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  1. Hi, I am having problems getting an Insteon Smoke Bridge (2982-222) to send commands to my ISY994i. The device appears to be paired with my Smoke Alarms, and linking isy to the smoke bridge went without issue, however when I test a smoke detector I do not receive any commands. I tried a factory reset on the smoke bridge and reset up as follows: 1) Paired the smoke bridge to a smoke detector. Pressing test after pairing shows activity on the smoke bridge red status light 2) Linked the smoke bridge to the isy994i. Linking appeared to work without issue with 7 nodes created (CO/Clear/Low-Bat/Malfunction/Smoke/Test/Unknown). Pressing Test on one of the smoke detectors results in the Red activity light flashing on smoke bridge but no command is received by the isy994i. I also tried showing all communication events in diagnostics but no activity was observed. I tried a second reset and paired the smoke bridge to another smoke detector. I also tried manually adding the smoke bridge using it's address instead of adding by putting the isy in linking mode. All 7 nodes appeared but still no communication was observed. I am using an ISY994i/IRPRO running 4.2.8 firmware. The smoke bridge shows R3.2 0513 on the back. Thanks for your help. Russ
  2. Upgraded to 3.3.10 without issue (3.3.8 locked up at restart and I had to manually power reset). Software as complex as the ISY requires beta testers in order to provide and test real user situations. No amount of internal testing can cover all of the home automation applications Insteon is capable of. I appreciate being part of the beta process and I am more than happy to contribute in order to ensure the product remains as reliable as I have become used too. Keep up the great work. Russ
  3. Just updated Java to 7u11 and now the admin / dashboard icons do not work. The error message is "The item `javaws.exe` that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly". When I re-run the previously downloaded jnlp's I can access the admin console but they do not create the icons again. For now I am just running admin.jnlp directly in order to access the isy. I tried to attach the error message but I get the following error "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached".
  4. Both the Firmware and UI are showing 3.3.8. Everything appears to be running fine. Thanks Russ
  5. Hi All, In response to Ron's question, I am using an 8 button KeypadLinc to "simplify" turning on all of the AV equipment, selecting the proper source for viewing the desired device, and dimming the lights. Tried using a macro in an all-in-one remote but it gets pointed away from the desired devices before it has time to finish running the macro. Tried in vane to explain how it needs to remain pointed at the TV until everything is on. Instead went with the Black Box on the end table approach. The buttons are setup as follows Off / Cable / Apple TV / and PC. To control the Denon I am using the Network Interface to talk directly with the device. To turn on the Cable Box / TV I am using a Keene IP to IR device to send IR codes from the isy. A small problem was that the cable box does not have discrete On / Off IR codes. Pressing Cable I am not sure what state the box is in. Turns out on my cable box you can set it up to turn on the switched outlet on the back when it is powered on. I used a cheap USB charger to output 5V when the cable box is on. I then wired up a IOLinc to detect the 5V by putting a transistor across the sense input. There was enough room to put the transistor and required resistors inside the stereo jack. The cable looks like a USB to 2.5mm Stereo adapter. Now the isy has the status of the cable box in order to act on the Power Off or Cable buttons. With the extra buttons, I used one to control turning On / Off the Aux Kitchen Speakers. The second button is setup for my father-in-law to hit when he comes over. It turns on everything, dims the lights, then puts the cable box on his favorite channel. All he has to do is sit down and hit the sports button. Russ
  6. Upgraded from 3.3.6 and Web Interface locked up at end of process (I think this is where the isy reboots). Instead of the page refreshing I got a blank page. When I tried to reconnect I had no response. Down to the basement the isy99i had Power / RX / TX on solid (all other lights off). After a power cycle the isy booted up and everything appears to be fine. I do not remember having to power cycle on any of the other updates. Running using Chrome with Java 7u10. Russ
  7. Just updated to 3.3.3. No issues. UDP testing OK. Thanks Russ
  8. Many thanks to alx9r for this great info. Turns out the TCP network control protocol provides full control over the AVR including changing setup parameters if desired. I have updated my network resources to use this protocol. Here is the new file for import. System System Power On - "PWON\r" System Standby - "PWSTANDBY\r" Main Zone Main Zone Power On - "ZMON\r" Main Zone Power Off - "ZMOFF\r" Main Zone Source DVR - "SIDVR\r" Main Zone Source HDP - "SIHDP\r" Main Zone TV/CBL - "SITV/CBL\r" Main Zone V.AUX - "SIV.AUX\r" Multi Zone 2 Multi Zone2 Off - "Z2OFF\r" Multi Zone 2 On - "Z2ON\r" Multi Zone 2 Source - "Z2SOURCE\r" Russ. ISY-NetRules-Backup.v3.3.2__Thu 2012.09.20 08.59.27 PM.zip
  9. Glad I could help. Attached are the Network Resource Export Files I am using. After you Import, make sure you change the Host Name to the IP address you used to control the receiver using the Web Page. Russ Denon AVR-4308 Denon AVR-991 Denon4308.zip Denon991.zip
  10. Had some luck getting both my Denon AVR-4308 and Denon AVR-991 working. After some miss steps and off on a bit of a tangent, I'll try and outline how I got it working so anyone else can hopefully get their receiver working without too much trouble. Many thanks to Chad for this post. Without his help and guidence I would not have got it working. Step 1) Make sure you can access and control the receiver through its Web Page. Note the IP address and if possible assign a reserved DHCP number on the router so the address does not change. If you cannot fix the IP address using the router, then manually assign an address on the receiver. The network commands will stop working if the IP address changes after you have them set up (speaking from experience on this one, lost a day trying to figure out what had changed after I thought I had it working). Step 2) Using WireShark, monitor the traffic to the receivers IP address. When you start WireShark, you will start to see all kinds of traffic. To cut down on the amount of info, add the following to the filter box then hit apply (change this address to the one you used in step 1 for the Web Page Access.) Step 3) Using the Web Page, turn the receiver on and off, change vol, etc, and note in WireShark the packet(s) that are sent. For my Denon4308, I only got one packet on a Web Page change: HTTP 618 POST /MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp HTTP/1.1 For my Denon991, each time I clicked an icon, I was actually sending two packets: HTTP 472 POST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1 HTTP 119 Continuation or non-HTTP traffic Step 4) In WireShark, click on the HTTP POST packet, the packet info will appear on the bottom window. Hit the plus sign beside "Hypertext Transfer Protocol". Look for the POST section to get the URL. For the Denon 991, its "/MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1\r\n" To get the Body info, you need to look for the Data Section. On the Denon4308 it was in the same POST packet. On the Denon991, the Data Section was in the Continuation Packet. When you select the Data Section ([+] Data (65 bytes)), the bottom window will show the body command highlighted in blue in both Hex and in Text format. On the Denon991, the text was "cm d0=PutSy" "stem_OnS tandby%2" "FON&cmd1 =aspMain" "Zone_web UpdateSt" "atus%2F" Which actually translates to If you don't want to type it out, you can grab the text to the clipboard as follows: expand the Data [+] sign, highlight the data string "Data: 636d64303d...", Right Button on the string > Copy > Bytes > Printable Text Only There is no right button paste when editing the ISY-99i body section, however CTRL-V will paste this text back out into the window Step 5) Create the Network Resource in ISY-99i Configuration > Networking > Network Resources > Add Enter a Name (i.e. "Denon4308 Power ON") Now Click on the URL (Select to Edit Content) Set the Protocol Information as follows: http POST, Host, Port 80, Path "/MainZone/index.put.asp", Leave Encode URL unchecked You may need to play with the timeout (default 500ms), I seemed to have good results when I made it 2000ms Change the Mode to "Raw Text". For the Body, There is a bit of detective work to try and find out how much of the origonal info you need to send. For the Denon991, the cmd0 was all that was required. So for the string I only needed to send the cmd0 part For the Denon4308, When you click on an icon, all of the page info is sent back, so you need to filter out whats actually changing and only send that portion back. So for the string when Vol was changed I only needed to send Step 6) For testing, I started with one command (Power ON). After I added the Network Resource, I turned OFF the receiver using the Web Page. I then used the "Test" button in the ISY-99i Network Resource screen to send the command. Step 7) After I got one command working, I slowly added more commands using the copy button, and then editing the body of the Network Resource. Russ Here is a summary of the Network Commands I am using Denon AVR-991 (POST Command) System Power (Path:/MainZone/index.put.asp) Note: Turning on system power, turns on zones to last on/off setting. Turning on zone changes system power to on automatically Power Off - cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FSTANDBY Power On - cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON Main Zone (Path:/MainZone/index.put.asp) MainZone Off - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FOFF MainZone On - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FON Source BD - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FBD Source DVD - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDVD Source CD - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FCD Source PHONO - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FPHONO Source DOCK - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDOCK Source SAT/CBL - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSAT%2FCBL Source TV - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FTV Source GAME - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FGAME Source DVR - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDVR Source V.AUX - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FV.AUX Source NET/USB - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FNET%2FUSB Source FAVORITES - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FFAVORITES Source INTERNET-RADIO - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FINTERNET+RADIO Source MEDIA-SERVER - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FMEDIA+SERVER Source USB/IPOD - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FUSB%2FIPOD Main Vol -50dB - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-50.0 Main Vol -40dB - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-40.0 Zone 2 (Path:/MainZome/index.put.asp) Zone2 Off - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FOFF&ZoneName=ZONE2 Zone2 On - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FON&ZoneName=ZONE2 Source Source - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSOURCE&ZoneName=ZONE2 Source Sat/CBL - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSAT%2FCBL&ZoneName=ZONE2 Zone2Vol -60dB - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-60.0&ZoneName=ZONE2 Zone2Vol -21dB - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-21.0&ZoneName=ZONE2 Denon AVR-4308 (POST Command) System Power (Path:/MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp) Note: Turning on system power, turns on zones to last on/off setting. Turning on zone changes system power to on automatically Power Off - radioSystemPower=STANDBY Power On - radioSystemPower=ON Main Zone (Path:/MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp) MainZone Off - radioPower=OFF MainZone On - radioPower=ON Source Tuner - listInputFunction=TUNER Source Phono - listInputFunction=PHONO Source CD - listInputFunction=CD Source DVD - listInputFunction=DVD Source HDP - listInputFunction=HDP Source TV/CBL - listInputFunction=TV%2FCBL Source Sat - listInputFunction=SAT Source VCR - listInputFunction=VCR Source DVR - listInputFunction=DVR Source V.AUX - listInputFunction=V.AUX Source NET/USB - listInputFunction=NET%2FUSB Source XM - listInputFunction=XM Source HDradio - listInputFunction=HDRADIO Main Vol -50dB - textMas=-50.0&setMas=on Main Vol -60dB - textMas=-60.0&setMas=on Zone 2 (Path:/ZONE2/s_zone2.asp) MultiZone2 Off - radioPower2=OFF MultiZone2 On - radioPower2=ON Source Source - listInputFunction2=SOURCE Zone2Vol -50dB - textVolume2=-50&setVolume2=on Zone2Vol -42dB - textVolume2=-42&setVolume2=on Zone 3 (Path:/ZONE3/s_zone_3.asp) MultiZone3 Off - radioPower3=OFF MultiZone3 On - radioPower3=ON Source Source - listInputFunction3=SOURCE Zone3Vol -50dB - textVolume3=-50&setVolume3=on Zone3Vol -42dB - textVolume3=-42&setVolume3=on
  11. Thanks for the update Chad. Your work / info is saving me a ton of time trying to get this working. Viewing source on the Denon4308 Web Page is not giving me much help. I'm going to try wireshark to catch the posts and i'll post back my finding's. Russ
  12. Hi Jake, Did you get your Denon working? I have a Denon4308 I would like to connect. Russ
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