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Everything posted by ronvond

  1. The tree shows main plus A,B,C,D. I didn't read as far as converting from 8 button to 5, since it is already identified in my ISY as having 5.
  2. I recently replaced my 2413S PLM and "almost" everything went smoothly. I do have 15 insteon wireless devices which had to be restored individually but other than time involved there were no issues. My only problem was restoring my 5 button 2334.233 switch. This switch has been in service for a couple years and no problems noted until I changed the PLM and did the "Restore Modem", "Restore Devices", with the automatic writes to devices turned on . Prior to the change-out, the upper button was the Porch Light On control and the lower button was the Off control. The A, B, C, D buttons controlled the garage door, patio spot light, back door heated mat, front door heated mat. After the update the switch turned into an 8 button switch. The left side of the upper button (1) toggles the porch light on and off. The right side of the button controls nothing. And the lower, or "OFF" portion of the switch controls nothing. I first did an individual "Restore Device" to the switch, followed by "Write updates to device". This had no effect. I next did a factory reset as outlined in the service manual. Just as a test I tried the buttons on the switch before proceeding. Nothing worked, just as planned. I next did a "Restore Device" and "Write updates to device". The switch returned to the state it was in before the factory reset. A, B, C, and D buttons all worked as required. The left hand side of the "ON" switch still toggles the porch light on / off. Is there a simple way to turn this switch back into a 5-button model? One final note: The UDI interface identifies the switch as a "(2334-2) KeypadLinc Dimmer 5 Buttons v.43. The data on the switch lists a 2334.233, Rev 7.2, 4014. Thanks for any help, Ron
  3. Using the new motion sensor II and UDI 4.7.3 I have my sensor set for "ON" only. The lights are then turned off under program control. See below: Bedroom Motion Right - [ID 001E][Parent 0001] If ( Status 'Bedroom / MS-2-Sensor' is On And From 10:30:00PM To Sunrise (next day) ) Then Set 'Bedroom / Under Bed Lites' Fast On "Under Bed Lites" is set with a ramp rate of 1 minute allowing a slow dimming of the lights on shut off. Wait 5 minutes Set 'Bedroom / Under Bed Lites' Off Else Wait 5 minutes Set 'Bedroom / Under Bed Lites' Off The "Else" statement may seem redundant, but if the lights are turned on manually they would never turn off. With the ELSE statement, the next time they sense motion, the 5 minute countdown would start. Obviously the "5 minute" timing could be changed to whatever is convenient for you. Hope this helps. Ron
  4. I had the same problem when I switched ISP's. Totally different addresses then you mention. In my case it was 192.168.1.xxx with a fixed address for the ISY. My new ISP used 10.0.0.xxx. Using the old router I accessed the ISY and set it's address to DHCP instead of a fixed address, then connected to the new router and rebooted both the ISY and router. New router found the ISY and from that point I just set up a new fixed address. Hope this helps, Ron
  5. Have you recently changed routers? If your system is like mine, you probably have a fixed address for your ISY. Your new router isn't aware of the address.
  6. That's normal operation if you have only LED Christmas lights on the circuit. Plug in a small, 7 watt incandescent into the same circuit and everything will be fine.
  7. My sump pump is plugged into a Synchro-Linc I also monitor my sump pump, using just a Synchro-Linc and the following program\\ Program One. Pump Run Counter If Status “Basement / Sump Monitor is ON Then $Pump_Run_Counter += 1 Else No actions Program Two. Sump Pump Reset If Time is 12:00:00AM Then $Daily_Run = $Pump_Run_Counter $Pump_Run_Counter = 0 Else No actions ​The program allows me to see how often the pump ran the previous day by viewing the $Daily_Run variable, as well as how often it ran today using the $Pump_Run_Counter variable.
  8. I apologize for my post. I already have the UDI icon on my desktop. It's my 2864-232 outdoor camera that requires a browser.
  9. Can you explain the "stand alone" icon
  10. Thanks for the info on the "restore PLM" as an easy fix. I should have known better since I've had to replace two PLM's over the years and it is a lengthy process. Even with the PRO version.
  11. Would there be an adverse effect if I did a "restore PLM" as the first step. It seems easier than disabling all the programs as a first step.
  12. John, I am by no means an expert at programming, but I too have a sump pump in my finished basement. Obviously a pump failure would be disastrous. I use two INSTEON devices to monitor the pump. I start with a 2423A5 SynchroLinc that merely monitors the pump starts. Very simple program follows: IF Status 'Sump Monitor' (2423A5) is 100% THEN $Pump_Run_Counter += 1 ELSE no actions The program keeps track of runtime over a 24 hour period. At midnight each day the following program runs: IF Time is 12:00:00 AM THEN $Daily_Run = $Pump_Run_Counter $Pump_Run_Counter = 0 (This is the reset for the next day) ELSE no actions Located adjacent to my sump pit is a 2852-222 Leak Sensor that sends me a text message if it senses liquid. The only other item sitting next to my sump pit is a spare pump. If you don't have a spare, there's little point in monitoring! At any time during the day I can check in via MobiLinc HD on my iPhone to see the last time the pump ran, and how often it is cycling on and off. Happy New Year, Ron
  13. It's Working!!! OK, so here's the story. And it's a long one. I tried all the suggestions, but could not get my OutletLinc to clear. I must say that it did respond to commands from the ISY and the various scenes. But I could not get rid of the green 1011 indicator. "Restore Device" and "Write Updates" had no effect. I probably should mention that at no time did I get a "Fail to communicate" error message and both of the above procedures appeared to run properly on the OutletLinc #2473. Finally, in desperation, I removed the OutletLinc from its scene, then from its folder, and finally deleted it from the ISY. I performed a Factory Reset, added it as a new device, and finished by adding it back to its scene. The PLM firmware is v9.e. Thank you to everyone that helped.
  14. Good call on moving the LampLinc. I plugged it into the same circuit as the PLM, did a "Write Updates" and everything was fine. I moved it back to the original location, did "Write Updates" again and it still looks good. Thank you for that tip. The OutletLinc is supplying power to a 12 volt transformer for my landscape lights. It's always worked fine in the past. I'll try temporarily changing to an incandescent load tomorrow and see what happens.
  15. No, they are not on the same circuit, and carrying that thought one step further, there are other devices on the each of the circuits with these two devices that are working fine. I'm also reasonably certain that it is not a phase bridging problem since I have numerous devices in my home.
  16. I received and installed my new PLM, and "almost" everything seems fine. I have an OutletLinc (2473) and a LampLinc (B2457D2) that have a green 1111 next to them. I've tried "Restoring Device" and "Write Updates to Device" numerous times but it doesn't change the results. If anyone has thoughts on how I might proceed with these two items I'd be most grateful. The information on the new PLM is: 43.A6.EE, 2413S, V2.2, 1635. Regards and Merry Christmas to all, Ron
  17. Again, thank you for all the help. Does upgrading to the PRO version, require any hardware changes, or is this just a program change. Are there any preparations I should make before upgrading to PRO? I'm sorry if these are very basic questions, but I'd rather not create more problems then I'm solving by upgrading.
  18. I did as you suggested and ran the PLM link table command. I did this numerous times and never got the same amount twice. I had a low of 28 and a high of 475. Since the unit is still under waranty I contacted Smarthome and they are sending out a new PLM. This leads me to another query. I've used the Restore Modem command when I installed the current modem about a year ago, and it was a lenghtly process due to the many battery powered switches in my system. I read something about being able to disable this problem in the PRO version of ISY994i. My question then is if it would be possible to update my system to the PRO version. And if so, can you tell me what all is required? Thanks for all your help. Ron
  19. By the reboot, I assume you mean unplugging both. Plugging the PLM in, waiting a minute, and then plugging in the ISY. Right?
  20. My problems have now progressed to the point where I cannot control devices from the ISY console. I'm getting a fail to communicate message for some of the devices. My PLM is less than six months old so hoping this is not the problem. Would it help to "Restore Modem", or would this just be a waste of time?
  21. Thanks for your response. I should have noted that the lamps would only respond to a "fast on" command. The regular "off" command worked fine. If it's of any use, the PLM is a 2413S, V2.1, 1543
  22. Over the last few days I've had sporadic communication problems with my switchlincs, lamplincs, outlet lincs. When viewing my individual modules, all the dimmer capable units are showing a ramp rate of 9 minutes. They were originally set at minimum ramp rate. I tried unplugging both the PLM and ISY994i, waiting one minute, plugging the PLM in, waiting another 10 seconds before plugging in the ISY. I thought this might reset the problem. No luck! The PLM, my second, is only about six months old so I'm assuming it hasn't failed. I'm am showing a green lite on the PLM and one blue lite on the ISY. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance, Ron
  23. Thank you. That was the answer.
  24. I just updated from 4.5.1 to 4.5.4. I next cleared the Java cache and went to http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.5.4/admin.jnlp to download the newest UI. This does work and shows both the firmware and UI are 4.5.4. Unfortunately I don't get an icon for the desktop, so each time I have to go to the above mentioned address. Thank you for your help, Ron
  25. My under bed lighting is used a little differently than yours, but this program should work fine if you just change the timing. I do not use a scene, but just the program. The lighting is controlled by a dimmer module that has its ramp rate set to 60 seconds. I use "Fast On" to turn the lights on and then have them fade out. If ( Status ‘Bedroom / Bedroom Motion-Sensor’ is On And From 10:30PM To Sunrise (next day) ) Then Set ‘Bedroom / Under Bed Lites’ Fast On Wait 5 minutes Set ‘Bedroom / Under Bed Lites’ Off Else Wait 5 minutes Set ‘Bedroom / Under Bed Lites’ off Ron With this program the lights will not fail to turn off after five minutes regardless of when they are turned on.
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