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Everything posted by CraigB1

  1. @Geddy Thanks! It was the font size. I recently increased it to the "14" setting as my eyesight has deteriorated making it difficult to use the default setting. Resetting it to the "12" size brought back correct operation of the absolute time setting. So strange that only that setting and no others are affected by increasing the font size, and that choosing a number from the pull down wouldn't stick (fill-in) when selected even if the box wouldn't display the value correctly. (Or maybe it did, but couldn't display it?) As to your other questions, I did have all the action buttons (Add to IF, Update) at the bottom of my screen. They were not affected. I'm familiar with the issue in using Windows to magnify things, and the resultant cropping of items from the lower and right sides of a frame, so I do not use that option. Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction. I'll just use a hand magnifier when using the ISY UI from now on. Thanks again!
  2. I have a much older version of Java runtime on a laptop. It works fine. So the issue is with Oracle Java 1.8.0_431-b10 for Windows 32 bit. Now to find how to roll back to b09
  3. I'm on 431-Build 1.8.0-431_b10 So just one build ahead of you.
  4. I'm loading the IOX finder from the UDI link. It seems to properly identify the ISY version and load the appropriate Admin UI. UI and ISY versions match in Help/About in the Admin UI I do regular Java updates when they come along. Current Java version is Oracle Java 8 Update 431. 32-bit version running on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OS. I checked and the "-Xmx512m" runtime parameter is in place. Computer is rebooted daily, as it is off overnight. Windows Fast Boot is disabled.
  5. Hmm. Seems to be a fundamental system issue. I got out and booted my "spare system" ISY. Its currently on Ver 5.3.3 Running the system as a fresh load, no existing programs. I tried creating a new program TEST1 I tried to add a IF condition of SCHEDULE. I'm seeing the same behavior. You cannot set an absolute time in the IF Condition "Time Is" or "From". I suspect that some time counter maximum has been exceeded either in the program or the hardware. However, I tried manually setting the time to year 2014, and the same behavior persists. I'm not a programmer and don't have the tools to diagnose further.
  6. @Techman Tried that and no change. Its most odd. Any program with a time schedule, I cannot set or edit the absolute time. I back-rev'd to 5.3.3 and there is no change. I'm wondering if there's some odd hardware failure? I have a spare ISY-994Pro. Perhaps I'll load that one up and see if there's any difference.
  7. Yes, I tried that. Didn't work either. I agree its very odd. I'm getting the same behavior whether I create a new program, try to exit an existing one. Export/Import a program, and the time condition issue is still there. As I say, I'm stumped.
  8. I'm a 14 year ISY user, but I haven't edited a program in about a year, as things have been pretty stable here. I'm trying to edit a time schedule in a program, but I seem to be unable to do so. When I click on the time schedule, it shows in the edit area below the program, but the H,M,S are all ... instead of 0 as expected. When I select a new number from the pull-down, it does not stick in the box. Same for creating a new program with a schedule. From and Time Is do not allow me to enter H,M,S time. Creating before or after a trigger (sunrise, sunset, etc.) seems to work correctly. I've replaced the SD card with a new one, re-loaded 5.3.4 firmware, loaded backups going back to 2021 - no difference. I'm stumped. It seems that the ISY isn't allowing absolute time entries in programs. The clock in the UI shows the correct current time, and NTP update status is showing working. Am I forgetting something I need to do to enter times into a schedule?
  9. Updated one of my systems (ISY 994 PRO) from 5.0.15A to 5.0.16 Upgrade went smoothly as I've come to expect with UDI firmware upgrades. Schlage BE469 needed to be synchronized, and threw some communication errors in the Admin Console, even though the Event Monitor showed it was communicating. I manually unlocked/locked the lock (inside knob) and all is now well.
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