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  1. Michel, Using the URL from above (in 1.) I did everything as written and got a new icon named "ISY994 Administrative Console". My old one was just "Admin Console". I logged in (https) and it forced me to login the 3 times again. I then killed the window and tried the icon. It asked me for permission to again install the icon (like before) and then I logged in. Note - it did not create a duplicate icon - just overwrote the old one I had just created. Then it kicked me out again for the 3 times login. I was able to go back to the older icon that used https and did not require the 3 logins, so that is good. BTW - I created that one with https://my.isy:444/admin.jnlp , and the new one with the /99i/4.0.4/admin.jnlp instead like you said. I guess there is some difference there, and the first one works for me (except for the creating the new icon thing every time). I really should be saying "desktop shortcut" instead of "icon" but everyone knew what I was talking about. While I was thinking about it I looked at both of my admin.jnlp files in my java cache, and they were fairly different. The first one (the one that works) included my uuid as an argument, while the second one did not. It of course also referenced my local IP, while the new one referenced http://www.universal-devices.com instead. I also noticed that the first one had the update check policy as "prompt-update" and shortcut-online as "false" while the second had "always" and "true" respectively. I don't know if that makes a difference but I thought I'd mention it as being interesting. So - the https://my.isy.ip:444/admin.jnlp URL worked for me to eliminate the 3-times login issue, but it does require me to click OK or Cancel each time. The second URL doesn't work for me. Here is a screenshot of the popup I get. Hopefully this helps. Thanks, Bob
  2. Michel, I tried it this morning with HTTPS (I'm using port 444 if that matters) and it worked without making me login 3 times. Just to be sure I logged out and repeated it again and it worked then too. I wonder why there is a difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Same java.... I did however notice a different issue that comes up when using HTTPS. I logged in once with https://my.isy.ip:444/admin.jnlp (using Firefox in Linux). That created my desktop jnlp icon, as well as launched my admin console. I logged into the console, then back out, and tried to re-launch using the newly-created jnlp icon. Once I double-clicked the icon it hung for a little bit, then started downloading the console and asked me to allow a new icon to be created on my desktop. If I click on the jnlp icon that was created using HTTP it does not ask to make a new icon - it just brings up the console as expected before making me log in 3 times. I can't say whether the HTTPS jnlp icon works or not because I haven't been able to actually use it without it being overwritten. It does however allow me to click on 'Cancel' when it asks me to allow the creation of the new icon, and the console starts up ok. I shouldn't have to do that every time though, right? Thanks, Bob
  3. FWIW, I have been getting the multiple logins for months now as well. It's really annoying - especially when I have tweaked the columns to get the spacing I want and the thing makes me login again and lose the tweaks. For me I always have to login 3 times before the red bang (!) goes away from my controller status and lets me start monitoring/changing stuff. Always. If it helps any, I pretty much *only* use Linux, and it hits me on both firefox and chrome. I thought it may have had something to do with my Ubuntu box getting a large buildup of cruft over several upgrades so I went as far as to install (fresh) Mint 14. Mint does a better job with multimedia (generally) so I expected things to get better but they didn't. I'm running Java version on a 64-bit box (with 64-bit Java - not 32-bit). Installing Mint did however fix other issues I had in firefox with various plugins. I have over the last 2 months tried multiple versions of Sun Java, OpenJDK, and the iced-tea plugin and all versions had the multiple login issue. I have in the past run the jnlp client on a Windows 7 (32bit) VM and not had the multiple logon issue, but I don't want to run the overhead of a VM just to use my admin console. I don't have any PCs that run only Windows (even my Kids and Wife are on Ubuntu). BTW - for the poster that said they had to logout because the status didn't show up... I used to do that as well until I figured out that I could simply click and drag the vertical divider line to resize the left or right columns and it would refresh. I'm not sure when the last time that happened to me on the main screen, but it happens all the time on the Programs/Details screen. In fact it just did it again when I clicked over while writing this. here is my ISY status: Firmware/UI: 4.0.3 (haven't upgraded to the RC yet) ISY994i Pro Climate, Network, X10 modules HTTP mode for admin console Hopefully someone can pick up on a connection between everyone with these login issues. If you need any debugging info let me know - I'd love to see this fixed. Thanks, Bob
  4. Rlebel, It seems that every time I have some goofy problem with adding/deleting devices, folders, or programs I have an issue with my PLM. It usually either needs a reboot/power-cycle, or I actually have to do a Restore PLM. You might consider looking at your device links table. The limit has a way of catching up to you quickly, and the restore PLM fixes that (usually). I had a similar problem with the newer triggerlincs as well and the Restore PLM fixed it. That said, I have a lot of devices with a lot of scenes, and a whole lot of programs/folders. I actually hit the program limit last week and had to really pare down some of my stuff. I noticed when I was trying to add a new program and it wouldn't let me. Once I figured it out it took me a while to actually get the programs deleted. When you're full the ISY doesn't seem to like it much, so it hassles you even when you try deleting stuff. I had to delete whole folders of programs before it would let me individually add/delete anything else. Probably not your issue (programs/folders), but the PLM may be. My 2 cents - I'm not a moderator or troubleshooter but I use this stuff all the time and enjoy it. Bob
  5. Michel and Lee, Yes - the PLM was full (yet again). I stopped the counting when it got over 1400, and just did the Restore Modem. That worked, and now both of my new sensors are linked. As for the SWL - it is new and had never been linked up. I'm curious as to why we wouldn't see messages in the event viewer for it though, as it is an Insteon device that is sitting on the power circuit that the PLM is monitoring. I would expect the ISY to see messages from that device, but I wouldn't expect a wireless motion sensor to be able to control it if the sensor isn't linked. Now obviously the PLM *did* pass instructions to the SWL from the sensor but I didn't see them in the logs. I suppose it is possible that with a full PLM the sensor was actually linked but couldn't send log messages, but I don't know that for certain. I wish there was an easier way to do the PLM restore. I have about a dozen wireless devices (motion and triggers) and I have to put them in linking mode before doing the restore. Those devices are all over my house in hard-to-reach places, and one is outside as well. The restores are very painful for me. I also wish that the PLMs could handle more links. I had to severely change my goodnight programs to help bring my link count down. I used to have 3 zones, each having about 10 devices to control for goodnight. Zone 1 would turn lights on that I need to go upstairs, zone 2 would turn other lights off, and zone 3 would get the outlying lights such as the garage or porches. I had scenes built so I could turn zone 1 on, and then go back and set timeouts/status variables once the lights were on. Now I have to run individual programs to accomplish that, and with the necessary wait functions the timing of my program is much more difficult and lengthy. I did the same for turning a zone off - turn a scene off first and deal with the variables later. It was nice to have all the necessary lights in a zone come on or off at the same time using a scene, but those scenes cost me a lot of links on the PLM. Same for my fanlincs. If you control a fanlinc with a KPL you can have a lot of links if you want the LEDs to act properly on the KPL. I had a scene with HI/MED/LO/OFF LEDs, individual scenes for the levels, and some multiples like HI/LO, and had the fan motor linked in each one as well. That one fan cost me more than a dozen links because I wanted the KPL button for HI to light if I turned the fan on HI, and I wanted MED, LO, and OFF to turn off. Now without the scenes I run multiple programs which end up taking around 10 seconds to get the LEDs the way I want them. I have plans for 7 fanlincs with KPLs, so I will really have to be careful on the number of links/scenes. Is there another way to get more links, like maybe adding another PLM or something? Thanks Lee and Michel for all the help. I need things fixed quickly when I have issues, so that I can keep the wife happy or at least indifferent. Otherwise I'll start to really hear about all these high-tech toys that we don't need. I'm too invested monetarily to change back (and I don't want to anyway), so I try to make things as easy as possible for her and throw a few things in that she will enjoy. The lamplinc hooked to the back of our bed that controls a low wattage LED reading light is a real hit. I put a KPL inside of a caddy on the headboard that controls the lamplincs (one for me too), the ceiling fan, the bedroom light, and a stand-up fan on an appliancelinc. I also got an X10 big red button that will control the lamplinc so she can just touch the side of the bed to turn it on or off. I even color-coded her lamplinc button on the KPL so she can just hit the green button in the middle of the night without really seeing the text on the button. Things like that help keep the WAF at a good level.
  6. New test: I added the Switchlinc to the ISY, so now both the motion sensor and the SL are linked, and I told the ISY to keep the links. It did, and created a new scene with the SL and the sensor inside after adding the device. Now, motion *will* turn the SL on/off but still doesn't report anything to the event log, and it does NOT change the ISY status of the SL from off to on. If I query the SL once the sensor turned it on, the ISY correctly sees the SL as on. The 30 second timer I have on the sensor turns the switch off but again does not change the ISY status of the SL, nor does it send anything to the event logs for the sensor. If I do the button test again on the sensor the SL goes on/off but doesn't log. To be clear, neither the SL or the sensor logs on either motion or the button test.
  7. I tried a different test. The sensor I have that works (Kitchen) sends stuff to the event logs every time I press the set button. Neither of the 2 new ones sends anything on the button presses. I also tried deleting one of them, and re-adding it to the ISY by calling it a 2420M-SP instead of the auto discovery. Same result.
  8. Your assumption is correct. Ok I took the sensor a few blocks away and it still only blinked once on motion. Now here's where things get strange. I decided to try linking it up to a switchlinc (NON-DB) that is not linked in my ISY - just a spare. First I hooked the SL into a project box I built that acts as a 3-wire appliance cord but much cleaner (almost like a KPL holder). When I turn the switch on/off I see the action in my ISY event logs even though the device is not linked or managed by the isy. Then I manually linked the sensor to the switch using the buttons, while still keeping the sensor linked in the ISY. Motion does not change the switch state, but if I press the set button on the sensor the switchlinc will turn off or on alternately. It still doesn't show anything in the events log. How can my motion sensor (wireless) control a wired device (non-DB) by the button, and have nothing show up, but not control the device with motion? I don't understand that one at all. To be thorough, I also did the same test after deleting the sensor from the ISY, so neither device was linked to the ISY. Pressing the set button on the sensor still controlled the switchlinc without having anything show up in the event logs. I'm holding back another test as well because I really don't want to do it if I don't have to. I took down my Kitchen motion sensor and am debating deleting it from the ISY, and then trying to re-add it. Problem is, it says it's a 2420M, 1910 rev 2.0 and it actually still works. The new one says its a 2842-222, 1512 rev2.2. I'm afraid to delete the working one in case I can't re-add it.
  9. Both of them blink once. I have one in my garage that fast-blinks because it isn't super close to a DB device. (note - different device, and that one works). These 2 however are not mounted yet, and I've worked on them near to a lamplinc, a fanlinc, a kpl, and my PLM - all DB devices. In fact when I'm in my office I have the PLM, a fanlinc, and an access point within 15 or so feet. My first thought was not being close enough, but since they both linked I figured I was not too far away. I moved to my office to prove that point to myself.
  10. I still have the same results. The sensor adds to the ISY just fine. I do get the sensor, the low bat, and the dusk dawn nodes. They never send anything back to the ISY though. In fact the only time I see anything in the event log is if I disable the sensor. I then get a whole bunch of what looks to be variables getting set to 0 - like RESET, CLIMD, and UOM). I do see it adding (and deleting) to the ISY as well. I attached a zip with troubleshooting logs (level 3) for an add, delete, enable, disable, and a links query. Files.zip
  11. I've loaded 3.3.5 and it seems fine. I flushed my java cache and tried the different URLs. I've tried the admin console in Windows 7 and Ubuntu. That said, I can't seem to get either of my 2 new motion sensors to send anything at all to the logs - either the regular log or event viewer levels 1 or 3. I have 3 other motion sensors that were already operational and they still seem to work - they send the proper commands and turn the lights on that I programmed them to. The 2 new ones (just got last week) will link fine to my ISY994i pro, but they never send anything to the logs. The motion led blinks, I've tried multiple batteries, I've disabled/enabled, deleted, and re-added both multiple times and still nothing. I even brought up my mobilinc on Android to see if the on/off status changed when the led sensed/showed motion, and even that doesn't change (which I believe rules out java cache). I've played around with both sensors, adjusted the jumper 5 to on, tried all combinations of checks in the "options" area (after holding the set button until the led blinks), and I've run out of ideas. Has anyone else had any issues with the motion sensors? These new ones show up in the ISY as (2842-222) INSTEON Motion Sensor v.41 while my other (working) sensors have either v.00 or v.34 as the version. When I linked the new ones I used the "Link a Motion Sensor" option and gave it just the Insteon ID with nothing else (name or type).
  12. I'm a Unix guy that uses cron extensively to do whatever I need done automatically. I also like to take backups of my systems regularly since I tend to tinker and often screw things up. I back up my ISY to a dropbox account fairly regularly, but I often forget. Is there a way to automatically have the ISY do backups? Maybe something like cron or Windows scheduler, or a way to send the ISY a command to do the backup? I'd prefer a true scheduler on the ISY, but I could always have one of my Unix boxes send a string to the ISY from their cron job telling it to do the backup at a specified time if that ability existed. I didn't see that in REST, and don't know enough about the W or JSDKs to know whether it can be done in there. Maybe I missed it if it is included. If not, does anyone have any suggestions or will something like this make it into the ISY as a feature? If so, it could be extended to do things like send the logs daily somewhere, or something else you can only do inside of the admin console. I searched the forums but didn't see this asked before. Thanks, Bob
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