01 - As far as I know looking into light shows w/ music Insteon simply isn't fast or accurate enough compared to a controller/architecture designed for that purpose. For example my programs above - I ran it only on Christmas Eve and Christmas Night. Otherwise even the 1 second waits with both programs running seems to keep the ISY very busy. Trying to sync all that with music and a few more devices would be out of the question I would imagine. Plus the time required compared to some of the software I've seen specific for light shows. I to will give the rest of the day for others to take a look at it. Then I'll probably edit my original post to include the comments field
  6. Merry Christmas and Holidays to everyone! A friend of mine stayed over recently and saw I was using home automation to turn on/off my lights this year. Both inside and outside. He thought it was cool but boring and suggested the following idea which I then put into the following two programs. May not be an original idea completely but I had some fun with it see if anyone knows why: Edited to include the entire two programs. To initiate them I used a very basic 3rd program that started them at night and stopped them in the morning. Merry.Morse If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Wait 5 seconds Repeat 1 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Repeat 2 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' Off Repeat 1 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Outlet' On Wait 15 seconds Run Program 'Merry.Morse' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Merry -- . .-. .-. -.-- X-Mas.Morse If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Wait 5 seconds Repeat 1 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 4 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 3 seconds Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Repeat 3 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' Off Repeat 1 times Set 'Outside - Garage / Outside Appliancelinc' On Wait 15 seconds Run Program 'X-Mas.Morse' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') X-Mas -..- -....- -- .- ... Have a good one and feel free to copy and add your own devices in.
  7. Hey Michel. So been using new firmware for a bit and noticed 2 issues. I have the 2491T Venstar firmware version 2.5. Quote above implies the clock function should work. It does not. Should it be working for this model and firmware then? Do I need to re-add? Secondly, In this new firmware this might be between Mobilinc and the ISY but the fan control is showing blank and is uncontrollable from the Mobilinc App. In previous firmware I've only seen this problem with the new Smarthome thermostats not the Venstar's.
  8. Downloaded and upgraded. No problems yet. I am curious regarding the FanLinc options and if anyone has a guide on what does what. This is what I show listed: Program Lock RF Enabled Resume Dim LED on TX LED Backlight Key Beep All show unchecked by default it appears. Remoted into system at the moment so don't have ability to test on site yet.
  9. Perhaps it is intermittent I was just able to get the 994i file
  10. Interesting - they are both going to the sales page for me
  11. Perhaps it is just me but the download link for the firmware is just forwarding me to the sales page.
  12. I think Michel mentioned elsewhere this is going to be added. Not sure if it will be in the next beta release or not. Perhaps Michel can confirm.
  13. Changing the default port number won't really provide any additional security against even the most basic malicious attacker. It will add a thin veil against anyone "stumbling" on to it so to speak especially if you use a domain name to access your network. Your best security protection at this point is as long a password as you can stand. Few people realize when it comes to passwords length is far more important than complexity. A 5 digit complex password is far easier to break and harder to remember than an easier to remember full length sentence. I'm not sure what the character limit is on the ISY. (Hopefully we will also get some basic permission structures in the future so we can specify admin functions usable only via LAN) In some soho routers/gateways you aren't necessarily able to specify a port number for remote https access for the gateway so I would recommend using a different default port if you want to use https to connect to your router and can't specify 8080 or something to that affect.
  14. aLf, Networking expert here I agree with Xathros. It's a matter of preference but you should stick to one method to reduce confusion, administrative overhead, and any potential issues. Something that I'm not sure has been mentioned but what method do you use for the port forwarding the ISY requires. You mentioned when you lose remote connectivity the ISY still runs programs and a reboot fixes the issue. That sounds like it could be a UPnP issue creeping up.
  15. I called Smarthome back today and they confirmed there is an issue when the "AC is running that it displays a higher temperature than the ambient" I personally think it is a problem more general than that and they are only seeing AC reported issues because it is summer. However, they are offering to send a Venstar Thermostat with free shipping as a replacement at no extra cost. They do charge you until they receive the 2441TH back but it's how the replacements are usually handled when dealing with them from what I've learned.
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