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Everything posted by rabbit1543

  1. My versions attached. Hope this helps neje_double.stl neje_single.stl
  2. FWIW i also have the red baseplate on my NEJE. I dont know the size offhand but the template linked above was too small and i had to resort to making my own. I can upload the files later. I believe the model i have is the Neje DK-BL 1000. I can post the redesigned template later for anyone that may need it
  3. I don't have a myq opener. I do have two newer style openers that came with lcd wall mounted openers. They don't support the old doorbell method of control. I was able to get both of my units to work with iolincs by running wires from the iolinc to the LCD panel rather than to opener. I had to open the panel and locate the solder points for the buttons. I was able to piggy back on them and control the opener with my isy. You can try this method before soldering by simply holding the wires to the iolinc on the solder points for the built in switches, then trigger the relaying the iolinc. What this does is trick the opener to think that you are pressing the button on the wall mounted unit. Another alternative is to open up one of the wireless remotes and wire up the iolinc to the remote in the same fashion Polyglot is also a wonderful solution to look into. I'm using for various other integrations with great success. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  4. Please see attached. First is the mention of alexa categories Second is when you send spokens to google home the dialog box says "gome" instead of home Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  5. Someguy, Glad you found this useful. I still give most the credit to Belias who came up with the original programs. Without his work I don't think I could have come up with these programs on my own. First, there are two types of leak sensors. Early generations would automatically return to dry if a leak were to dry up while later generations always need to be reset manually after a leak is detected. This is done by making sure the sensor is dry and pressing the button on the top of the sensor. Personally I don't have any of the early generations that would reset on their own so I can't say if or how well this set of programs work with these types of sensors. I would like to think that everything would work fine with the early gen sensor but cant confirm. Considering that these are designed to help mitigate water damage to your home, I highly recommend that everyone test, test and test again. There is alot going on with these programs and one simple mistake in the program can be detrimental if a leak went unnoticed. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  6. Stu This is what I originally had and it worked before I changed out the original contact closures that you already linked to with the new garage kit. The original contact closures allowed for wiring in n/o and n/c while the the new ones only allow for n/c. I'm think I'm going to just try and put the original contact closures back and see if I still run into problems where the the garage would be stuck open while it was actually closed Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  7. Larry, I did try this and if memory serves me right it breaks the kpl button integration. Out art least I could not get it to work like I wanted but could be missing something there then also Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks again. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, still undecided. My ISY is in the garage and would be within feet of the mimo so I would hope it works without additional zwave devices, but like stu says you won't know until you try it. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks for all of the suggestions and advice. I have been a looking at the fortrezz mimo2+ to replace the two iolincs im currently using for my garage doors. Considering my ISY is also in the garage is it safe to assume that i shouldnt need additional devices t this point to create a mesh like mwareman suggests?
  10. I actually have those for both my garages as part of the original garage kit sold by smarthome. I was running into some problems where they ISY thought the garages were open when they were closed. I was in need for a couple of iolinc for a separate project so i ordered the new kits as which are not as flexible and replaced the contact closures with the new style. When i replaced the contact closures is when i had to enable the trigger reverse. Maybe i will try to put the old contact closures back in and place and see if i still get the occasional false opens. If not i will purchase replacement contact closures. @mwareman I do have the zwave module in my isy but have yet to purchase any zwave components to play with. Is there a zwave setup that you can recommend for this application.
  11. MWareman, Thanks for the response. While this is not the answer i was hoping for it confirms what i am seeing. This brings up another strange behavior then. I have query run at boot enabled which will trigger my Garage OPEN alerts which is based on the "ON" status of a sensor. However the query all that runs nightly does not seem to be triggering this nor do i see the incorrect status after the 3am query all. I have checked and the query all is running nightly according to the summary tab The reason for using the ON status is that im using a KPL button that is configured for "ToggleOn" which is also a controller of a scene that triggers the relay to open/close the garage. This same KPL button is also a responder to another scene that contains the sensor. This setup allows the KPL button to control the control the garage and light up if the garage is open.
  12. Im not sure if this is expected or not but when i query an iolinc that has trigger reverse enabled the sensor (closed) reports as ON when i am expecting to see OFF When i query the iolinc the result of the sensor status is always ON regardless of the physical state of the contact closure Manual trigger of the sensor rectifies this as i would expect. Open sensor = ON Closed sensor = OFF ISY is running 5.0.8
  13. After running some tests i believe i have found the issue and come up with 2 options to fix the missed heartbeat self repair issue. The error lies simply in the else statement of the "Leak Startup Alert" program. I believe that i overlooked a real life test and was simulating missed heartbeats by modifying the variables. While the program worked for startup detection it had a flaw that would repair a missed heartbeat once one was detected. I was trying to minimize the amount of programs needed for this and was trying to initiate the missed heartbeat detection on start and wrongly included this in the else statement of the "Leak Startup Alert" program. I urge anyone that uses the set of programs to run tests of their own to ensure everything is working as expected. Please let me know if you run see any other bugs. Again I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. FIX 1 (dirty fix not recommended) This fix assumes that your leak sensors are in working order and will rely on a heartbeat of the sensor which will start the process of missed heartbeat after a reboot. Simply remove the else statement from the Leak Startup Alert program. Missed heartbeat detection will not be started after a reboot of ISY until a heartbeat is received from the leak sensor FIX 2 (best option) Step 1 modify leak startup alert program to look similar to this and enable to "Run At Startup" Leak Startup Alert - [ID 0083][Parent 008A][Run At Startup] If $iStartup is 0 And ( $sLeakHotWaterTank is 1 Or $sLeakDishwasher is 1 Or $sLeakMasterBathSink is 1 Or $sLeakWashingMachine is 1 Or $sLeakHotWaterTankHB is 0 Or $sLeakMasterBathSinkHB is 0 Or $sLeakDishwasherHB is 0 Or $sLeakWashingMachineHB is 0 ) Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Startup Alert' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Enable this to run at startup. If a leak or missed heartbeat is detected at startup an alert will be sent No further notifications will be sent for pre-existing leaks until the devices send a heartbeat status update Step 2 Create new program for ISYstartup as follows and enable "Run At Startup" ISYStartup - [ID 0086][Parent 008A][Run At Startup] If $iStartup is 0 Then Wait 2 minutes $iStartup = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Enable this to run at startup. This will give your ISY time to boot up and prevent false repairs of missed heartbeats at boot Step 3 Create new program to start missed heartbeat detection on bootup and enable "Run At Startup" Leak Startup Heartbeat - [ID 0084][Parent 008A][Run At Startup] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 15 seconds Run Program 'HotWaterTank - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'Dishwasher - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'MasterBathSink - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'WashingMachine - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Enable this to run at startup. This will kick off missed heartbeat detection at ISY start up If a heartbeat is sent the detection restarts otherwise Missed heartbeat will be sent out 25 hours post startup The wait is needed to allow the isy to boot up and populate the variables. Without the wait the startup alert may not contain the information of the leak sensors status Depending on your ISY the wait period may need to be changed but should remain lower that the wait period specified in the ISY startup program
  14. Been doing sime real life tests which unfortunately take time when heartbeats are involved. Hope to have a fix in next few days. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  15. I got my isy back up and running after the power supply failed. I ran some test and there is a bug in this particular program. It was intended to notify you at isy startup if there was a leak or missed heartbeat and the isy had lost power or rebooted during one of these conditions. I had run a test by leading the battery out of one of my sensors and then powered up the isy after it had been off for almost a week. After 24 hours I got two emails. First email was a notification that the heartbeat was missed and the shortly after that it was repaired. I left things as they were for another 24 hours and got the same two emails. While this is not the intended behavior it's didn't appear to be completely broken. Heartbeats are being detected and notifications are being sent but they are self healing when they shouldn't. Im going to muck around a bit see where I went wrong. I'm terribly sorry to anyone using this setup but for now it might make sense to disable the startup program and perform a test of missed heartbeat. Disabling this program should allow everything else to run as intended but you will certainly not have any notification if your isy reboots during a leak or missed heartbeat Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  16. Fred, I can look into this one but my isy is out of commission for the next few days. It's possible that there is a bug in this particular program. It has been quite a while since I set this up and my memory is a bit foggy in the details. I can say that I did get a missed heartbeat message once that I rectified in the same day. I will try to review the program and get back to you. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  17. Well I was able to locate a similar power supply and it was able to supply power to the isy and it booted up normally. Thankfully it's seems I just need a new power supply. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  18. I think my isy might have failed but I'm not positive how to tell for sure. I know it was working earlier as I was getting notifications earlier in the day. When I look at the isy it seems as if it's not getting enough power. The blue led is on but quite faint. Also the ethernet port link light is also flashing very faintly even when there is no cable connected. When I power valve the unit I don't see the typical leds lighting up just the blue power led which doesn't seem like it's as bright as should be. I'm not sure what else to do since I'm unable to connect to it and it doesn't seem to be booting up at all. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  19. It has been a long while but off the top of my head i think the 2 is for the node wet vs dry or vice versa. Should be interchangeable depending on the node you want to query and how the email is worded. If they are reporting blank it is likely that they have not updated their status yet. Check the console. You could see this after an isy restart and the heartbeat hasn't been sent yet. You can trigger an update by pressing the button on the sensor. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  20. I've done this same thing with 2 garage doors but used the lcd wall control that was provided with opener. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  21. I think I ran into similar issue. I am using pushover for notifications and had errors whenever I added humidity. In my case I think it is due to % symbol. Try using ${1f 70 64 1.clihum.raw} I added a percent sign by apending %25 to the end. ${1f 70 64 1.clihum.raw}%25 Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks, glad you found this useful. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with the smoke bridge so I can't really help on that front. I would think that you would want a new set of programs dedicated for the smoke bridge. Maybe you can use this guide as a framework. It took me quite a bit of time to work this programming out even using belias as a reference. I ran many tests before publishing this. Whatever you do please test all sorts of possible situations considering that the purpose is to protect you home and family. Simulating a leak was rather easy, I don't even know how you would be able to simulate co2 and smoke detection.
  23. DISCLAIMER: BUG discovered in the ISY startup program. If you have this program already please disable it for now while i look into a fix. If you have it you can easily disable it. Disabling this program will allow all other programs to run normally as expected. What you will lose is the detection/notifcation if you have a leak or missed hearbeat condition during an isy boot up. Please also feel free to take a look at the original program from Belias which is what i used as a framework for this package Link to original program by Belias http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/11566-leak-sensors-a-suggested-complete-program-package/page-1 UPDATE: Bug fix is in please see post 41 for details http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15170-leak-sensors-another-suggested-complete-program-package/?p=203477 Firstly I would like to thank Belias for sharing his wonderful leak detection programming. In light of a new discovery about the latest firmware leak sensors I have taken many queues from Belias and heavily modified his programming to suit my needs. It turns out that Smarthome has changed the behavior of the leak sensors where they must be reset manually once a leak has been detected to return the sensor back to a dry status. Be advised that this programming is not designed for early sensors nor has it been tested with them. The programming I have come up with should cover most scenarios including ISY reboots during normal operation or during leaks and missed heartbeats. I have done a fair amount of testing feel that I have covered most scenario but you never know. I have designed this to continually send notifications during leaks as well as when heartbeats are missed. I have configured 2 levels of alerts depending on how long a leak or missed heartbeat has gone unaddressed. How often these notifications are sent should be easily changed depending on your preferences. If you prefer to only have one level of notifications you can choose to omit portions of the program. OK here goes. This is my first guide so please bear with me. This guide assumes your sensors have already been added to you ISY. I have organized my sensors into the following folders and put the respective nodes into the folder accordingly Prep Work: 1. Organize your Sensor Nodes (optional) a. Under the Main Tab create folders as below and put populate with your sensor nodes accordingly b. Root folder = Leak Sensors (contains only subfolders) i. Sub Folder1 = Wet (contains Wet nodes) ii. Sub Folder2 = Dry (contains Dry nodes iii. Sub Folder3 = Heartbeat (contains Heartbeat nodes) 2. Create Empty Programs a. Under the Programs - Details Tab create a new folder called “Leak Detection” b. This folder will contain 1 program for Startup detection and 4 programs for each sensor. c. Name them as follows replacing “Sensorname” with a descriptive name of your sensor i. Startup program = Leak Startup Alert (enable this to run at startup) ii. Program 1 = Sensorname – Heartbeat Missed iii. Program 2 = Sensorname – Heartbeat Repaired iv. Program 3 = Sensorname – Leak Detected v. Program 4 = Sensorname – Leak Repaired 3. Create Variables a. Under the Programs – Variables Tab create 2 STATE variables for each sensor One variable is used for leak while the other is for heartbeat i. Variable 1 = sLeakSensorname ii. Variable 2 = sLeakSensornameHB b. Under the Programs – Variables Tab create 1 INTEGER variable i. Variable = iStartup 4. Create Empty Custom Email Notifications a. Under Configuration – Emails/Notifications – Customizations create 7 customizations for 2 Levels of alerts or 5 customizations for 1 Level of alerts i. Name = Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level 1 ii. Name = Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level 2 (optional) iii. Name = Leak Sensor Water Leak Repaired iv. Name = Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 1 v. Name = Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 2 (optional) vi. Name = Leak Sensor Heartbeat Repaired vii. Name = Leak Sensor Startup Alert 5. Programming: a. Edit the program named “Sensorname” – Heartbeat Missed as follows If Control 'Leak Sensors / Heartbeat / Dishwasher-Heartbeat' is switched On Or Control 'Leak Sensors / Heartbeat / Dishwasher-Heartbeat' is switched Off Then $sLeakDishwasherHB = 1 $sLeakDishwasherHB Init To $sLeakDishwasherHB Wait 25 hours $sLeakDishwasherHB = 0 $sLeakDishwasherHB Init To $sLeakDishwasherHB Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 1' Wait 12 hours Repeat Every 12 hours Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 2' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If a missed heartbeat is detected two types of alerts will be sent (Level 1 and Level 2) The first wait will detect a missed hearbeat, leave this at 25 hours The second wait is the interval between the Level 1 and Level 2 alerts The repeat will continually send Level 2 alerts at the time specified b. Edit the program named “Sensorname” – Heartbeat Repaired as follows If $sLeakDishwasherHB is 1 And $iStartup is 1 Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Heartbeat Repaired' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') c. Edit the program named “Sensorname” – Leak Detected as follows If Status 'Leak Sensors / Wet / Dishwasher-Wet' is On Then $sLeakDishwasher = 1 $sLeakDishwasher Init To $sLeakDishwasher Repeat 6 times Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level 1' Wait 5 minutes Repeat 1 times Wait 25 minutes Repeat Every 30 minutes Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level2' Else $sLeakDishwasher = 0 $sLeakDishwasher Init To $sLeakDishwasher If a leak is detected there will be two types of alerts sent (Level 1 and Level 2) The first repeat should be the amount of Level 1 alerts you would like to receive The first wait is the interval of time that should pass between Level 1 alerts The second repeat is to add an interveal between the last Level 1 alert and the first Level 2 alert The second wait is the interval of time between the last Level 1 alert and the first Level 2 alert *****NOTE***** First wait + Second wait = interval between last Level 1 alert and first Level 2 alert The third repeat will continually send Level 2 alerts at the time specified d. Edit the program named “Sensorname” – Leak Repaired as follows If $sLeakDishwasher is 0 Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Water Leak Repaired' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') e. Edit the program named Leak Startup Alert If $iStartup is 0 And ( $sLeakHotWaterTank is 1 Or $sLeakDishwasher is 1 Or $sLeakMasterBathSink is 1 Or $sLeakWashingMachine is 1 Or $sLeakHotWaterTankHB is 0 Or $sLeakMasterBathSinkHB is 0 Or $sLeakDishwasherHB is 0 Or $sLeakWashingMachineHB is 0 ) Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Leak Sensor Startup Alert' Wait 10 seconds Run Program 'HotWaterTank - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'Dishwasher - Heartbeat missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'MasterBathSink - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'WashingMachine - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Wait 30 seconds $iStartup = 1 Else Run Program 'HotWaterTank - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'Dishwasher - Heartbeat missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'MasterBathSink - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Run Program 'WashingMachine - Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path) Wait 30 seconds $iStartup = 1 Enable this to run at startup. If a leak or missed heartbeat is detected at startup an alert will be sent It will then run the missed heartbeat detection Which will reset the missed heartbeat variables to normal and restart missed heartbeat detection f. Repeat 1-4 for each sensor 6. Customizing the Email alerts: a. Under Configuration – Emails/Notifications – Customizations modify the empty email notifications created in step 4 i. Modify Leak Sensor Water Alert – Level 1 Subject = Level 1 water leak detected at ${sys.node.#.name} Body = This is a Level 1 alert: An initial water leak has been detected A water leak has been detected at the location(s) below with a status value of "On": Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manualy reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) ii. Modify Leak Sensor Water Alert – Level 2 (optional) Subject = Level 2 water leak detected at ${sys.node.#.name} Body = This is a Level 2 alert: An unrepaired water leak has been detected A water leak has been detected at the location(s) below with a status value of "On": Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manualy reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) iii. Modify Leak Sensor Water Leak Repaired Subject = ${sys.program.#.name} Body = A water leak has been repaired Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manually reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) iv. Modify Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert – Level 1 Subject = Level 1 leak sensor missed heartbeat detected at ${sys.node.#.name} Body= This is a Level 1 alert: An initial leak sensor missed heartbeat has been detected. A leak sensor missed heartbeat has been detected at the location(s) below with a status value of "0" Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manualy reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) v. Modify Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert – Level 2 (optional) Subject = Level 2 leak sensor missed heartbeat detected at ${sys.node.#.name} Body= This is a Level 2 alert. An unrepaired leak sensor missed heartbeat has been detected A missed leak sensor heartbeat has been detected at the location(s) below with a status value of "0": Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manualy reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) vi. Modify Leak Sensor Heartbeat Repaired Subject = ${sys.program.#.name} Body = A leak sensor missed heartbeat has been repaired Leak Status Washing Machine: ${sys.node.2E F 25 2.ST} Hot Water Tank: ${sys.node.2E 11 9B 2.ST} Master Bath Sink: ${sys.node.2E 16 B 2.ST} Dishwasher: ${sys.node.2E 17 EB 2.ST} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- Off = No Leak detected (normal status) On = Leak detected No Status = ISY has recently rebooted. Manualy reset sensor or wait for heartbeat ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) vii. Modify Leak Sensor Startup Alert Subject = A leak sensor problem detected at ISY boot Body = A leak sensor problem detected at ISY boot. Please check the affected sensor and reset if no leaks are present Leak Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.18} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.19} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.20} Dishwasher: ${var.2.21} Heartbeat Status Washing Machine: ${var.2.22} Hot Water Tank: ${var.2.23} Master Bath Sink: ${var.2.24} Dishwasher: ${var.2.25} ---Leak Status Key--- 0 = No Leak detected (normal status) 1 = Leak detected ---Heartbeat Status Key--- 1 = Heartbeat detected (normal status) 0 = Heartbeat missed (check battery/communications) Adding Additional sensors 1. Create the 4 programs for the sensor. 2. Add the new sensor to the customized emails 3. Add the new sensor programs to the startup email
  24. I think that this is a pretty neat little project. I have been thinking of something similar and wonder if its possible. Q1. Can i somehow leverage my existing doorbell without losing the actual doorbell chime. Q2. My front door is opaque and does not offer any sight of who is standing there. I would like install some IP cameras around the house with one at the door. Instead of playing an mp3 i would like to pop up the camera web interface on my Windows media center computer which is near the door. It would be great to extend this to other tvs in the house sometime down the road. Im pretty sure this should be possible using the network module as long as i can keep the existing functionality of my doorbell.
  25. I have just placed an order to upgrade some of my insteon network to dual band devices. I am going to be replacing some switches. I have read the wiki and it looks like the replace function requires that the replacement device to be the exact model. Is this true or can the be some slight variants? I understand not being able to replace a switchlinc with q keypad but im hoping that a switchlinc non dual band can be replaced with a switchlinc that is dual band. I'd like to save myself the trouble of having to reprogram my scenes if its not necessary. Please let me know if the replace function will allow me to replace a 2476S with 2477S.
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