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  1. Thanks! It fixed my modem as well!
  2. Hello Michel, 1. When the problem occurred I regenerated SSL certificate with the 512 key (trying to figure out what is causing slowness). With 512 it seems to work faster via HTTPS. Before that I had the key set to 1024. Is there a way to remove certificate completely ? How does certificate strength affect communication performance ? 2. Yes, Event Viewer shows traffic normally. 3. I sent Error Log to support@universal-devices.com. Thank you, Mark
  3. Upgraded from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6. My ISY994i seems to be less responsive now. After update, ISY had rebooted. 'Memory' indicator stayed on. ISY was unreachable. I waited for about 5 minutes. Then I disconnected it from the power and powered it on again. When it came back, I was able to connect to it, but it became much slower. HTTPS connection on the local network (LAN) also seems to be much slower then it was in 3.2.5. I'm talking about Admin console. HTTPS connection from the internet does not work at all. It worked with 3.2.5, but was slow. Now it does not work at all. Any advice please ? Thank you!
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