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Everything posted by ronvond

  1. OK! Perhaps that means I really, really need the Polisy! Looking for an excuse.
  2. This is what mine looks like:
  3. I'm using v.5.0.16 and I don't see "Wake on Lan". That's from the Configuration tab and all I see is a box for Network Settings. Am I looking in the wrong area? Thanks
  4. How do I get my order in. I’m not seeing a link to an order site. Thanks
  5. I had an issue much like that with an Insteon camera. Power supply failure! Cheap fix. Hope that's your problem as well.
  6. ronvond

    New IP Address

    While using your old router, I'm guessing you set your ISY up with a fixed address. Unfortunately your new router can not connect to your old fixed address. Since you don't have access to your old router, check out a thrift store (Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul) in your area. They usually have a selection of used routers that people donate when they upgrade. Just check the name tag to ascertain it addresses to 10.0.x.x.
  7. ronvond

    New IP Address

    Had the same problem, just going from the 192.168.x.x to 10.0.0.x. Luckily I still had access to the old router. Plug it in to your computer and connect the ISY. From the ISY console access the configuration tab and in the network settings, place a check mark in the Automatic (DHCP) box. Connect back to your new router and you should be able to access ISY. Go back to the Network settings box and select your new fixed address.
  8. Thank you both paulbates and Techman for your help. Ron
  9. Thanks for the advice. I probably never would have found that.
  10. Is it possible, from the ISY console, to print a list of my devices?
  11. I am hoping to upgrade to 5.0.15, but hope to do this with the least possible impact on my system. I am presently using ISY 994i PRO, A10/X10 for Insteon, Portal integration - MobiLinc, Z-Wave. To make this has trouble free as possible I would like to purchase a new replacement ISY 994i loaded with the 5.0.15, new SD card for the ISY, and a new PLM 2413S with version 2.5 if available. Now my question is: can I load the backup from my existing system, remove my existing ISY & PLM, plug in the two new items, and just restart the system. A bit expensive, yes, but if this works I'm thinking I can go back to 4.7.3 if problems arise. Any advice would be most appreciated. Ron VonDrachek
  12. ronvond

    Well pump

    Can your Aeotec be controlled via 4.7.3 or is 5.x.x required?
  13. ronvond

    Well pump

    Does your utility room contain an electrical panel, and perhaps a pressure switch that controls the pump? If that's the case, my guess would be that your existing switch doesn't actually supply power to the pump, but rather to a control relay that sends power to the pump. If so, within the electrical panel you should find the pressure switch is wired in series with your on/off switch. That would mean that there is only a small current flow controlled by the switch.
  14. ronvond

    IOLink 2450

    I was reading product reviews on Amazon. It seems there is a rather high failure rate at about the 12 month point. Have you witnessed anything like that? Thanks Ron
  15. ronvond

    IOLink 2450

    Thanks for your quick reply. I'm hoping someone who is using these, or another, with UDI software 4.7.3 will give a positive report. I know I'll have to upgrade to 5.x.x someday, but my system overall is working great and I hate to mess with success. Again, thank you.
  16. ronvond

    IOLink 2450

    On a number of occasions my garage door, controlled by an Insteon IOLinc 2450 V41, has opened during the night. To date I have lost nothing from my garage, but I am concerned with the un-commanded operation. A few months back I experienced an "All On" event, which caused it to open. I can understand that and assume it may have been triggered by a failing PLM, since the PLM had to be replaced a few weeks later. I have two questions regarding this issue. First: "is there a fix that will prevent this from happening in the future?" Second: I seem to remember sometime back someone mentioned that the 2450 is not a good choice for a garage door control for security reasons and that there was a better option with a Z-Wave device. Does anyone have information on a replacement and will it work with UDI's v 4.7.3? Thanks for any help you can offer Ron
  17. Does the transformer control more than one set of lights, or does each scene have it's own. If it's the latter, why not just use an insteon relay to control power to the transformer?
  18. Change line three to "To Sunrise + 30 minutes (next day)
  19. I've been experiencing problems with my 5-Button KeypadLinc Dimmer. I've done a couple factory resets and that temporarily solves the problem. I've also had it change on it's own from a 6-button to an 8-button device. I have been able to set it back using the instructions in the tech manual. Since I'm losing confidence in this one device I purchased a new "Spare KPL" 2487s to act as it's replacement. The original was a dimmer, but this one is a relay. I didn't need the dimmer function so that is not an issue. Now my question is, how do I painlessly swap the two switches. I thought I saw instructions somewhere where I could use a "replace device" command. Will that work? I'm using ver 4.7.3. The four buttons are used to activate various scenes. Thanks, Ron VonDrachek
  20. I'm right there with you Blackbird. I have a rather extensive assortment of Insteon devices with a few z-wave, being controlled by version 4.7.3. I would like to update to enjoy more of the features of my z-wave devices. I wonder if the 5.x.x. version will ever appear as a standard. "Beta" scares me, even though it appears many are using it successfully. If it's that good, let's get it on the market! Ron
  21. I had exactly the same problem with my outside Christmas lights. I unplugged my z-wave outdoor module, stored it with my lights and the next time I tried to get into the admin console I was locked out. Nothing worked until I dug my Christmas light module out of storage and plugged it back in. I was then able to get into the admin console (4.7.3), disable said module and store it back with the Christmas lights. Everything worked fine after that. Guess you’ll have to search for your missing module! Good luck Ron
  22. ronvond

    Is my PLM done

    If you have a light on the PLM, but nothing on the ISY, perhaps the power supply to the ISY is gone. Or are you saying your router light is out going to the ISY from your router. Try changing the ethernet cable first. Cheap fix!
  23. This may be only a coincidence, but I too had an issue with my admin console shutting down immediately after I logged in. This happened repeatedly. I’ve made no changes to my system, other than taking down my outside Christmas lights which were controlled via a GE ZW4201 smart switch. I simply unplugged the smart switch and put it in the box for next year. No other changes were made. I dug the switch out of its storage box, plugged it back in to an outlet, and logged into ISY with no issues. From there I located the smart switch, disabled same, and put it back in storage. Can’t explain why that happened, but everything is now back to normal.
  24. Thank you for your help. I tried that this morning and I'm happy to say my system is 100% once again. Couldn't do it without all the help I get from this site. Merry Christmas All. Ron
  25. Thanks. I'll try that in the morning.
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