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Everything posted by pyroman175@yahoo.com

  1. thank you sir.. works like a champ. here are the settings if anyone needs them If From Sunset - 1 hour To Sunrise (next day) And Control 'garage door sensor' is switched On Then Set Scene 'garage lights' On Set Scene 'Kitchen Lights' On Send Notification to 'text' Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'garage lights' Off Else Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'garage lights' Off
  2. well i tried it and the garage lights come on when door opens and shuts off when door closes ???? what did i do wrong should i use a light device instead of scene
  3. cool i will try this and let you know. on summary if everything is right should it read true and not false?
  4. hey guys does this look right?? i want to turn on the gargae light sfor 5 minutes and turn on the kitchen lights until manually turned off and notify me when garage is open thanks pete If From Sunset To Sunrise (same day) And Status 'garage door sensor' is On Then Set Scene 'Garage Lights' On Set Scene 'Kitchen Lights' On Send Notification to 'text' Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Garage Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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