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Everything posted by rschneid
Thank you. Much cleaner!!! Converting everything over. Not sure why I was doing that. Its way faster to program this way. Rihc S.
I am executing toggle events via voice and would like a check on the way I am doing it. I am using three programs to control the toggling. It is working reliably . Is my use of disables and waits sensible? I can't remember how I got to this point and I am wondering if there is a better way. MASTER PROGRAM - the only one that I call directly (typically from SIRI -> ProxyServer -> Ruby -> ISY99) If Status 'Fire-Relay' is Off Then Run Program 'fireOn' (Then Path) Else Run Program 'fireOff' (Then Path) TURNS IT ON - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Disable Program 'fire' Set 'Fire-Relay' On Wait 5 seconds Enable Program 'fire' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') TURNS IT OFF If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Disable Program 'fire' Set 'Fire-Relay' Off Wait 5 seconds Enable Program 'fire' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
I posted this msg in the "How are you using..." forum which was probably the wrong place. So I am reposting it here. since then I have added some stuff coming out of the rest error log. Can anyone help me with the right syntax for executing an isy program inside the siriproxy-isy99i.rb file? Here is what I have: listen_for (/celebrate/i) do say "tough love" Rest.get("http://my.verfied.ip:port#/rest/programs/0073/runThen",:basic_auth=>@auth) say "made it past execution line" request_completed end Note I do have SIRI working perfectly for all command nodes (turning lights on and off, scenes etc.). Everything is fine, except I can't run programs. When I execute the url from Firefox it does run the program on my ISY. (light blinks on and off) When I execute the spch command "celebrate" from my 4S, it does say both "tough love" and "made it past execution line", but the isy program does not run properly (at all?). No other msgs coming out of Siri. I have modified some of the parameters and I can get back a connection refused msg from siri if i mess with the auth. So I think that the authorization is working, but I am not sure. Anyone have any suggestions? Rest log showing a good execution from my browser, followed by the error set being generated by the SIRI call 3588833006 0 -170001 [HTTP]>81 3588833006 0 -170001 [HTTP]: GET-->/rest/programs/0073/runThen 3588833006 0 -170001 [HTTP]>81 3588833007 0 -170001 [HTTP] Closing socket normally 3588833115 0 -170001 [HTTP]>81 3588833115 0 -170001 [HTTP]: GET-->/rest/programs/0073/runThen 3588833115 0 -170001 [HTTP] Socket not active#2 3588833115 0 -170001 [HTTP] Closing socket w/failure Thank you Rich S.
It looks like Lockitron solved a number of the issues which were raised in this forum earlier. Power, it will run off batteries OR the door bell ringer line An API is up and it looks like its a simple network resource issue. As anyone implemented this yet or planning on implementing in the near future? Rich S.
I have a split zone house. 2nd floor (bed rooms) is on a heat pump and ac unit. The Basement and 1st floor are on Gas Heat and AC. I have a separate thermostat for each. I have a large robust network running on an ISY994i. I think that the 2441TH will work with the gas/AC. ($140~) I think that I have to get a 2441V + T1800 combination for the heat pump/AC. ( $185~ ) Have I got this right? Any better suggestions out there? Rich S.
Michel, so is there any suggested way to get a batch file to execute on my local PC (yes I know lots of security issues here). So maybe the answer is just plain no. Rich S.
I want to trigger Blue Iris (BI) to take a snapshot on a foscam camera. I can trigger the foscam directly using a web resoure, but blue iris is much faster and speed is critical to me. Not only that but I end up with more flexibility if I get the images and recordings in BI along with everything else that its doing. So I really want to control BI. I have set up a batch file (snapshotcam1) which when executed from the dos/win command line immediately causes BI to take the snapshot and place it in BI's repository. I have also created a jscript which I have placed in the BI webserver, which, when I enter directly into the browser causes the "onload" function to immediately fire the batch file (and take the picture). So far so good. Now when I create the web resource, its not doing anything (at least its not firing the pic) - probably doing other things . Yes I know this is round-about and if someone has a better way to cause BI to save a snapshot from a camera I would like to hear it. Why? Door opens, camera swivels to it, takes one or more pics. Doing this directly to the foscam is taking time. For some reason Foscam will not take pic until some alloted amount of time has passed (10sec?). Thats bad. By that time, what I care about has come and gone. My motion sensors are immediate and the response from the camera to the ISY program is immediate. So I can move the camera where i want right away. So everything is good, but my ability to IMMEDIATELY snap pics (which BI can do) but which I am having lots of trouble controlling from ISY. Suggestions? Rich S.
Ok, so I ordered my first webcam (foscam##). I ordered the network module. I followed advice from previous threads. After about 30 minutes of trial and error I have a program that arms and disarms my foscams motion alarm. I was only able to do this , due to the extensive posts of other users. Anyway its a lot of fun to get it all working and control it! Resources Created, Programs Created, Foscam CGI moderately understand, onwards! Thanks to ISY Thanks to all the other users Rich S.
I am a long time home automation enthusiast. I had lots of x10 stuff. It never really worked great and my wife threatened to divorce me. Round 2 I switched to insteon. My wife no longer wanted to kill me. but stuff never really worked perfectly, especially program related stuff. Finally I added the isy99irpro. I only wish I had not wasted the last 7 years. All of my 80+ devices are working. My wife, wants to clone me now. I have a scene called "Celebrate with Julia". She presses that scene button on her IPHONE and presto all the xmas lights in the back yard come on. She wants to read at night, she presses the "READ with Julia" scene on her IPHONE and presto her living room reading experience is active in style. so the integration of mobilinc with isy99 with zillions of insteon devices and everyone is happy. Me, because I can finally tinker endlessly, my wife because she can control everything (and it works) using her IPHONE. (and ipad if she wants). She does not really care why it works or whats got to go on in the background. Just that it works. Really cant thank you guys enough. Rich S.