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Everything posted by saclarkdoc

  1. At 8:28pm every evening, a 'ghost' mysteriously turns on four of my kitchen Insteon devices. They are not programmed to turn on, but they do so anyway, forcing me to turn each one off manually. Part of my Log is attached below, with the offenders underlined. Any suggestions? Dining Rm Breakfront TOP Status 100% Fri 2023/07/28 08:13:58 PM System Unknown Foyer Lamp Status 100% Fri 2023/07/28 08:13:58 PM System Unknown Foyer Secretary.1 On-Off Modu Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:18:58 PM System Unknown Foyer Secretary.1 On-Off Modu Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 08:20:01 PM System Unknown Kitchen Desk Lamp.1 On-Off To Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:23:57 PM System Unknown Kitchen Over Counter Lights Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:23:57 PM System Unknown Kitchen Coffee Bar Light Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:28:49 PM System Unknown Kitchen Ceiling Lights Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:28:51 PM System Unknown Kitchen Ceiling Fan Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:28:52 PM System Unknown Kitchen Chandeliers Status On Fri 2023/07/28 08:28:53 PM System Unknown Kitchen Ceiling Fan Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 08:31:27 PM System Unknown Kitchen Ceiling Lights Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 08:31:36 PM System Unknown Kitchen Chandeliers Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 08:31:43 PM System Unknown Upstairs Hall Lamp Status 100% Fri 2023/07/28 08:43:57 PM System Unknown Kitchen Coffee Bar Light Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 09:00:01 PM System Unknown Kitchen Over Counter Lights Status Off Fri 2023/07/28 09:00:02 PM System Unknown
  2. @Geddy In an attempt to shut down my eisy, I have clicked the <POWER> button 6 times; however, the blue power light stays on. Any suggestions?
  3. @DennisC I must be doing something with UD Mobile incorrectly, because this is what my Home screen looks like (sorry the shot is a bit blurry).
  4. Now that I have most of my switches up and running in my Admin Console, I would like to be able to use UD Mobile (to change a switch's individual status using the UD Mobile Node Dashboard, but I have been unable to find my Node Dashboard screen. Is there a section in my (iOS) UD Mobile manual that clarifies how I can access this Dashboard?
  5. @Geddy @MrBill @Techman et al: Success: I now have all of the devices up and running (As you can see the check marks below on my status sheet). So far, so good, and my sincere thanks for all your recommendations! As per your suggestions, I plan to go with Ethernet configuration; however I believe my Mobile program initially set my eisy up as wireless. Any recommendations on how to convert from wired to wireless?
  6. @Geddy @MrBill @Techman et al: As I am making progress with connecting my eisy system, I have one basic question; I have a setup that could easily be connected as either an Ethernet system ( I am currently connected to a 2413 USB PLM, but I also have a powerful Mesh wireless covering my entire house). Five of my thirty-one devices are unable to connect to my eisy, and give me one of two different error messages in the Admin Console, either (1) Cannot Determine Insteon Engine," or (2) "Cannot Determine Device Link Table Address." QUESTION #1: Should I configure my eisy as Ethernet or as Wireless? Question #2: Any recommendations on how to address the two error messages?
  7. @Techman I'm finally sending you photos to answer two questions of yours. (1) you asked "...you mentioned putting a paperclip into a hole to reset your eisy. That's the reset method for the Polisy, the EISY uses a button on the front panel for resets. Are you sure you have an EISY?" The photo shows the location of the hole with a push button of the rear of the eisy. Any idea what it's for? (2) You also asked "...What type of bridge do you have across your power line legs?" I have attached a copy of the Leviton Bridge installed on by circuit breaker panel; the red lights are modulated and indicate they are both functioning (the photo seems to show only one illuminated, but trust me, they are both lit all the time).
  8. @Techman FYI - All my 2457's are actually 2457 D2
  9. @Techman Forgot to mention I have had a Bridge across L1 and L2 mounted in my Circuit Breaker panel for many years. I also have a curious addition to my IoX Network in the Admin Console. In addition to all my modules, something suddenly appeared called the "NOTIFICATION CONTROLLER." I di not install it, instead it just 'showed up.' Any idea what this is, & why it just appeared out of nowhere?
  10. @Techman Sure am. Bought it 30 days ago from UDI. There were no instructions about the rear port, but I will stay clear of it from now on. I subsequently did reset and reboot pressing the front Power Button. I am working furiously to get present system working before connecting the Z-wave. Our new doors should be delivered in about two weeks. So far I can communicate with most Insteon devices, but a few Outletlinks (2472D) and Lamplinks (2457) are giving me trouble, even though I can communicate with other same model devices. Also, although I can control most devices using the Admin Console, turning them ON & OFF: however, most of them are not responding to their individual programming routines. In addition, Amazon Echo fails to recognize commands as well, stating I should "check network connection & Power Supply." So I'm really having lots of fun here (especially since when my old 994i was still functioning, All these same modules worked perfectly together, so I'm trying to understand what new variable the eisy introduced that 'screwed up' communication). Other than that, my day is just fine, thank you!!
  11. @Techman Many thanks for the info. I have purchased an Aeotec Range Extender 7 for my setup (I hope that will function as my repeater). What do you think? Also, I am still trying to determine the proper module to add to my eisy to enable the Z-wave function. Recommendations?
  12. @Techman Appreciate the clarification. I have one more question. I will shortly be installing two doors with Z-wave locks. What is the proper Z-Wave add-on for my eisy?
  13. @stevehoyt Thanks for the above video (I assume if I am dealing with a ToggleLink Wall Switch, the set button will be visible if I remove the wall plate). Also, any suggestions on how to overcome my second error message when trying to add a new switch/outlet ("Cannot Determine Device Link Table Address")
  14. I am starting to program my new eisy manually, but some of my switches/Outlets will not program. Does anyone know how to overcome the following two error messages when trying to add a new switch/outlet? "Cannot Determine Insteon Engine" "Cannot Determine Device Link Table Address" Finally, what is the format if you only want to switch on a single outlet in a duplex socket?
  15. @Geddy Well, I'm on a good roll (PARTLY). Somehow I got rid of all my old programming. I thought I did a Factory Reset, but now I see I did something else. I used a paper clip to push the button inside a hole on the back 10 times instead of pushing the button on the front (so I really did not do a factory reset). Having said that I have entered 6 programs without any problem, and I have verified they work just fine. However, an additional 6 programs gave me the "Cannot Determine Insteon Engine" error message, so I am inclined to do a real Factory Reset using the front button, and then re-boot and start over. Your thoughts? Also when I have a duplex wall socket, and I only want to activate one of the sockets, do I identify the top socket using the format: xx.xx.xx.1?
  16. @Geddy - MORE RECENT UPDATE: I deleted all programs except the Parent, then hit "Save Changes." That did the trick. However, when I tried to add my first sub-program (Upstairs Hall Shelf), I received an error message , "Cannot Determine Insteon Engine." How do I correct this?
  17. @Geddy - Many thanks for the added eisy 'smarts' you shared with me in your lengthy response!!! You have given me a lot to digest. I will clean out the remnants of the old 994i and start anew (and by the way, sorry I keep using the word sensor instead of switches or programs - an old habit from my time at NASA that I need to break) UPDATE: I cleaned out Java, then I did the Factory Reset of my eisy (clicked button with paper clip 10 times). 30 minutes later IoX Finder could NOT find eisy, so I did a reboot (clicked 5 times). 10 minutes later still 'No Joy' (sorry, mil pilot expression), so I disconnected and reconnected power. Now Finder could 'see' my eisy, so I launched Admin Console. It came up but unfortunately all my old device programs were still there!! HELP!! Also , how do I close out this lengthy and obsolete thread (if necessary I will start a new one)
  18. Getty - a couple of questions to ensure I start off fresh programming from scratch on my new eisy and 2413 USB PLM: (1) From the IoX Finder, I have selected Admin Console (LAN) instead of Admin Console (Cloud). Is that the best choice? (2) Although I never was able to 'Migrate my 994i data, when the Admin Console (LAN) launches, I am able to see all my switches and timing data (even though I'm not sure what "Response type 10" means). Can I use this as a starting point to build my sensor timing data? (SEE ATTACHED ADMIN CONSOLE) (3) Why does the Admin Console>About screen still show my Internet DISABLED? (SEE ATTACHED ABOUT)
  19. To Geddy and the rest of my cadre of helpers: My sincere thanks for all of your efforts. However, given the fact that one of my old 994i units (as well as it's associated PLM) are missing in action, we found that every time we attempted to implement a new strategy, things quickly ground to a halt. Therefore, I must agree with Getty that the best course of action at this point is to start from scratch with my new eisy and its new PLM, manually re-entering each individual sensor with its corresponding parameters (luckily, I have a hard copy sheet with the specific settings for each of my switches and dimmers). Although this method will require considerable additional effort on my part, it will result in a clean, crisp copy of the Admin Console for my new working eisy system. I may have still have a few questions along the way, but I trust I can still post these questions in a new query asking for your perspective with a new system that should be unencumbered by my mistakes of the past. Again, my sincere thanks for all of your suggestions & recommendations, and I will post my progress for your future comments and/or suggestions. Best regards, saclarkdoc
  20. hart2hart - Yes, I get a launch from Admin Console (Cloud). But then I receive a warning I am in 'safe' mode, and I am not able to see my programming.
  21. Do you know if there are any instructions on how to construct the USB to Serial Adapter for the 994i? I have been scouring the U-D website and so far no luck.
  22. hart2hart, here are my answers to your questions: Are you plugging the ISY994 into same Ethernet cable that the eISY (or is eISY on wireless wifi) was plugged into from your original posting? Yes I amIs the PLM plugged into the ISY994 and the PLM plugged into an outlet? As you can see from my previous answer, I do not yet have the cable I need (Ethernet to USB) to connect to the USB PLM.So we are on same page., can you snap a photo of the ISY994 showing all the wires it is connected to when all plugged in? Although I am currently unable to connect to the PLM (see previous post), I will take a photo of the back of my 994I in the morning. By the way, now all lights on the 994i flicker when I apply power, then the left-most two blue LEDs remain full on.
  23. STATUS REPORT: It is just before midnight. I found another Power Supply, and suddenly my old 994i is alive again. Here is the screen after running the IoX Launcher: However, there is still a problem. Trying to load my "Admin Console (LAN)", I receive an error message telling me that I must connect the PLM. However, I have thrown away my old PLM assuming it was bad. My new PLM is the USB variety. To use this, I believe I require an ethernet cable with a USB connector on one end. Accordingly I have ordered an "Ethernet to USB" adapter which will arrive Thursday. What else can I accomplish in the meantime?
  24. CURRENT STATUS: I have continued to search for the other 994i, but so far 'No Joy.' I will continue looking (also for the additional Power Supply). I have investigated the micro SD card. It seems NOT to be corrupted (I can 'see' some of my individual switches). I then tried to connect this 994i to the web, power it up (yes I made sure my eisy was disconnected), cleared the Java cache once again, and then ran IoX Launcher. It could not locate the 994i (and no lights function on the 994i other than the blue power LED). This would seem to indicate the 994i I am working with is the "bad" 994i. Suggestions?
  25. Dear hart2hart - I truly appreciate your kind offer, and hopefully I can take you up on it. I say 'hopefully' because actually I own two 994i's. I purchased the second one but never used it. After receiving your offer I dug through my Insteon box and found one of the 994's. Not sure which of the two it is, but (A) the blue power led works when plugged into the power supply, and (B) it still has the micro SD card plugged in. I removed the microSD card and read the high-level directory in my Windows 11 x64 desktop. The results are as shown below:
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