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  1. Looks like this could be a solution as well.
  2. Ok that could work. I was wondering if one of my Insteon appliance modules might work. I know that I can set up notifications but looks like it won’t send a notification when no power is being provided to the module. Unless I’m missing something.
  3. I’m trying to figure out a way to be informed via text Etc. when a GFI outlet is triped. I know that there are products out there that you can pay a monthly fee for this and there are products that you just plug in and it connects to your Wi-Fi. But has anybody integrated anything into their system?
  4. The pump comes with the unit. Once you set the temperature, it will cycle on and off to keep the water, the same temperature throughout the line.
  5. I’m in the process of replacing my Rinnai water heater with a Navien. ok I figured it out. I’m going to use an Insteon on/off module. The Navien has a “hot” button to activate the pump. I’ll will be able to have Alexa turn on the pump when I want. Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately they didn’t answer my question.
  6. Glynr

    Not able to sync

    What is the current release for EISY Yes same PLM for both. ISY994 5.3.4 will try your suggestions.
  7. Glynr

    Not able to sync

    Yes same PLM for both. ISY994 5.3.4 will try your suggestions.
  8. Glynr

    Not able to sync

    After purchasing the updated EISY about a month ago, I have tried often on to get it set up. I’m not able to, and I default back to my ISY set up. After purchasing the updated EISY about a month ago I have tried often on to get it set up. I’m not able to and I default back to my ISY set up So far what seems to be the biggest issue is that once I do the install it brings over all the devices, etc. but it continually goes through a loop of rebooting. Also, on the mobile app, it will bring over the devices but not control anything.
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